
Log Twelve: Military Affairs

I don't own Street Fighter.

And YES... It's still Day 16.

The towering, imposing, intimidating Colonel Guile stood at the entrance to the Motel room Jay and the twins had been renting... now there was no door, a broken TV, a potentially dead body on the floor... No... wait... he moaned. He's still alive... that was good, in a sense, because Jay didn't want anyone to be DEAD... but he accepted that he didn't have 100% control over the twins... more like 80%... maybe 75.

All three of them... plus the Cat who had no fear or concern for the imposing man before them. The Twins sat protectively on either side of Jay, and the cat was stroked by a hand each from the twins as it mewed on Jay's lap.

Colonel Guile crossed his arms, that were possibly bigger than Jay's body, and looked lazily around the room before sighing audibly. "...This is not the place to have a conversation." he noted as Jay could only smile nervously, and shrug. The twins of course glared suspiciously at Guile, but considering he aided them with the towering man and his collection of similarly dressed thugs. They let it pass.

A collection of very attractive women had dragged the Lion back into the limo and drove off, leaving most of the thugs left behind to clean themselves up... they missed the one who became acquainted with the TV...

"Alright son. You and your..." he hesitated, looking at the twins, then the cat before shaking his uniquely hairstyled head and continued, "We'll just say group, will accompany me to the nearest military base." he said firmly. "...This is not a request." he said as Jay nodded.

"Y-Yes sir, of course." he said quickly, "I was trying to get us to the US embassy."

"...And you made a pitstop at a strip club." Guile replied straightfaced as Jay fidgeted... the cat pawed contentedly at his shirt as he stroked her belly.

"It wasn't my idea." he replied honestly as the girls stuck out their chests with pride... but their usual seductive charms and natural beauty had no effect on Colonel Guile... it confused them a little. Just sitting around and looking pretty always worked with Jay and just about anyone else they've met in one way or another. Guile seemed to be the first to be completely dismissive of their sexiness.

"...Son, I have a real hard time believing you." Guile replied as he briefly eyed Sammy and Pammy's distinct lack of actual clothing and the fact that they were obviously wearing fetishized swimsuits.

"Yeah... I would too." Jay sighed admittedly.

"Alright. Come with me." Guile replied, "I'll take you to the closest Military base."

"We can follow you." Jay replied, "We have a jeep..." Guile stared at him before replying firmly.

"I'd rather keep my eyes on you." he said coolly, before tilting his head out of the motel. "Let's grab what you can from your vehicle. Ideally some clothes." he mumbled under his breath.

Jay got up, holding the Cat and followed the massive soldier out of the hotel room with Sammy and Pammy behind him. Guile stood aside, letting Jay and the Twins, plus Cat, aside, and followed them to their jeep. He quickly glanced over the back of the jeep, there wasn't much in there but MREs and other minuscule supplies. "Do they just not wear clothes?" he asked suspiciously.

"Girls... coats?" Jay tried as the girls frowned at him. He then gestured to them still holding the cat. As if to say 'see what I'm dealing with?'. But the girls huffily grabbed their trench coats and promptly dressed themselves under Guile's studious gaze.

"You do not need the MREs or the fuel..." he examined the truck, "...Is this a tarp?"

"The girls made the jeep into a makeshift camper." Jay replied as Guile raised an eyebrow at that.

"They don't talk but they're capable of makeshift construction?" Guile shook his head, "No... don't tell me now." He held up a hand, "...Let's go to my jeep." He said as the girls grabbed some MREs and followed after Jay... apparently in defiance of Guile's declaration that they didn't need them.

But if Guile was annoyed by this he didn't show it, pulling out his sunglasses as he led them to a military jeep, getting into the driver's seat as the girls loaded their MREs in the back before getting in. Jay handed Pammy, The Cat, before getting into the passenger's seat, "Whoa!?" only to be dragged into the back by Sammy, squeezing him protectively around the neck. "Sam-Sammy!" he hissed, slapping her arm to breathe as Guile pretty much ignored it, driving calmly from the scene...


"Sir!" Colonel Guile drove right up to the entrance of the US military base. The guards at the entrance saluted him as he stopped. "I trust your search went well?"

"It did." Guile said frankly. "They're with me." he declared, as the cat mewled at the soldier from Pammy's lap as the girls sat protectively around Jay.

"Yes Sir. The Commander requisitioned an office for you." he said, pointing across the base at an office building, "Help yourself, sir."

"Thank you." Guile replied, before driving through, and all the way up to the building. Parking the Jeep in the lot, as the girls attracted gazes all around... mostly because they were squeezing tightly to Jay, glaring at Guile as he led them into the administration building and up to the receptionist. "There's an office for me?" he asked as the girl saluted.

