
Secrets Within You

In a chilling yet mesmerizing tale, a psychopath man finds his heart unexpectedly captivated by a sunshine girl, forging an unlikely love story that defies all norms. Their journey begins amidst bitter enmity, as their lives intertwine in a web of danger and suspense. Will their love blossom amidst the darkness within him? Can the sunshine girl ignite a glimmer of empathy in the heart of a psychopath? And when their twisted pasts collide, will they be able to overcome the looming threats that threaten to tear them apart? As secrets unravel and the stakes rise, prepare to be consumed by the suspenseful questions that haunt their every move. Can love truly conquer the darkest corners of the soul? Will their entangled destinies lead to redemption or destruction? Only time will reveal the ultimate outcome of their perilous and passionate love affair.

nafi_ib · สมัยใหม่
4 Chs

chapter 2 : My mystery man

Hailey appeared before him as a vision of beauty. Her red, straight hair cascaded down her shoulders, catching the light and casting a fiery glow. His gaze was drawn to her striking blue eyes, large and expressive, shimmering with a depth that seemed to hold endless stories within.The contour of her face, accentuated by a sharp nose, portrayed a sense of elegance and poise. Standing at around 5 feet 6 inches in height, she possessed a graceful stature that commanded attention. Steve couldn't help but admire the way she seemed to strike a perfect balance having a subtle hint of curves, an alluring combination that captivated his gaze.

But it wasn't just her physical features that intrigued Steve; it was the innocence that radiated from her face, seemingly untouched by the harsh realities of the world. The freckles adorning her cheeks only added to her charm, giving her an ethereal quality that he found irresistible.

With a self-assured smirk, the boy finally introducing himself as Steve. Hailey's surprise mingled with a tinge of embarrassment as she realized she had been caught observing him.

Feeling the need to address her actions, Hailey offered a sincere apology. "I'm sorry for secretly watching you. It's just... you caught my attention, and I couldn't help but be curious."

Steve's eyes sparkled with amusement as he waved away her concerns. "No need to apologize . It's flattering, actually."Hailey's cheeks flushed slightly, a mixture of relief and intrigue coursing through her. She hadn't expected such a lighthearted response from Steve. It eased the tension that had built up within her, allowing her to feel more at ease in his presence.

Hailey, intrigued by Steve's ability to notice her even while engrossed in his book, couldn't resist asking the question that had been lingering in her mind. "How did you notice me? Your eyes were glued to that book."

Steve's lips curled into a smirk as he responded, his voice laced with cold sarcasm. "Ah, I possess a special sense that allows me to be aware of my surroundings, even when my attention appears to be elsewhere."

A sudden awkwardness hung in the air, threatening to dampen the budding connection between them. Sensing the tension, Hailey decided to break the silence with a light-hearted laugh, hoping to dispel any discomfort that had arisen.

Her laughter seemed to thaw the coldness that emanated from Steve. A faint smile graced his lips, the corners of his eyes softening with a glimmer of warmth. Curiosity continued to spark between them as Steve's gaze intensified. He pressed on, his voice taking on a more serious tone. "What's your full name?"

Caught off guard by the sudden shift, Hailey paused for a moment, her brow furrowing in confusion. Nevertheless, she answered, "Oh, it's Hailey... Hailey Williams."

The mention of her surname seemed to cause a shift in Steve's expression. His demeanor grew guarded, and a flicker of recognition passed through his eyes. Hailey couldn't help but sense that something deeper lay beneath the surface, a connection that had ignited a spark within Steve.Uncertainty mingled with curiosity, and Hailey found herself wondering what significance her surname held for him. Little did she know that this seemingly innocuous detail had stirred emotions and memories in Steve, unveiling a past that intertwined with the very essence of her own identity.

As Steve's expression shifted once again, a smile danced across his lips, masking his hidden intentions. He was determined to probe further into Hailey's family, hoping to unearth more connections. However, before Hailey could respond, her mother's voice called out to her from a distance, disrupting the moment.

Hailey turned to Steve, her voice filled with regret. "That's my mother calling me. I have to go."

Steve's smile remained fixed, though his eyes flickered with a hint of disappointment. "Of course, Hailey Williams. It was nice to meet you."

Hailey nodded, reciprocating the farewell sentiment. "Nice to meet you too, Steve." With a lingering glance, she turned to retrieve the book she had taken earlier. Yet, as she glanced back at Steve, she noticed his unwavering stare fixed upon her.

Curiosity getting the better of her, Hailey summoned the courage to ask for his full name. Steve met her gaze, his eyes revealing a glimmer of intrigue, and replied, "It's Steve Carter."

Their exchange hung in the air for a brief moment, the weight of their names and unspoken connections intertwining. Hailey's gaze drifted towards the book held in Steve's hands, an unspoken question lingering in her mind. With a final look, she turned away, disappearing from Steve's line of sight.

