
Seed of Hope

Earth: Year 3XXX The world as we know it had finally collapsed due to the nuclear wars between nations and powerhouses of Earth. At first, everyone was relatively safe in their homes but, after the first nuclear weapon was launched against Nation X, everything that humanity had worked hard on was wiped out — vanished. The wars engulfed the whole world, oceans evaporated, radiation permeated, living things burned and no stone was left untouched. Humanity naturally regretted taking this path and so, they once again banded together to save what was left of them. There was little they could work on and they had limited time. Their oxygen reserves were running low, food & water was also diminishing, only radiation was plentiful. How wondrous it is when humans work together but, perhaps it was too late. What was once in Billions have now turned into measly thousands. However, they persisted and have succeeded in their plan for survival. There was no plan B nor Plan C or any other plan. It was just a last resort plan. To send themselves into the cosmos and sleep in the ice inside their space shuttles until, maybe, a suitable planet is found. 9,000 lives went on their ice-caged space journey but, how many can lady luck set free? Join our survivors as they make themselves home in another world. PS: Not very inclined to Sci-Fi, just started it this way for convenience and plot.

Coin_Boots · แฟนตาซี
15 Chs


Genesis and his brothers were now seated, had their backs pinned to a flat side of a boulder 220 meters away from the pod's crash site, gasping for breath, trying to rest. But all efforts seemed useless as the more they take in breaths of air, the more they drown in it.

"Just what is this air made of? Haaa… I thought the scan was foolproof?" Alex was the most concerned about this.

"Haa…Ten minutes in and we're totally spent huh." Diesel stated.

"Should've stayed on the ship for longer. Haa…" Clay said.

Off to the side, Genesis was having different thoughts. They might have missed it because of the strange air around them but this world is indescribably different from earth.

'Towering trees that are high as skyscrapers, the plants too had different vibes on them, almost like everything is aware of us. Maybe this boulder is also alive?' Although Genesis was also very bothered by their situation, he was constantly scanning their immediate perimeter. As the current team leader, he had to be the most vigilant. "Ha…We have to clear that cave before the sun runs out on us. It is an ideal campsite for us. Ha…" Gin said.

"Tsk! Damn midget keeps ordering us around. Ha… Can't you see we need rest?!" Clay said pretending to be mad while he was actually the first to stand up and support Diesel and Alex up.

"I'll take point, Clay watch our six. Ha…" With almost sleepy eyes the 4 of them slowly approached the target cave.

The cave was on high ground and had a 3 meter wide opening. It was exactly 300 meters away from the pod but also provided a clear overview of the crash site. Furthermore, this cave seems to have met all of the conditions that they are looking for. Downwind, and safe not only from possible threats but also from unwanted weather events.

'12 minutes after our arrival, we have yet to see any movement or signs of living fauna. Must have been scared by our pod's crash?' Alex thought to himself. He was also constantly looking for any sort of animal tracks, remains, dens, nest or anything that could give away signs of life here. Who knows? Maybe flora are the only ones here. This air might have not allowed fauna to flourish.

As Alex was having this thought, Gin suddenly stopped. "Hold here. Haa…" 30 meters away from the cave, Gin stopped the team and scanned for threats. "Alex. Ha… Scan the interior of the cave exactly 1 minute from now. Safeties off brothers but, check your shots."

All of them readied their weapons and also themselves for a possible encounter. Alex switched to thermal sights of his sniper rifle to look for any signs of life inside the cave while Clay still took care of their six.

"H-how is it?" Diesel anxiously asked.

"No signs of movement or life. What do we do, Gin?" Alex said but soon he halted that report. "Negative. There seems to be some heat detected from patches on the wall? I'm not sure but, this cave. Ha… just 10 meters in and there is some heat detected on the floor and walls.." Alex reported as he also caught his breath.

"Ha… Fresh blood." Clay said nonchalantly.

"Clay is right. Ha… Good news is that life is here, bad news is life here is dangerous. Alex, retreat 20 meters back on that boulder and bush of some sort. Cover us from there. Clay, you're with him." Clay and Alex tactically retreated immediately. "Ha… Sel, go and plant some remote controlled traps near the entrance. I'll cover you from here. Ha… we wait for whatever that is to come back and eliminate it if it is a threat." Gin's brain might not be the sharpest tool in the shed but it sure is enough to take care of things in situations like these. No one went against his instructions this time.

"Okay." Diesel then bolted with all his strength. All that he could muster that is. Fortunately, it went smoothly and Diesel came back without any issues.

