
Shadow Academy 影

Young_Sammy · Fantasy
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2 Chs

⚫ Enrollment part one⚫

Hugo :"Hmmm never thought I'd be here "

(Students chatting)

" This place looks like a pain in the ass , only been here for a minute and I can see this place is full of nobles too weak for real battle " ('tsk') "and to think these idiots are taking part in the entrance exams." Hugo looked at them with disappointment.

(Bell rings)

"Attention! " "Alll gathered here have come to prove their capability and worthiness to enter the prestigious 'Shadow Academy '. Each and everyone of you must be able to use at least 'C' level or higher magic spells or must be to summon a blade spirit also know as a Jin in order to be enrolled "said sir Ernest XI in a commanding voice

(Crowd mamering)

"By the way don't get your hopes up on summoning high level jins , being only first years you may summon level five or lower ."said sir Ernest XI

Shiro: I can definitely summon higher than level five plus if I summon.

Something lower how will I impress the ladies"

Kassemi: I've waited thee years for this, it's time to show them what I can do

Hiro: I'm doing this since mother insisted and not for that old fool

Sir Hendrix: interesting crowed we have this year isn't it Ernest

Sir Ernest: I couldn't agree more

Sir Hendrix: I can see the prince of house silver, Hugo and the son of 1st Division knight commander , Kassemi

Sir Ernest : prince of house rose shiroya and 3rd prince of house Naga hirofumi

Sir Hendrix: quite the interesting crowed indeed

⚫*5 minutes later*⚫

"It seems everyone this year has passed the magic affinity test , it seems like magic is getting relatively easy with the newer generation, u can go into the hall and collect your uniforms now, but those who wish to summon blade spirits the time is now each of you must stand on one of the alters and instructions will follow! "said sir Ernest XI in a commanding voice.

(Crowd mamering)

Girl in crowd No1: "I'm ok with passing in the magic affinity test I don't need to mess up my performance with failing the Jin exam."

Girl in crowd No2: "she's right I'm ok with my pass mark"

(More mamering in the crowd)

Sir Hendrix: if you are fine with your outcome go in the hall and collect your uniform , the Jin summoning exam is not compulsory it's only for those who wish to use jins

Sir Ernest XI: so who's first?

Hugo : step aside old man it's time to show these losers who's stronger

Clara : Hugo still as cocky as ever

Hugo : shut it , I'm stronger and you know it .

Sir Ernest XI: Don't get too confident prince Hugo.

Hugo : let's just get this over with .

Sir Ernest: just infuse your ki in the alter and the rest will fall in place .

*Breathes in and out infusing his ki slowly * "prince of the kingdom of wind 2nd son of house silver , a direct decendant of the goddess of light summons you , come and appear! " Hugo shouts in a commanding voice.

(Crowd mamering)

Boy in crowd No1: "this kid is just too cocky does he realize he is trying to summon a real life demi god "

⚫ Suddenly goes dark ⚫

Mysterious Loud voice (Jin):" I am the the imperial sword Ace one of the

eleven supreme swords used in the war of chaos , I have chosen you among all here as I see you worthy of the power of the 'fire god' ."

Hugo : so how do I complete the contract?

Mysterious voice (Jin): to turn me into my sword form say these words "all things turn to ash imperial sword Ace " this will also be the trigger, if you require 'fire kage'(Jin equip ) a form in which I posses your soul in order to grant you a power that rivalling most gods ."

Hugo : I understand, now all things turn to ash imperial sword Ace!

⚫Waves of fire surround the area ⚫

Sir Ernest XI: well I'll be damned he summoned one of the eleven

Sir Hendrix: we got ourselves a prodigy

(Crowd mamering):how is this possible

Sir Ernest XI: all those summoning jins begin now!

Shiro:I don't need all that drama so let's cut the crap, I already know which blade spirit I want to summon because it's been calling unto me for some time now .

Clara: another overconfident one huh

Shiro: darling just sit and watch

Clara : did he just call me "darling"

Shiro : prince of the earth kingdom, 5th son of house rose , decendant of goddess of light Ellena. Summons you "rise Spade"

⚫ Goes dark ⚫

Jin(spade):"huh" who dears wake me up from my ...

Shiro: shut the fxxk up .

Jin(spade): at least you can let me do my intro first!

Shiro : does it matter

Jin(spade): not really but it makes me look cool

Shiro: again doesn't matter as long as I look cool Infront of the ladies. "Now let them tremble before me and my might legendary earth spear spade!"

⚫ A short earthquake occurs ⚫

Sir Ernest XI: did you see that another one managed to summon one of the eleven, we have two prodigies,

Sir Hendrix : (this is new two prodigies each with one of the eleven) Ernest don't count your eggs before they hatch, we may have more prodigies this year after all "he hasn't summoned his Jin yet "

Sir Ernest XI:you are right as always Hendy


i decided to use dialogue for this because most people (average persons)get confused with the usual novel fomart when too many characters are involved in a conversation

⚫ next chapter coming out on Saturday ⚫

Young_Sammycreators' thoughts