
Seed of Hope

Earth: Year 3XXX The world as we know it had finally collapsed due to the nuclear wars between nations and powerhouses of Earth. At first, everyone was relatively safe in their homes but, after the first nuclear weapon was launched against Nation X, everything that humanity had worked hard on was wiped out — vanished. The wars engulfed the whole world, oceans evaporated, radiation permeated, living things burned and no stone was left untouched. Humanity naturally regretted taking this path and so, they once again banded together to save what was left of them. There was little they could work on and they had limited time. Their oxygen reserves were running low, food & water was also diminishing, only radiation was plentiful. How wondrous it is when humans work together but, perhaps it was too late. What was once in Billions have now turned into measly thousands. However, they persisted and have succeeded in their plan for survival. There was no plan B nor Plan C or any other plan. It was just a last resort plan. To send themselves into the cosmos and sleep in the ice inside their space shuttles until, maybe, a suitable planet is found. 9,000 lives went on their ice-caged space journey but, how many can lady luck set free? Join our survivors as they make themselves home in another world. PS: Not very inclined to Sci-Fi, just started it this way for convenience and plot.

Coin_Boots · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Down the rabbit hole

"W-what broken?! Without the plasma weapons, we are indeed weaker but, I doubt that cartridge bullets will be useless."

"Same plan to have me and Clay be assault riflemen, Diesel and Alex both be grenadiers and AR-men at the same time. This plasma pistol will be of course mine to hold, Its range is subpar at about 60 meters but has more penetration and power than any other and, it has unlimited rounds only held back by overheating." Genesis paused waiting for a reaction or any disagreement but nothing came so he added. "I'll leave the rest of the weapon and equipment assignment to you Sel. What we need is reliable comms, good and flexible gear, supplies and utility. Once we're down there, there's no going back."

"Ok. I think I have the right ideas for weapons." Diesel said as he grabbed the plasma pistol and gave it to Gin. " As you've said this one is yours, you'll have this FN Five Seven with a tactical laser for a normal secondary weapon. 20 rounds, a little heavy for you but you'll manage. You can't reveal the plasma unless necessary. As you've said, we don't know what's down there. For your primary weapon, this Bushmaster M-4 variant with selective shooting tactical laser, NATO sights and grenade launcher is yours. Clay, you get the same only without a plasma pistol."

"Tsk. Why do I get the same as the midget?" Clay grimaced.

As if Diesel didn't hear the remark, he continued. "I get this HK G36 and a Glock-19 as for Alex he can have Delta 5-Pro and a SMG Uzi."

"I think that's good." Genesis said and then added. " Suppressors are a must. Night vision and thermal sights for us too. As well as thermal control vests. Your equipment, your load. Problem is how long can our rounds last."

Finally, Alex spoke. " That's one of the main concerns that we have, but first and foremost is how we get down there. Can we even eat anything there? What is good and what is bad food? What to kill and what not to?"

"We can just kill whatever comes at us baring their fangs." Said Clay.

"I agree. We can't afford to be too timid when we are unsafe." A rare agreement between Clay and Gin happened.

"You guys are right. Heck we don't even know if we alone are the humans there." Diesel made his point.

Three days have passed and everyone except for Genesis have been very busy with their tasks. Well, Genesis was also busy eating and sleeping for recovery.

---After 3 days---

"This is it, boys. Buckle up." It was Diesel who spoke. Currently, they are on an escape pod which can carry 10 people at once. It seems that taking the whole spaceship was impossible because of all the irreparable damages to it and lack of fuel to counter their fall. This time though, there were only four of them and the remaining space was taken up by their basic needs including weapons. It was the last functional escape pod on the spaceship. The 4 siblings all wore militaristic space suits and had their gears on in case of any emergency. "It's time for a new adventure."

"Setting destination to the green continent on this planet." Alex pressed a few buttons to set some coordinates of some sort that only him and Diesel understood.

"Launch in 3…2…1."

"Launch! SWOOOSSSHH!" 4 siblings depart.

Genesis had an expression that says he is very anxious but excited at the same time. While Diesel had a worried expression. Clay and Alex were similarly wearing a cold expression like they don't care about anything only that Clay had his brows slightly knitted together.

