
Log Thirteen: Third Wheel

I don't own Street fighter

On the cusp of Day 17... so yeah still day 16

The door to the apartment opened, and Colonel Guile entered with Jay, Sammy, Pammy, and Sierra the Cat entered… Jay looking significantly more tired than expected. Dragging his feet as Pammy put Sierra down and she darted between Guile's powerful legs, he watched her for a second as she darted off into the apartment to look around Sammy and Pammy soon skipped in after Sierra, bouncing and jiggling as their coats were tossed away. Leaving them in their patriotic bikinis like they were about to dive into the sea to explore the military apartment.

"You can stay here for now." Guile said ignoring the gratuitous pawg clone booty bouncing around. "Feel free to use it however you please, but remain here until further notice. If you need anything call the office on that phone. There's a list of important numbers." He pointed to a phone as Jay nodded his head and slumped onto the couch tiredly. "I should be back later with supplies, maybe company."

"Thank you Colonel Guile."

"You're welcome son." He replied politely, before eyeing the girls playfully exploring, then Jay. "…We'll send you some proper clothes."

"…Thank you sir." Jay said sheepishly as Colonel Guile stomped out of the apartment and quietly closed the door. He then released a huge sigh of relief… until he remembered he still smelled like sexy blonde. So he pulled himself off the couch. "Bwah?!" and was suddenly attacked from behind Sammy wrapping her arms around his shoulders and yanking him back onto the couch before kissing his cheek from behind. "Sammy come on I'd like to take a shower at least…" he responded tiredly as Sammy seemed to approve of the idea, flipping over the back of the couch and landing her big shapely soft backside on his lap. "OOF!" he grunted.

Pammy had been laying on one of the three beds in the apartment granted to them, Sierra had been pawing adorably about around and then on Pammy, resting on her toned stomach and her face between her breasts… but the slightest sound of Jay's technical discomfort alerted her, shooting up right and catching Sierra as she rolled down her stomach. Carefully putting her aside, and stomping towards the couch. She pouted at her sister who with her arms around Jay's neck and pulling his his face into her chest, smiled back at her sister as if to say-


Pammy then grabbed at her sister Sammy's hands pulling them off and her sister towards her which only trapped 'poor' Jay between two sexy nubile bodies as they once again locked fingers once more and began to wrestle, rubbing against his face and the back of his head as he mumbled helplessly between them.

"Girls! Stop! Hold on!" he mumbled tiredly before slapping onto Sammy's backside and Pammy's arms as best he could before Sammy leaped off the couch and started wrestling her sister again on the floor behind it as Jay just sighed and took the win, quietly sneaking away from the half-playful, half-serious lack-of-mud wrestling match going on and tried to sneak into the bathroom to wash himself. Rolling on the floor Pammy soon pinned down her sister, locking fingers as they compared their equal strength.

But then Sammy turned the tables, swinging her flexible legs up under Pammy's arm before hurling her off, throwing her onto the floor before doing a kip-up to her feet and jumping on Sammy with a frog splash. Then curling her legs into a Boston crab… where she could've learned such wrestling moves, who could've guessed?

However trying to pull a Boston crab on her sister, both of whom were almost 80% muscles and 20% tits and ass, Pammy flexed and threw her sister forward face down onto the floor before leaping onto her back and getting her in a headlock…

…Meanwhile, Jay sighed under the shower spray, lying in the tub as it filled slowly with hot water, sinking his head into the rapidly rising waters of the tub and blocking out the wrestling match still going on in the living room. Wishing he had some bubble bath for a nice long soak… he wondered if a military base would allow bubble baths as a matter of principle. The water rose to his eyes, and he opened them-"AAAAH!!"

Looming over him was Sammy grinning down at him as he shot upright, "Sammy don't DO that…" he gasped, patting his heart. Sammy sat outside the tub grinning at him, evidently the victor of the match outside. "…What?" he asked before Sammy, now naked, jumped into the tub with him. "Bllurgh!" Sammy pressed him down under the water with her body, squeezing and hugging him tightly as they were soaked with water. "BWAH! He pulled his head out of the water before lifting his foot up and kicking the water off. Sammy hugged him adorably, nuzzling her face against his, and wrapping her thick leg around him.

"Haah…" he sighed, his left-hand finding and resting on Sammy's thick ass cheeks as she cooed and licked his cheek lecherously before sliding her hand down to his cock and grabbing it, already half erect because there was a hot slutty blonde clinging to him like she was cold. She wasn't cold however she was actually hot in a physical and sexual sense. It was as if her body kept the water warm… or maybe it was the fact that she was stroking his cock again and grinning lecherously. "Come on we JUST had sex…" he mumbled, "I wanted to have just one bath WITHOUT smelling like lady juice…

Sammy pouted at him, giving him puppy dog eyes as she continued to stroke his rapidly rising erection. He sighed, "FINE…" but then he rolled her over, she giggled happily as he lay on top of her, rubbing his tip against her silky warm folds under the water. Sliding into her as she cooed, her right arm and leg hanging over the right side of the tub as Jay didn't give her a minute to rest, already thrusting into her body as she moaned agreeably at his movements, tightening around his length as he slid his hands under her wide backside pulling her up into his thrusts. She didn't need much encouragement, writhing beneath him and thrusting her hips up for him as he buried his face into her neck, grunting and groaning as he tried to make her cum…

Again, she didn't need much encouragement… whatever it was about Sammy and Pammy's genetic make-up they were easily satisfied by an, honestly speaking, average man. The idea had often drifted into Jay's head, and it was coming back around again now as he steadily thrust into Sammy… she squealed melodiously under him as if he was the best lover in the world… very confidence-boosting…

But he's also recently meet other superhumans and he could not help but wonder... well… if he was GOOD ENOUGH for Sammy and Pammy…

He had focused so long on just getting himself and them to safety he wasn't entirely sure what to do once he got them back to the States… and he now dreaded the conversation he would inevitably have with his sister Jane. Bringing two nonverbal utterly gorgeous twins and a cat to Colorado sounded daunting but at least it might make them wear pants.