"Yes, Sir! The office at the end of the hall sir!" he nodded then said politely.

"You can tone it down soldier." he said warmly before turning and walking to the end of the hall... the cat mewling in Pammy's arm as they frog marched Jay between them.

The office was bare bones but it had a desk and chair, plus three seats in front of it. Guile sat behind the desk, dwarfing the chair with his bulk and gesturing to the seat in front of him as Jay tried to sit, but the girls held him firm. "...Girls..." he moaned, gently removing himself from them. "It's okay." he said, sitting in one of the seats as the girls sat in the other two around him. The Cat leaping from Pammy's hand to paw across the desk, Guile eyed the cat... then absently stroked her head as she purred.

"...Well son. You might as well start at the beginning..." he said patiently as Jay sat down and went through his life story... or at least his life from a little over a year ago. His education, his enslavement at Shadaloo, his escape... and then his VERY lucky break and finding the Twins.

Guile said nothing through the entire thing, studiously and thoughtfully staring at Jay, listening to the story while absently petting the Cat... who seemed to be having the most fun out of all of this. Sammy and Pammy looked to be on the very edge of attacking Guile at the same time...

They were rightfully cautious, even if Guile hadn't been hostile to them. He easily dispatched the Lion of Leone in one (technically he hit him with a Sonic Boom first) hit. Someone the girls together were having trouble with... He might not be hostile but they considered him a threat.

"...And then we got to the motel..."

"...And where does the cat fit in?" Guile asked as Jay blinked at the cat easily submitting to Guile's petting hand.

"Pammy found her at the motel." Jay said, "...She's attached."

"So I see." guile replied... then after another thoughtful silence, he spoke again. "...Wait here Mr. Jameson," he said, standing up. "I believe your story. But I assume you don't mind if I check it." he said as Jay blinked at him.

"Check it? How?"

"You went missing a year ago, correct? Do you have any relatives? Family?"

"I have a sister in Colorado." Jay replied, "Jane."

"...Jane Jameson?" he stared at him, "...Was your father named James?"

"Oh. Yeah, actually did you know him?"

"No... I'm just guessing. Still, stay right here." he ordered walking around the desk. "I'll be right back after we check..."

"S-Sir? What's going to happen to us?" he asked curiously.

"Well if you're telling the truth. We'll get you home," he promised. "...If you're not telling the truth, and I think you've been honest with me. We'd interrogate the shadaloo agent." he noted, "We have to wait regardless, so sit tight..." before leaving him in the office room. The Cat mewled sadly on the desk that her new belly-scratching friend was gone.

Jay, however, now that he got everything out of his system, informing THE World Warrior Guile of his year-long horror and his couple of weeks-long wet dream was a weight off his shoulders that he didn't expect he had. He slumped in the chair, and the girls noticing this, rested their hands on his head and leapt onto his lap...

The latter was the Cat... now demanding attention from Jay. However, Sammy was looking surprisingly jealous that SHE didn't think about throwing herself on Jay's lap... Pammy thought it was just adorable.

"...Well girls. We finally made it." Jay replied, considering he's said nothing but the truth to Colonel Guile he wondered how his sister Jane would take his sudden return? They've had no contact for over a year by now... and now he had two... Daughters? No... ew. No... Sex dolls? That just seemed mean. Girlfriends?... they might be girlfriends.

Still, there were two of them and VERY attractive and he also had a cat now...

"We should give you a name huh?" he picked up the Cat, looking at her as she mewed cutely at him. "Do you girls have any suggestions?" he joked as they giggled at him. "Oh you like that one huh?" he grinned at his very silly joke. "...I'm terrible at names." he mumbled apologetically as the girls frowned at him. "Yours are great!" he said quickly as they seemed to accept his fondness and ruffled his head again, nuzzling his face with theirs, like The Cat rubbed her face on his hand. "...Well I can't call you Cammy." he laughed.

...That would just be silly.

"...Well we found you in Sierra Leone... so how about Sierra?"

"Meow..." she purred as he smiled.

"Good... and now..." he looked around, then sighed. "Now we wait I guess. Glad finding out your name was a good 5 minutes to pass the time." he pet her as Pammy suddenly, but carefully snatched Sierra from his lap, stroking her head as she purred happily in her arms. "Now what do we do?" he asked as Sammy strutted around the desk and sat in Guile's chair, spinning around and giggling playfully, then stopped facing him... and putting her hands on the table, drumming it happily. Smiling sweetly at him as Pammy cooed with Sierra...

