
Shadowbound Conquest

In an attempt to regain a regular life after a horrible past, a young man finds himself thrown into a world full of magic and extraordinary powers. Unfortunately, disaster still haunts him when he realizes that magic does not exist in him. Weakness is unacceptable in this harsh environment, and catastrophes that remind him of the past happen and spark a brutal journey of revenge. Forced into the darkness by destiny, he starts on a journey of revenge that makes him hunted around the world. The journey ends in conquering, whether he conquers the enemy, or the enemy conquers him. A war between light and darkness develops, challenging the strength of character and the limits of a given destiny. Can he, who merely wants a normal life, take vengeance with his power, knowledge, wealth, and life? Can he accomplish victory despite having to fight enemies without losing himself in a dark game full of malicious intrigue? ***** [A/N: The cover is mine, it's original.] Find official illustrations for my novels here: https://linktr.ee/FictionFalcon

Fiction_Falcon · Fantasy
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15 Chs

The Beginning (Part 5)

What did Mr. Alex just say? Summoning magic? At this school? Of all places in the world, why it's here? Shouldn't I immediately evacuate the entire school now?

"Calm down, Avia, this is not like you. Hey, explain in more detail what you said earlier."

"Yo, Evan, how's your dream life here at the school going? Do you enjoy spending time with plenty of women? Also, you look like a geek with a hairstyle like that, why don't you follow my new hairstyle?"

"I was very satisfied and happy with my school life until you came this morning, dammit. I don't go to school to find girls, so you don't have to be cool and answer my questions!"

Ahh, it seems like Evan really doesn't like his friend, especially since the conversation just now only adds to his irritation. Should I lighten the mood here? Should I serve us drinks?

"I have to start from where to explain yes, from the beginning or..."

"From the beginning, as clearly as possible, without missing any important detail."

Drinks are not important for now, what is important is Mr. Alex's explanation of the upcoming situation.

"Well, as you know, the government is still continuing several projects related to other worlds even now, although they are all kept secret from the general public because past incidents had a bad impact on the government's reputation."

"Yeah, I know that. Even though they didn't make anything and just spent a lot of money until now, that's why I refuse to invest there."

"You're right about all their failures, but three months ago they succeeded in making a tool that could predict the appearance of magic in this world, they were even able to cooperate with those stubborn and greedy special people."

"Oh, I didn't expect the government to be able to get those fucking people to cooperate with them. What did the government offer that made them want to do it?"

"I don't know because it's not important, what's important here are their findings. The prototype that was found was refined quickly and completed last week, there were a total of four tools created, and I have one in my hand."

What are these two talking about? I can't understand it, the government project is still there. Even after an accident that killed millions of people, how did you find out? Also, what is the true identity of the two of you, especially you, Evan? What are you hiding from me?

Avia. Are you curious about my identity? I'm sorry, but it will only get you into more trouble if you find out. Furthermore, the summoning magic that will take place later is now more crucial. Could you please calm down?

"Okay, Evan. I'm sorry, it's because this whole conversation was too shocking for me, and my mind can't process it well right now."

It appears that he understood my thoughts. This is very depressing. Evan is Evan and will always be Evan, no matter what happened in the past or what will happen in the future.

"There's no need to apologize for that, Avia, because this news is indeed surprising and..."

"Hey, lovey-dovey couple, should I continue or are you going to keep making out in front of me?"

"Kuhhum, sorry, Mr. Alex, you can continue your explanation."Ahhhh, it turns out showing off affection in front of other people is more embarrassing than imagined, but how can other people do this so easily? I want to get out of here now!!!

"Wait a minute, how could you have one of those important tools? Did you manage to borrow it?"

"What are you saying, Evan? Of course I stole it, why borrow it when you can steal it?"

"Ah right, I forgot that you're the biggest ashole that I know, are they chasing you?"

"Of course not, I did it carefully and cleaned up all the traces I left behind. Now back to the main topic, this technology has been thoroughly evaluated by experts and has proven to be effective. It can detect various magical phenomena based on a database derived from those people's experiences, so the results are 84% accurate."