But as he kept thrusting into the soon cumming Pammy, slamming his hips against her body and unloading thick ropes of his seed into her, collapsing on top of her as she cooed affectionately in his ear. He was starting to wonder if he was going to have to choose between the twins or going home…

Because he'll obviously choose the twins.

He pulled slowly out of Sammy as the short-haired blonde slowly stretched in the tub, evidently enjoying herself as he yanked out the shower cork and turned the water back on, rinsing himself off as Sammy stood up and began to rub him down from behind giggling playfully in his ear as he sighed. "You girls are going to be the death of me…" he mumbled getting out and drying off as Sammy yanked his towel and began to do it for him as he laughed. "Come on now! I can do that myself!" he laughed dancing away from her as she chased after him, holding the towel like a net, ready to catch him again only to be tackled by Pammy.

"AAH!" he gasped as she tackled her sister to the floor and tied the towel around her, bare ass Sammy squirmed on the floor. Pammy sat on her sister's buttocks and dusted her hands before getting up and coming after Jay. "Ahh-come on!" he gasped as she carried him to a bedroom with two beds, tossing him on his back on the right one. Sierra mewled on the left watching as Pammy crawled sultrily over him, gazing into his eyes before dropping onto his body. "Oof! N-No Pammy-Mmgh!"

WHOMP she dropped right onto him and shoved her tongue into his mouth, his hands resting on her ass cheeks as they wobbled in response to his touch. Her big butt flexing and twerking in his grip as she pulled away from him, her tongue licking her lips before suddenly-

"Oof!" Pammy sprung off his body, twisted in the air then dropped that big pawg booty on his cock, trapping it between her ass cheeks as she gyrated on his lap… one night of stripping, and all of a sudden these girls were expert lap dancers! Pammy arched her body and ground her ass cheeks around his erection as it throbbed between her soft rear. She flexibly bent and twisted, rolling her head back on his shoulder and licking his cheek as he sighed and relented, reaching up to cup her chest from behind. She cooed excitedly, twerking on his meat before he pulled his hands away and slid them under her back.

"Ooo!" she cooed suddenly as he surprised her by pushing her off his body as she flopped onto the bed, raising her ass in the air and making it shake, wiggling it side to side as he stood up and clap his hands onto her rear. Spreading her wobbling ass cheeks as she grabbed the edge of the bed, "Oooh!" howling as he slammed into her from behind, already thrusting away into her.


"This is what you wanted isn't it?!" he declared, gripping her ass cheeks tightly in his hands as they wobbled. Pammy grunted happily as she threw her ass back against his thrusts, enhancing the feeling for the both of them. Pammy's moans of pleasure echoed around the apartment as her sister struggled in the towel before finally breaking free as Jay slammed into Pammy and threw himself forward onto her, humping down into her body as he pumped her full of semen. "UUugh…" Pammy slid her legs down letting Jay lay on her back as she turned her head and kissed him affectionately only for Sammy to do a flying slam onto the both of them, all of them scrambling about, wrestling naked as Jay was trapped between them…

Guile was holding a small box of donated clothes, carrying them back towards the apartment when suddenly. "Guile!" He paused, turning his head just in time to see Cammy White approaching him in her special forces outfit, her green leotard, red beret, and boots… which considering what he'd been seeing lately was probably a lot more clothing than he expected.

"Cammy. Good you're here…" he said, "Sooner than I expected."

"I rushed over once I got your message. Where are they?" Guile hesitated, his eyes briefly drifting towards the apartment building, and wisely assumed that maybe leading Cammy to the twins right now wasn't the smartest of ideas.

"They're… safe." He said frankly, "Maybe you should get some rest first? Sleep off the jet lag." But Cammy wasn't hearing it.

"Don't be silly Guile, I'm perfectly fine. Just take me to them." Guile hesitated.

"…You know I can order you to get some rest right?"

"You can try." She smiled, hands on her wide hips as if daring him to even think about it. Considering Guile didn't really feel like a street fight, he silently conceded.

"Alright then… come on." He said, leading her into the building as she finally asked an important question.

"What's in the box?"

"Oh just a few necessities." Guile replied conversationally, "food, clothes, cat food."

"Cat food?" she replied, suddenly interested.

"One of them found a cat and got attached." Replied Guile with a smirk, "They were in the desert for a while, they didn't have much to work with."

"At least they're empathetic." Cammy replied thoughtfully, as they stepped off the elevator "That's a good sign. It means they didn't suffer under the doll program."

"Mnn-hmmn." Guile replied as he arrived at the apartment. "…Sure you don't want to get some rest first?"

"I'm already here Guile let's just get to it." She declared, opening the door without even bothering to knock. Both of them entered, but Guile quickly averted his eyes as Sammy and Pammy, naked obviously, pinned Jay, also naked, down on the floor and blinked curiously at the briefly stunned Cammy before she barked irately.

"What the BLOODY HELL do you think you're doing?!" Guile could only sigh, he saw this coming a mile away.