"...You want me to put my hands on the desk?" he asked as she nodded, and he reached over. Putting them on the desk hands down. But then she took them, gripping his hands and holding them lovingly, smiling at him. "Now what?!"

Without realizing it, Pammy put Sierra down before grabbing his ankles as the both of them once again ambushed them. Pammy lifted him and Sammy pulled him before stretching him on the desk like they were about to sacrifice him to some pagan sex god...

Sammy standing at his head on the left side of the desk threw herself over and onto him, pinning down his arms with her thick thighs as she fiddled with his pants, Pammy pulling them down before throwing herself forward as they both began flicking their tongue on his erection as Sierra sat on Jay's chair... watching curiously like a pervert as the BIGGER pervert began flicking his sudden erection back and forth as he got a face full of Sammy crotch.

Sammy wrapped her lips around his tip, throwing herself forward, down, and up his shaft as Pammy licked his shaft and sack, feeling it throbbing and twitching on their tongues as Jay mumbled into Sammy's crotch... mostly she was still wearing her coat. But the Twins didn't seem to care, furiously bobbing up and down on his shaft, soon Sammy switching with her sister, her tongue darting out to snatch at Jay's suddenly released cock Sammy soon pressed her lips on his shaft as Pammy bobbed furiously up and down on his cock as it oozed pre-cum onto her tongue.

"Bwah!" she gasped suddenly popping off Jay and pushing his girth back towards her sister with her nose who quickly inhaled him again.

"Mmm!" moaned Sammy delectably, wiggling her asscheeks behind her... though considering she was still in her coat and on top of Jay's face... he couldn't see it. Be he did try to cum up for air, smacking her shapely thigh as she took that as encouraging rather than deterrent... before burying her face into his crotch, her nose buried into his sack, dripping in her sister's saliva, cum oozing into her throat as Jay was popped like a wine cork. Sammy pulled to his tip, letting her tongue flick and slurp over it as he kept pumping his cum into her mouth as she gulped it down.

Pammy pouted up at her as Sammy finally released Jay's length and it flopped onto her face flaccidly, before she opened her mouth and started furiously sucking on his cock... Sammy helped him along by licking and slurping on his testicles... dropping onto Jay in full as they began suckling him back to life to feed Pammy. Both of them wagged their backsides together, giddily giggling as she got a helpless Jay hard again...

Meanwhile, in another part of the administration building.

"Yes Sir." said the clerk as the report came through. "A Jason Jameson was reported missing last year, his sister Jane reported it." he handed Guile the sheet as it printed out. "But since she was in Colorado and he lived in New York... not much was looked into." Guile read the report studiously.

"...So there's a bunker full of defunct Bison clones in the middle of the Sahara," he said sourly. "Have a recon team get ready, once I get more accurate information I'll want them to search it."

"Yes Sir." the clerk said, getting up to follow Guile as he read the report. "...Sir are we sending him home?"

"Eventually." Guile replied, "I'll fly him myself."

"Well... that's all well and good sir but... what about the girls?"

"What about them?" Guile replied, returning to his temporary office.

"...We're not going to just let them go with him, are we? They're Dolls... sir." he added as Guile nodded.

"Well, deal with that when we deal with it," he noted, hand on the door. "In the meantime arrange for some empty apartments for them. I don't want them wandering about where we can't-" he opened the door, and stared blankly at the Twins who looked at him. Pammy with a mouth full as Jay moaned... a sure sign that Pammy was just fed. Sierra rested her paws on the back of the chair and mewled happily at the stoic Guile's return. The CLerk however was fully taking it in.

"Whoever that is! Help!" Jay managed to moan only for Sammy to silence him with her bottom. Scowling at Guile and the Clerk... only for Guile to Wordlessly shut the door. Before eyeing the clerk, completely unaffected by the sight.

"...Better make it one apartment." he noted dryly as the Clerk, read-faced, cleared his throat.

"Yes Sir." and now he had a new fap material for tonight.

Speaking of fap material.

"Thank you for flying with us!" bowed the flight attendants as the attractive woman with the fantastic figure thanked them gracefully before descending the plane... she walked through the airport, she already had her duffle bag over her shoulder as she approached the military man holding the sign with her name

"Me." she said, approaching him as he saluted.

"Sergeant White." said the man, opening the back door. "Welcome to Sierra Leone." she slid into the back seat. "Colonel Guile would like me to inform you that he found them." he said as Cammy looked at him and nodded.

"Good." she said in her noticeably British accent. "Take me to them."


Finally got around to another chapter. The Holidays hit me HARD.