
seven virtues system

Reborn as a White-tiger beast-man in the Murim World. That's it, just wanted to see a beast-man mc in murim on webnovel. Warning ⚠️ Kind mc, mc that doesn't kill.

Jay2clean44 · แฟนตาซี
2 Chs

Chapter 1: The Awakening

As I lay there in the darkness, I couldn't help but feel a sense of despair washing over me. The last thing I remembered was the screeching of tires and the sickening crunch of metal as the car hit me. But now, I found myself in a strange, otherworldly place, and I knew deep down that this was it - I had died.

Suddenly, a bright light appeared in front of me, and a figure emerged from within it. It was God! Or, at least, that's what I assumed it was. He approached me with a kindly smile on his face and said, "Jay, you have been a good person throughout your life, and you deserve to be rewarded. I will grant you three wishes, to be used for your own benefit or for the benefit of others. What do you wish for?"

I was taken aback by the suddenness of it all, but I knew that I had to think carefully about what I wanted. After a moment of thought, I said, "God, my first wish is that my family and friends can live a long and happy life, free from pain and suffering."

God nodded solemnly and said, "Your wish is granted. What is your second wish?"

I thought for a moment longer, then said, "I wish for the world to be a better place, with less hatred and more love and understanding between people."

God smiled once more and said, "Your wish is granted. And your final wish?"

I took a deep breath and said, "God, my final wish is for there to be no more suffering in the world, for every living being to be able to live a life of peace and happiness."

God looked at me with a knowing expression and said, "Jay, your wishes have been granted. You were a good person, and you will be remembered for the kindness and compassion you showed throughout your life. Rest now, and know that you have made a difference in the world."

With those words, the light faded away, and I felt myself drifting off into a peaceful sleep. Though I was gone, I knew that my legacy would live on, and that the world would be a better place for my having been a part of it.

As I opened my eyes, I found myself floating in a warm and comforting space. It was dark, but in front of me, there was a bright blue screen that caught my attention. As I looked closer, I saw a message from God, telling me that I had been given a second chance at life because of my good deeds.

I couldn't believe it. Was this real? Had I really been given a second chance? I felt overwhelmed with gratitude and a sense of purpose. I knew that I had to make the most of this opportunity, to live my life to the fullest and make a positive impact on the world.

As I pondered this, I heard a voice in my head. It was God speaking to me, reassuring me that I was not alone and that I had a divine purpose. I felt a sense of peace wash over me, and I knew that I was ready for whatever lay ahead.

With a newfound sense of purpose and gratitude, I floated towards the light at the end of the tunnel, ready to embrace my second chance at life and make the most of every moment.

As I left the comfort of the womb, I was bombarded with new sensations. I felt the warmth of the arms that held me, and I opened my eyes to see a beautiful woman with striking white hair and piercing blue eyes. I assumed her to be my new mother, but what caught my attention were the pair of tiger ears that sat atop her head. They twitched in joy as she held me close to her chest.

I couldn't help but feel disoriented and overwhelmed as I took in my new surroundings. As I looked around, I noticed that everything was different from what I had known before. The air felt fresher, sounds were louder, and the colors were brighter. It was as if I had been transported to a completely different world.

Despite feeling bewildered, I was comforted by the love and warmth that emanated from my new mother. Her touch was gentle, and her voice was soothing. I knew that I was safe in her arms and that she would protect me from any harm. As I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep, I felt grateful for this new life and the wonderful mother who had welcomed me into her world.

As I lay in my slumber, I heard a strange voice whispering in the distance. It seemed to be saying something about a system being activated, but I didn't fully comprehend what it meant. You see, I had just been born and was still getting used to the world around me. My mind was filled with confusion and wonder, and I couldn't make sense of the unfamiliar sounds that were echoing through the room.

Despite my curiosity, I decided to ignore the voice and drifted off into a peaceful sleep.

Su-yong Baihu Pov

I held my newborn child in my arms, feeling the weight of his small body against my chest. He was so peaceful and content in his slumber, completely unaware of the world around him. As I gazed down at his tiny features, I felt a surge of love and protectiveness wash over me.

I marveled at how perfect he seemed, from the delicate curve of his nose to the wispy strands of hair on his head. I couldn't help but wonder what kind of person he would grow up to be, what adventures and challenges he would face in his life.

But for now, in this moment, all that mattered was the warmth of his body against mine, the sound of his soft breathing, and the overwhelming sense of joy and gratitude that filled my heart. I knew that being a mother would be the hardest thing I had ever done, but holding my child in my arms made it all worth it.

Sung-woo Baihu Pov

As I watched my wife cradle our sleeping newborn, I couldn't help but feel a sense of wonder and awe. This tiny, fragile being was now a part of our family, and I couldn't wait to see what the future held for him. As I approached, my wife looked up at me with a smile and motioned for me to come closer. I leaned in to give her a hug, feeling the warmth of her embrace as we both gazed down at our son.

"What should we name him?" she asked, breaking the comfortable silence.

I thought for a moment, considering all the possibilities. We wanted a name that would be unique and meaningful, something that would honor our family's heritage.

"How about Jin Baihu?" I suggested, remembering the stories my grandfather used to tell me about the legendary Chinese warrior.

My wife's eyes lit up with excitement as she considered the name. "I love it," she said, her voice filled with emotion.

As we looked down at our son, now named Jin Baihu, I knew that he would always be a source of joy and inspiration for us both.

Name: Jin Baihu

Race: white-tiger beast-man

Age: 1 day

Gender: Male

Charm: 100 (babies are cute)

Strength: 15 (Whose baby is this?!)

Agility: 10 (Flash or spider-man)

Stamina: 10 (I can do this all day)

Endurance: 10 (Loki would be proud)

Intelligence: 7 (I guess for a baby that's high)

Wisdom: 17 (Do you know Uncle Iroh?)

Inner Strength: 0 (What is that?)

Good Points: 1000

Skills: Innate strength, enhanced body, enhanced senses, primal transformation

(multiplies physical stats by 2)

(Average adult human stats are 10)

(Average charm stat is 50 max is 99)