Hailey returned to her mother, who was engaged in a conversation with Mrs. Olive. Hailey's mother, Mrs. Williams, turned to Mrs. Olive and said, "We should be heading out now, it was lovely seeing you again."

Mrs. Olive, a mischievous glint in her eyes, teasingly commented on the romance novel Hailey held in her hand. "Ah, Hailey, always immersed in love stories, I see. You're bound to have quite the romantic life."

Blushing at the playful remark, Hailey shyly replied, "Oh, Mrs. Olive, you know how I enjoy a good love story."

Hailey's mother chuckled, joining in the lighthearted banter. "Yes, she dreams of finding a man just like her father. Adventurous and full of love."

Hailey's eyes sparkled with affectionate nostalgia at the mention of her father. "He was the best. Always seeking new adventures and showing us so much love."

As the conversation began to fade, Mrs. Olive bid them farewell, her voice carrying a hint of amusement. "Take care, my dear Hailey. May your romantic dreams come true."

Hailey's mother laughed, linking her arm with Hailey's. "Come on, Hailey. Let's head home."

Before leaving, a curious impulse tugged at Hailey's heart, urging her to steal another glimpse of Steve. As her mother bid farewell to Mrs. Olive, Hailey discreetly turned her head, her eyes scanning the library's expanse in search of the enigmatic figure.However, to her disappointment, Steve seemed to have vanished from sight, his presence concealed within the depths of the library. Perhaps he had slipped away unnoticed, or he had found solace in the anonymity of the shelves.A faint sigh escaped Hailey's lips, a mixture of curiosity and intrigue lingering in her mind. She couldn't shake off the inexplicable connection she felt towards him, like a thread tying her to a story yet to unfold.

Meanwhile, unbeknownst to them, Steve had been covertly eavesdropping from the hidden depths of a nearby bookshelf. A smirk crept onto his lips as he whispered to himself, his words laden with a cryptic meaning. "Trust me, honey, you would never want a man like your father."

[In the kitchen ]

In the cozy ambiance of their kitchen, Hailey and her mother worked in tandem, the clinking of dishes and the rhythmic sound of the knife against the chopping board filling the air. Amidst their shared task, Hailey seized the opportunity to divulge her encounter from earlier in the day.

"Mom, I met a guy today," Hailey confessed, a hint of excitement lacing her words.

Her mother, playfully teasing, raised an eyebrow and asked, "Oh, is he cute? Is he hot?"

Hailey chuckled, shaking her head. "Yes, Mom, he's attractive, but there's something more to him-a sense of mystery."

With a twinkle in her eye, Hailey's mother responded, "Ah, mystery men are always interesting, sweetheart. But remember, it's better not to bother them too much."

Lost in thought, Hailey considered her mother's advice as they continued their chores. The image of Steve reading the autobiography of a serial killer lingered in her mind, an intriguing detail that she couldn't ignore.

Breaking the silence, Hailey mused aloud, "You know, Mom, it was really strange. He was engrossed in reading about a serial killer's life. Isn't that weird?"

Her mother, ever the joker, replied in a sarcastic tone, "Well, he must be an alien then."

Hailey laughed at her mother's jest, appreciating the lightheartedness that eased the weight of her thoughts. However, beneath the humor, a lingering sense of curiosity remained, compelling Hailey to delve deeper into the enigma that was Steve.

[Hailey's bedroom ]

Hailey curled up in her bedroom, engrossed in the pages of "It's Always Been You." The words danced before her eyes, whisking her away to a world of romance and intrigue.

((In the intimate embrace of Marcus's bedroom, Evlin yearned to delve deeper into his enigmatic soul. Despite her curiosity, Marcus evaded her inquiries, diverting the conversation. He kissed her tenderly, whispering, "My secrets aren't your concern, babe."

Undeterred, Evlin locked eyes with him, her curiosity unwavering. "Why not?" she questioned, her voice filled with genuine interest. Marcus, slightly exasperated, rolled his eyes.

But Evlin persisted, her desire to unravel the enigma within him growing stronger. "I'm curious about you. You're such a mystery," she confessed.

With a gentle stroke of her hair, Marcus gazed into her eyes. "Look into my eyes, and I'll tell you everything," he promised, his voice laced with sincerity. "But not now."

As Evlin stared into his eyes, she glimpsed a reflection of trust and vulnerability. In that moment, understanding passed between them, and they sealed their connection with a passionate kiss.))

Hailey closed the book, setting it gently aside, and allowed herself to sink into her bed. Her gaze drifted towards the window, where fluffy clouds floated lazily across the sky. Lost in her thoughts, she began to envision herself as Evlin, and Steve transformed into Marcus, the mysterious man she had encountered earlier.In her imagination, Hailey replayed their interactions, the intensity of their gazes, and the enigmatic allure that surrounded Steve. As the clouds drifted by, she let herself get lost in this daydream, merging the lines between reality and fiction.