The escape pod bolted out of the spaceship and left for the new world right below. Once again, Genesis was mesmerized by the beauty of this world. It seems that this planet is better off than mother Earth. He was looking outside the pod's window and saw a green land that seemed to be a rainforest. It was a humongous piece of land that he was in space but still can't see the end of, and this was just one of the continents of the planet.

Alex mentioned that in those 3 years, they had discovered that this planet's days, months and years are different from that of Earth's and it had 2 moons and one sun. Similar seasons as far as they know. There are six major continents that they have spotted. If you put the planet inside a cube, then each side has one. Their destination was the Green Continent as it was one of the available options. The other one was the Black continent but, the siblings except for Genesis decided to not venture to that ominously colored continent. The Green continent seemed to be the biggest of all continents and the black continent was the smallest. The others are similar in size.

They also decided not to assign poles just yet, they were new to this place. How could they tell which way was which?

"I wonder what's down there?" All of them had these questions on their minds. Albeit for different reasons, it was an inevitable question that curious human minds cannot help but ask. And just like that, they were lost in thought and were forced to sleep due to the speed of their descent. The pod plummeted to the ground. Perhaps the gravity here was slightly stronger and accelerated the pod by leaps and bounds. After all, AI calculations are still limited.

"Urgh." The siblings almost simultaneously woke up in a daze as they saw red lights flashing inside the pod indicating that there was a problem in landing or that they had landed recently. They checked on their own conditions first and somewhat felt a little short of breath due to stronger gravity it seems.

"GAs expected, cough. Gravity is greater here than that of Earth's. Cough!" Alex said. 'About 1% more?'

"Cough cough. Now that you mention it. I do think it is." Diesel also came into realization.

"What rotten luck!" Clay shouted in despair.

While the three are still grimacing in pain, a certain 16-year-old boy had already started to organize himself, despite him having the least muscle mass, he was the first to recover his bearings. "Get ready to set out and scan the perimeter and clear it if need be. This pod is our lifeline."

The other 3 just then realized their situation and then, forced themselves to get their ass up and be a man. Despite being siblings, how can they let a 16-year-old be this bossy? Although they know that he will act captain in missions like these, They are still brothers and have this competitive air around them.

"Ready yet?"

"Ready." "Yep." "Tap Tap."

"Alright then. Here we go. Once I open the hatch and check the surroundings and see that it's clear, we all go out one by one. Slow is smooth, smooth is fast." Genesis pressed the button to open the hatch without waiting for any reply and pounced up to peek at his surroundings.

Just to make sure his brothers will be alright here on this planet, he planned to directly sniff a whiff of air from the new planet and what happened was unexplainable to him. Once Gin took a sligh peek outside, he instantly felt that there was this slightly more viscous air around that enveloped him. It was like he was swimming in imaginary air around him. He took the breath and was even more shocked!

It was heavy! His lungs went so heavy that it was almost as if he was drowning in air from just breathing in! What sorcery is this?! But then again, this was not Earth and he was the stranger here. He quickly steeled himself and his lungs to warn his brothers who were still wearing masks. "The air is…heavy to breath but is okay I guess. Haa…haa…"

Meanwhile the other 3 inside the pod also felt the swimming analogy and then decided to trust Gin and also take a breath of new planet's air. 'Heavy indeed.' was all they could say.

After that, Gin took the initiative to cock his Bushmaster and scan for any threats. After a minute, he decided to let the team out of the pod and lock the pod. They had to find a position where they could see the pod and guard it from a good distance.

This was the plan he came up with. "After landing, we check the immediate surroundings and take supplies that we can carry. Lock the pod, install traps around it and guard it from a distance, we can't afford to be right where the crash site is. It will inevitably attract too much attention and aggro. Too risky to guard it upfront."

Soon 4 siblings Diesel at 7', Clay & Alex at 6'5" and Gin at 5'10", with heavy breaths, went out of their way to secure a camp while the light was still up. The camp should be safe, on high ground, upwind, and at a good distance from the pod.