
Shadow Monarch in One Piece world

We follow the journey of Ash, a man from Earth who is reincarnated as a child in the world of One Piece with the powers of the Shadow Monarch. Join him on his quest to dominate this world.

Igris_69 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
22 Chs

first fight

I would like to thank you in advance for reading my book, even if you don't like it, thank you very much, I will do my best, with the help of certain things, to make this book a minimum of good.


I found myself face to face with a majestic wolf, whose deep black fur blended into the darkness of the night that enveloped the pirate ship's deck. The silvery glow of the moon on its fur gave it a mysterious and captivating aura. Its piercing gaze and sharp fangs demonstrated the full power of this wild animal.

A palpable tension filled the ship. The crew and onlookers watched silently as this encounter unfolded between the human and the formidable predator. The wolf's eyes gleamed with wild intelligence, showing that it was a formidable opponent. It was like a character from a dark tale, an imposing creature whose mere presence sent shivers of terror down the spine.

My heart pounded in my chest as my mind focused on every movement of the animal. I was filled with an inexplicable energy, as if I were becoming the protagonist of a fantastic story. The boundary between reality and fiction seemed to blur, plunging me into a world where destiny confronted me with this legendary creature who was, in fact, just a wolf... but then, wasn't I the protagonist of this story?

The wolf growled, blending its roars with the whispers of the wind. Each heavy exhale created spirals of vapor in the cold night air. I noticed the wolf's powerful muscles tense, ready to launch its attack. Its movements were fluid and agile, defying the laws of gravity. I leaped to the side just in time, feeling the air brush against my skin as the wolf passed by me. A strange energy surrounded me, guiding my movements and amplifying my strength.

Adrenaline surged within me as I got back on my feet, ready to counter-attack. Each of my actions was more fluid, more precise, as if I were in harmony with my entire body. I felt the power of my weapon vibrating in my hands, and I knew I was ready to face this monstrous challenge.

The wolf feinted to the right and then lunged at me unpredictably. Its disconcerting agility defied all logic; it was like a graceful dancer in the darkness, playing with my perception of reality. I tried to touch it with my blade, but it was too fast. Its claws grazed my cheek, leaving a slight cut that reminded me of the constant threat that loomed over me.

I took a deep breath, focusing on the present moment. The fantastical tales I had read in my youth seemed to come to life in this epic battle. The whispers of ancient heroes and the songs of bards resonated in my mind, fueling my determination to fight against this supernatural creature.

The wolf fiercely resisted, defending its position as the supreme predator. But I refused to falter, to succumb to the terror that could have overwhelmed me. The stories of courage and bravery I had stored up over the years inspired me, giving me the strength to stand firm.

Each blow struck was a test of endurance. My arms grew heavy with fatigue, but I refused to give up. I would tap into my reserves of willpower and courage, using every ounce of my determination to hold my ground against this imposing creature.

The wolf showed signs of weakness, its movements becoming less precise, less powerful. I felt that I was gaining the upper hand, but I also knew I had to remain focused until the end. One mistake could be fatal.

And as expected, that mistake happened. The wolf seized the opportunity of my distraction to bite my arm violently. The pain was intense, a burning and freezing sensation at the same time, but my determination did not waver. I used that moment as my only chance, channeling my anger and frustration into one final effort.

I gathered all my strength to deliver a decisive blow. Time seemed to slow down, the wolf's movements becoming blurred and unreal due to my exhaustion. Then, with a precise motion, I plunged my blade into its flank. A cry of pain mixed with ferocity escaped its jaws, a roar of agony that resonated within me.

The wolf collapsed onto the ship's deck, defeated. Its massive body lay there, tangible proof of my victory. A respectful silence fell, all eyes fixed on me. I was out of breath, my body covered in sweat and wounds, but a wave of triumph washed over me. I had overcome the unthinkable, triumphed over a formidable creature that could have come straight out of a legend.

*** Captain's Point of View ***

The captain observed the scene with a satisfied smile stretching across his lips. He had witnessed this epic duel, fascinated by the courage displayed by the young fighter. It wasn't every day that he saw someone defy such a formidable wolf with such determination.

"Well done, lad!" he exclaimed in a booming voice, his cry echoing across the ship's deck. "You have shown exemplary courage. Come to me and choose your reward!"

The young fighter approached the captain, his eyes filled with apprehension and incomprehension. The captain presented him with a series of rewards, precious objects and sparkling treasures. Each one seemed more enticing than the last.

However, the young fighter seemed uninterested in these material riches. He shook his head with determination, his eyes gleaming with a defiant spark.

"I choose the dagger," he declared, pointing at the weapon among all the offerings.

The captain furrowed his brow, surprised by this seemingly insignificant choice. He had hoped the young man would succumb to the temptations of wealth or alcohol, that he would be easily swayed. But it was clear that this fighter was different, driven by deeper and more personal motivations.

"Very well," the captain said with an enigmatic tone. "Take your dagger. You will have the opportunity to carve your own path on this ship. I sense that you are destined to accomplish great things."

Unfortunately for him, Ash, our protagonist, had no intention of spending his entire life on this ship filled with scum.

*** back to Ash POV***

I was surprised by the different rewards offered. I had the choice between an all-you-can-eat meal, a dagger, unlimited alcohol for three days, or a day of rest. Without hesitation, I opted for the weapon.

"I'll take this," I declared before quickly stepping away. I didn't want to linger with this individual; I preferred to save our encounter for the moment when I would have to challenge him. However, as I approached him, I began to question my assessment of his strength. Had I underestimated his power until now, or perhaps was I mistaken?

Back among the "slaves" like myself, I noticed the old man, visibly worried. I must admit that I, too, felt a certain unease about myself. How was my injury? I examined my arm and was surprised to find it in perfect condition, without a single cut. My body seemed to be healing rapidly, an astonishing ability that gave me a sense of increased strength. With my dagger in hand, I now felt capable of striking down the wolf with a single shot.


I think some people thought that the wolf was going to become his first shadow, but no, he's got a long way to go before that, he has to get stronger first, I'm sorry.

thank to read !


quoi feur

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