After setting up traps, Gin and Diesel joined Clay and Alex to wait in ambush. "Alex, keep your eyes front. Ha… Clay, get your eyes on our pod. Stay frosty guys."

---2 Earth hours later---

'This environment is really harsh. We're not even moving but our stamina does not recover. Every move we take will only tire us.' This was the thought of the 4 siblings. All they could really do was agree to Clay's remarks and curses upon their arrival. "What rotten luck."

Suddenly, Alex' eyes twitched as he saw something approaching their location. "10-o'clock. 600 meters out. Possible target sighted! Moving straight into our position at a slow rate. Possibly on its way back to the cave."

Instantly, their focus was reignited and all of them ignored their tired state as if it was not there to begin with. Adrenaline started rushing through their veins! Especially Genesis that longed for adventure and new discoveries. "Threat?" Gin asked.

"It seems to be…some sort of bear?" Alex said and then immediately added. "A really big bear. Thrice a polar bear it seems. Ha… Also, it's now… looking at us?"

"What?! Quickly spray your odor eliminating sprays!" Gin said. Almost instantly, each of them took out a small finger sized spray and used it to cover their scent. This was one of the single-use items in their arsenal.

"Alex, keep eyes on the target!" Gin urgently instructed. He felt different this time. His intuition tells him that this bear is definitely a threat to their lives.

"Okay!" Alex turned his attention back on the sniper's thermal sights but was shocked by what he saw. "Contact! Charging at us at full speed! 300 meters! 250 meters! 200!"

"Engage! Engage! Fire at will! Sel activate traps in 3!" Gin pointed his gun and fired 10-o'clock from their position despite not seeing the target clearly. Dust can be seen being blown away by some extraordinary force of the behemoth bear.




All ammunition was then poured into that direction. Clay shot the approaching figure as soon as Gin said to do so. Every shot was aimed on the eyes of the beast but 10 shots in and no damage?! 'What is that?!' Alex was in shock! Even the biggest of elephants gets killed by guns. How can this furry beast be fine?! "Reloading!" Kachack. "Back in!"

Similar to him, Diesel and Clay were astonished by the bear's prowess. With brute strength, it actually fell the towering trees with relative ease as if it was just natural to fall. Trees fell like dead twigs! Even the deadly traps that Diesel installed were of little use! "Only slowed down a bit?!" "Monster!"

"Concentrate fire. Hang on for a second!" Meanwhile Genesis emptied his first magazine then took out the plasma pistol and began to use its 2nd feature fire. Charged Shot.

Like barbarians, Gin's brothers fired at the beasts to do their best slowing it down. They knew what Gin was up to right now. The charged shot. It needs 5 seconds to load and is as powerful as 10 compact grenades. Enough to take out modern tanks in one shot!

"Have a taste of your Papa's bullets! Vile beast!' Bang.Bang.Bang.Bang! It rang. Clay held his pistol at his left hand and had his Bushmaster at his hip and fired it simultaneously.

"Roar!!!" A deafening roar escaped the bear's mouth. The suppressive fire finally made the beast slow down but it was enraged by these constant shots. In response, It roared and what happened astonished all of the earthlings. The bullets actually stopped mid-air and dropped!

"This…" Alex was frozen in his spot. How was that possible?! Similar to him, Diesel and Clay slowed their firing rate because of the shock.

"Don't stop! Keep firing!" Suddenly Gin shouted to bring his brothers back from their daze. He needed more time to fire the plasma pistol. "Alex, use your SMG!"

"Y-Yes!" Trrt…Trrt…Trrt

"Grrrr… ROAR!" The beast finally snapped. It did not care anymore and just charged straight into where the shots were from. Every step it took covered 10 meters and in just a second it was dangerously close. "Graaaa!"

"Gin! We need that shot taken anytime now!"

"Midget. Quickly fire at it!"

Just as the bear was at range to cleave its claws at Diesel, Gin jumped to the right of the beast bear to flank its side and pointed the pistol. The beast felt something ominous at its side so it halted its attack on the bald man and shot a glance at his side. It attempted to dodge, feeling that whatever that is, it could endanger its life. But, if it could not dodge normal bullets, how can it possibly outrun a plasma shot?

Whiiiirrr…"So long, sucker!" Gin released the charging trigger to fire the charged plasma shot at the neck of the bear. His training as a hobby finally paid off today.


A profound bluish-white ball escaped the plasma pistol's tip and shot with lightning speed directly at the bear's neck area. The shot hit the target and went through it like a hot knife through butter.

Puchi. Thud.

"Ha…Ha…Ha…" The siblings had heavy breaths. Trying to lessen their tiredness. Unfortunately, they can't. Not while in this environment.