
Seen Zone Z

(On Hiatus) I love you" doesn't always mean "I'll stay." {February 13, 11:59 pm} Lucas: It's all my fault. I'm so sorry. Remember that I will always love you my moonshine. {Sunday, 6:00 am} Erin: What are you speaking hon? Sorry, I fell asleep. Why didn't you come home? Seen Erin: Hon? Seen Erin: Why are you not replying? Seen Erin: Please say something. Is it due to work? Or something else? Erin: I'll get back. I heard some loud noise outside the house. You better have replied and explained things when I'm back. Seen ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- During the night before Valentines', Luke Maygram sent a mysterious message to Erin Beverly. The next day the world turned upside down as a break out of zombies changed everything. Left with the only text she got from her fiance and the mysterious 'seen' in her every message, she decided to look for him. But will she able to make it and see Lucas again? when the world becomes a living hell? Will love still conquers everything on end? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Disclaimer: This story is pure fiction. All the names and places you might find similar are purely coincidental. All rights reserved. A/N: This story is made by me, Lala_sanara, and my co-author and friend Ysaa. We are still newbies in the world of everything. So every vote, comment, and review would greatly help us. (Notice: This story will go to editing and some revision might occur too.)

Aeipathy_02 · ไซไฟ
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Different Infection

Ask Yourself If What You're Doing Today Is Getting You Closer To Where You Want To Be Tomorrow.



"Erin, they already left huh?" I turned towards Carlo walking towards my table. 

"Yeah," I simply nodded my head. That time Fernando looked serious. Even if he told me that the plantations were burnt. I felt like there were also some things he didn't tell me. But I will not be pressed on the matter anymore. I just hope that we get to see each other again. Liza, Tom, Fred...and him. I put my hands inside my pocket and touched my phone.

"Don't worry, that Drellaxis guy and some men of the Void also came with them. And if they didn't encounter any problem, they should now leave the city road grounds and pass our school." Carlo took a seat across from me and put his tray of food on the table. His food consists of two scrambled eggs, and fried rice with fried chicken on the top.