
seven virtues system

Reborn as a White-tiger beast-man in the Murim World. That's it, just wanted to see a beast-man mc in murim on webnovel. Warning ⚠️ Kind mc, mc that doesn't kill.

Jay2clean44 · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Chapter 2: System

I opened my eyes and was greeted by a bright blue screen in front of me. It was so bright that it shocked my newborn body, causing me to shake and cry out loud. It was as if the world around me was suddenly brought to life, and I was now a part of it.

I could hear my mother and father's voices as they rushed to my side, their excitement palpable. They cooed and comforted me, telling me that everything was going to be alright. I looked up at them, trying to focus on their faces, but everything was still so blurry.

As my bleary vision cleared, I saw my parents for the first time. My mother was a tall and stunning woman with white hair, blue eyes, and a light brown skin tone. She had the build of an Amazonian warrior, and what stood out the most about her were the pair of tiger ears atop her head and a tail swaying behind her back. My dad was a big man standing at 218cm tall with black hair and orange eyes. He had a build that could put world-class bodybuilders to shame, and just like my mother, he also had tiger ears and a tail. It was a surreal experience to see them both with such unique features.

As I stared at my parents, I couldn't help but feel a sense of wonder and amazement. I knew I was born into a family that was anything but ordinary. I felt blessed to have such loving parents who were not only exceptional in their appearance but also in their personalities. I could tell from the way they looked at me that they were both thrilled to finally meet me. I couldn't wait to get to know them better and learn more about our family's unique history.

It's not unusual for babies to get fussy and agitated from time to time, especially when they're feeling tired or overwhelmed. My parents were able to soothe me enough to put me back into my crib, where I could relax and explore my surroundings.

As I watched, I began to feel more and more calm and relaxed. The blue screen seemed to have a calming effect on me, and I was content to just lie there and watch for a while longer. For me, this was a moment of discovery and wonder, as I began to digest the contents of the blue screen.As a reincarnated baby, I was surprised to find myself reading the rules of a system that rewarded good points for doing good things. It was like a game, but with real-life consequences. According to the rules, every good deed would earn me good points, and these points would help me in my future life.

It was strange to think that my actions as a baby could have such a profound impact on my future. But as I read the rules, I began to understand the importance of doing good things. Even small acts of kindness, like sharing my toys or smiling at someone, could earn me points.

As I grew up, I knew that I would face challenges and temptations. But the rules of the system reminded me that every decision I made would have consequences. If I chose to do good things, I would be rewarded. And in the end, that was all that really mattered.

I focused my attention on the rules, trying to make sense of them. They were simple, concise, and seemed to outline a path to virtue:

Rule 1: Embrace Kindness

"Acts of kindness, no matter how small, are the foundation of your journey. Be compassionate to others, and you will be rewarded."

Rule 2: Nurture Empathy

"Seek to understand the emotions and experiences of those around you. Empathy will lead you towards deeper connections and greater rewards."

Rule 3: Embody Courage

"Fear is a hurdle to overcome. Display courage in the face of challenges, and you will be granted strength to face life's adversities."

Rule 4: Cultivate Wisdom

"Knowledge is power. Seek wisdom, make wise choices, and your understanding will grow, unlocking new possibilities."

Rule 5: Practice Patience

"Life unfolds at its own pace. Be patient in times of frustration, and you will find that time itself bends to your will."

Rule 6: Share Generosity

"Generosity is a gift that keeps on giving. Share what you have, and you will be blessed with abundance."

Rule 7: Uphold Integrity

"Honesty and integrity are your guiding principles. Stay true to your values, and trust and respect will follow."

I realized that I had been given a unique opportunity, a second chance to live a life of purpose and virtue. The rules were a roadmap to goodness, a guide to accumulating "good points" that would empower me to make the world a better place.

As the voice fell silent, I contemplated the rules before me. I might have been a baby, but with these principles, I held the potential to shape not only my destiny but also the destiny of those I would encounter in this new life. It was a profound and humbling realization, one that filled me with determination and a sense of responsibility.

With a newfound sense of purpose, I resolved to live by these rules and earn the rewards of goodness, not just for my sake but for the greater good. My journey had begun, and I was ready to embrace it with all the innocence and wonder of a baby's heart.

With the rules imprinted in my newly awakened consciousness, I couldn't help but feel a sense of wonder about the possibilities they held. It was as if I had been given a key to unlock the mysteries of this world. However, I still needed more information about what these "good points" could be spent on.

As if in response to my unspoken query, the voice returned, "You must be curious about the rewards of your virtuous actions. These good points you earn will grant you access to the Good Store, a place of extraordinary opportunities."

I tried to focus on the voice, eager to learn more. "The Good Store?" I wondered.

The voice continued, "Yes, in this world, which some might call a 'Murim World,' the Good Store is a unique and mystical place where you can exchange your good points for remarkable abilities, tools, and experiences."

My curiosity deepened. What kind of abilities and tools were available in this enigmatic store? I listened intently for more information.

Rule 1: Embrace Kindness

The voice began to explain, "For every act of kindness you perform, you will earn good points. In the Good Store, you can exchange these points for the 'Harmony of Hearts' skill. This skill allows you to create bonds of friendship and cooperation among people, fostering unity and harmony."

Rule 2: Nurture Empathy

"As your empathy grows, you will unlock the 'Insightful Gaze' ability. With this power, you can perceive the true intentions and emotions of those you encounter, gaining an edge in your interactions with others."

Rule 3: Embody Courage

"Displaying courage in the face of challenges will earn you the 'Valor's Resilience' skill. This grants you enhanced physical strength and stamina, turning you into a force to be reckoned with."

Rule 4: Cultivate Wisdom

"With your pursuit of wisdom, you will be able to access the 'Sage's Knowledge' ability. This power enables you to tap into a deep well of knowledge, granting you insights and solutions to complex problems."

Rule 5: Practice Patience

"Patience brings the 'Temporal Mastery' skill into your grasp. With this power, you can manipulate the perception of time, granting you a unique advantage in various situations."

Rule 6: Share Generosity

"Your generosity will be rewarded with the 'Gift of Abundance.' This skill allows you to provide resources, nourishment, and even opportunities to those in need, spreading prosperity."

Rule 7: Uphold Integrity

"Staying true to your principles leads to the 'Radiant Trust' ability. This power fosters trust and respect in your relationships, creating a network of allies and support."

The descriptions left me in awe. The Good Store was indeed a place of wondrous possibilities. With the good points I would accumulate through virtuous actions, I could trade them for abilities and skills that not only benefited me but also had the potential to shape the world around me.

The voice concluded, "Remember, the path to the Good Store is paved with virtue, and the rewards you earn will be a reflection of your character. Use them wisely, and you will find that your actions have the power to transform this Murim World into a better place."

As I contemplated the knowledge I had gained, I felt a renewed sense of purpose. I was ready to embark on this extraordinary journey, to earn my good points through acts of kindness and virtue, and to one day step into the Good Store to unlock the full potential of my reincarnated life.