
Shadow Academy 影

Young_Sammy · แฟนตาซี
2 Chs


Two thousand years ago three supreme dities created the universe start ,an energy source in form of a diamond, using there own life force. The capabilities of the star were limitless but overall it could grant an desire but with a price.A thousand years later the star was placed in the shrine of shadows under the protection of the shiragiku clan . Following the sudden death of the clans leader with no chosen successor ,the clan was in shambles and a long term dispute took place, the two heirs shinji and shikaku conflicted in there views ,shikaku wanted to rule the empire instead of the empiril government because he believed his clan was special as the universe star was placed in the care of his clan , and on the other hand Shinji wanted to continue serving under the empire and silvers royal family in order to maintain the already existing peace. Those who like shikaku's ideologies followed him and the remaining followed shinji ,this was the decline of the shiragiku clan and the birth of two new clans , the "shadow clan "led by shirji and the "Ashura clan " led by shikaku . The two clans fought for three years with the shadow clan claiming victory in every battle. filled with rage shikaku tried to take the universe star from the shrine of shadows, as he was about to take it he saw an old ritual curved on the shrine walls ,this ritual was the " ritual of dities " a ritual that allowed a human to summon a supreme or demi god . Because magic was not a known concept during this era shikaku used the universe star as a catalyst for the ritual and because of his heart being filled with hatred and confusion he summoned Amatsu "the god of chaos " with whom he made a blood contract. Being unfit to control the power of chaos his body and soul was consumed and chaos took over and manifested in the human world.

"With my power and the power of the star infused in my new body no one can stop me not even the two supreme dities left can defeat me" chaos said . In less than an hour chaos destroyed half of the continent ( 5 empires each consisting of 15 kingdoms with over 15000 people each), he turned half of the humans there into demons and foot soldiers . Because of Amatsu's rampage Ellena goddess of light (light spirit) and kuroyuri god of death (shinigami king) sealed eleven elite demi gods in eleven swords which were given to eleven worthy warriors . The swords would allow the warriors to use the powers and abilities of the demi gods(jins/giens) which were sealed in them. Although the warriors became powerful,they only managed to reduce choas's strength by 20% Lossing seven of the eleven warriors and incurring more causalities in the process . Knowing that man kind could not defeat the being of madness (chaos ) standing Infront of them, the two remaining supreme dities decided to join the fight to save man kind . Realizing that chaos could not be defeat even with the combined strength of the supreme dities, Ellena and Kuroyuri decided to uses there remaining life force as a catalyst for sealing chaos within the universe start which became part of his new body . Chaos was finally stopped after an eight hour long battle and nearly wiping out half of humanity. Ellena and Kuroyuri gave the humans the ability to use magic incase they needed to defend themselves and later life energy of Ellena and Kuroyuri started to disappear . Shinji being one of the survivors among the eleven warriors decided to give his body as a vessel for Kuroyuri,on the other hand the queen of the land of ice gave her body as a vessel for the goddess Ellena . After the war shinji married the princess of the silvers royal family of the land of wind and was made kings ,this was in order to pass down the shinigami king's power to the next generation. On the other hand the land of ice became more fearce because it's king and military were already a force to be reckoned with and now with it's queen bearing the power of the goddess, it became one of the most feared kingdoms in the empire

Many years passed since the war of chaos , peace was finally restored and with the new gift of magic the human race became more progressive and was now more capable of protecting itself. The creation of the first magic academy "Shadow Academy"founded by the late king shinji inspired other nations and empires to form there own institutions. Shadow Academy was formed to train future generations to learn magic and try to create there own forms of magic with most being able to make uses of spirits as a source of magical energy and a fewer being able to uses jins/giens "Demi gods sealed in swords that grant the user the strength and power almost equal to that of a god "one must form a pact with the jin allowing it to posses the user . Jins are categorized as either light and dark . Users with this power would have been the most feared if not for the fewer with the exception of royal blood as the could borrow the power of the supreme dities based on the ability to withstand such power.....