Is he saying that he stole from the government? How did he do it? Shouldn't it have very tight security considering its function?

"If you knew there would be a phenomenon here, wouldn't they know it too?"

"The other tools are very far from this school, the range of this tool is only 1000 km. So when I was about to come to show off my stolen device, this device suddenly turned on and detected a magical phenomenon that would occur here."

"Where is that tool now?"

"I kept it in this school's safe before coming to you this morning. The safe is exceedingly hard to break into. I do admire Mrs. Hampton. Ahh, don't worry, I didn't take anything, I just left my belongings."

In front of the director, how could he have said something like this about breaking into the school safe? Is he insane? Wait, he is insane because he stole from the government.

"You bastard, why did you do that? Do you want to involve the school in your problem?"

"Obviously not, I'm not that mean to bring innocent people into it. I have also made the safe more secure so that nobody will be able to break into it. I have sent you how to open it, just open the message I gave you."

"You broke into the safe, so how could I thank you? How many persons are aware of and have access to the school's safe, Avia?

"The principal and I are the only two individuals who are aware of that. The security procedure will be modified each time a new director or principal is appointed. That's why I was surprised to hear that the safe could be broken into like that."

"I've sent you the method, Avia." So currently, there are three people who know how to enter the safe, you should also discuss this with the principal so there's no panic."

"Okay, I'll do it later, so what should we do now? Should I order the evacuation of the entire school?"

"Mrs. Hampton, I don't think it would help; it would just create panic. The device indicated that the entire island would be affected by the magic that will appear. This school is on an island in the middle of the ocean, while there are only a few ships anchored and ready to sail. Let's take the positive side, if it's a portal to be summoned to another world, aren't we lucky because we experienced what many people dream of, they even took their own lives so they could go to another world?"

There really isn't another option if you consider it that way. Even if we requested that a ship be brought in, the process of evacuating the entire school would undoubtedly take a long time at best, seven or eight hours. With so many classrooms here, the ships that are available are not even sufficient to evacuate the kids from three classes.

"Don't associate me with those people, I'm just trying to live peacefully here and not get involved in conflicts in other worlds. Too many variables might arise after being summoned to another world, also, what if it was a portal that summoned strange creatures to this world?"

"Ahh, I forgot, the device detects summoning magic, with 72% calling to another world and the rest calling into this world. Who knows what will happen, but with a percentage like that, can't we assume that someone will be summoned to another world?"

"Did you also forget that there's a 28% chance of a deadly monsters coming here? So what are you going to do about this, Avia? Evacuate some of the students here or face it?"

"You know it too, Evan. Evacuation is impossible, and we can only face it, it's also best to keep this a secret because if we tell everyone there will be panic, even though they will find out later, the panic and chaos that will occur will be smaller than if we tell them now."

"You're right, even if we gather everyone in one place, it doesn't guarantee that magic circles won't appear there. I'm becoming hungry from this discussion. Would you like to eat now?"

"Of course, this intense conversation has made me hungry as well. I'll ask the server to deliver food in this room. Evan, what would you like to eat?"

"Any food, as long as it is delicious and has a large portion, will fill me."

"Well, what about you, Mr. Alex?"

"Oh Wow, what a nice woman, you invited me to lunch! You have my support, sister-in-law. Ruinart Rosé Champagne and Uni Caviar Carbonara are what I'd like to have.

"What makes you agree to it? It's just a joke, and you should get out of here now."

Ahh, what did he say? Sister-in-law? We both don't have that kind of relationship, but I still like to hear it. But it seems that Evan doesn't like eating with his friend. What actually happened to make their relationship like this?

"Well, Evan, we still have to thank Mr. Alex for telling us important news, so let's eat together. Ahh, I'll call Amel too, because it looks like she'll be finished soon."

"I don't mind having Amel, but this guy is too annoying, just look at his always smiling face as if he saw all this as interesting."

"No, no objection, Evan. Let's eat together in peace and build a more harmonious relationship."

His unhappy expression resembles that of a child whose parents refused to give him toys. This is such a cute picture of him. Ahh, Avia, concentration. I have to inform Amel to come over here so we can eat together and place my order right away.