On a pleasant Sunday afternoon, Hailey heard Lilac's familiar voice calling out to her from the window. Lilac's energetic tone carried across the street as she shouted, "Haileyyyy, don't forget to come over here this evening!"

With a playful smirk, Hailey responded in a sarcastic tone, "Of course, mammm, I won't forget."

Lilac, always brimming with enthusiasm, added, "I'm coming over to pick you up, my kid!"

Lilac entered Hailey's room, immediately spotting the lip balm on her side table. She casually took it, heading to the mirror, and informed Hailey that Albert, along with his two friends and a cousin, would be coming to her house for dinner. Curiosity filled Hailey's voice as she asked, "How did Mrs. Brown allow you?"

Lilac turned her head towards Hailey, who was in bed, and replied, "Didn't I tell you? My mom will be visiting my aunt's house for two days." Hailey chuckled at the serendipitous timing.

With a mischievous twinkle in her eye, Lilac remarked, "You know, you might meet a hottie tonight too. What if my little girl gets to experience a romantic love story? Damn, I'm a matchmaker!" Her words dripped with sarcasm and a hint of pride.

Hailey countered, her voice soft and genuine, "They're not really my type. I want someone who is kind, gentle, you know?"

Lilac rolled her eyes playfully, then moved closer to Hailey, sitting beside her and locking eyes. With a serious expression, she uttered, "I can see your fate entangling with a bad one."

Perplexed, Hailey gave a confused expression, asking, "What are you doing?" Uncertainty lingered in her voice.

Lilac erupted into laughter, unable to contain her amusement any longer. "I'm just kidding," she managed to say between fits of laughter.

[In the evening ]

After some time, Hailey stood before the mirror, adorned in a charming red dress that matched the exact hue Steve had worn in the library. As she gazed at her reflection, an inexplicable rush coursed through her veins, causing her heart to beat faster than ever before. It was a sensation she couldn't quite comprehend, something she had never experienced until now.Lilac's home had always felt like a home to Hailey, a place of comfort and laughter. However, as she approached Lilac's door on this particular evening, an unfamiliar feeling of anticipation and unease settled within her. With each step, her heart thumped louder, its rhythm echoing the uncertainty that danced within her.The threshold of Lilac's home, once a familiar haven, now held an air of mystery, as if something extraordinary was about to unfold. Hailey couldn't explain the fluttering in her chest, but she pressed forward, determined to discover the secrets that awaited her in this seemingly ordinary evening.

As Hailey stood there, her heart still racing with a mixture of anticipation and unease, Lilac playfully tapped her shoulder from behind, breaking her reverie. Startled, Hailey turned to face her friend, a slight flush on her cheeks.

"Why are you moving so slow?" Lilac asked, her voice filled with excitement.

Hailey's thoughts were momentarily halted by Lilac's question, and her heartbeat gradually returned to its normal rhythm. She blinked, gathering herself, and replied, "Am I?"

Lilac grinned mischievously, taking Hailey's right hand in hers. "Come on, we have a lot to prepare!" she exclaimed.

With Lilac's warm presence and infectious enthusiasm, Hailey felt a surge of energy. She allowed herself to be led into Lilac's home, ready to embark on an evening filled with laughter, friendship, and perhaps, the possibility of unexpected encounters that awaited them both.

Once inside Lilac's home, she swiftly dialed her phone and called her university friend Kate. As she walked towards the kitchen, phone pressed to her ear, Hailey followed closely behind. Inside the kitchen, Hailey reached for a glass and began pouring water into it. However, just as her lips touched the rim, she heard distant voices growing nearer. Hailey took a sip, her senses heightened, and in that moment, she recognized a familiar voice among the approaching sounds.Lilac ended her phone call, announcing with excitement, "They're here!" Hailey turned her head quickly, her hair flowing back in a slow-motion dance. In a split second decision, Hailey set the glass back on the kitchen counter, her curiosity drawing her towards the source of the familiar voice that had sent her heart racing.

Hailey stepped out of the kitchen, a sense of anticipation and curiosity enveloped her. The world around her seemed to blur and fade into the background, the only clear presence being that familiar voice that had captured her attention. With her heart pounding, she directed her gaze towards the entrance where Lilac stood, warmly welcoming everyone.Hailey's eyes scanned the faces, searching for that one person who had ignited a flame of intrigue within her. But as her gaze fell upon the gathering, a pang of disappointment washed over her. He wasn't there. The figure she had hoped to see was noticeably absent.Suddenly, as if a spell had been broken, the surroundings came back into sharp focus. The vibrant colors of the room burst to life, laughter and chatter filling the air. Hailey's smile returned, and she took a step forward, joining Lilac's side.

Lilac, with her characteristic enthusiasm, introduced Hailey to her friends one by one. There was Kate, a bubbly and adventurous spirit, Melissa, with her quick wit and infectious laughter, Albert, whose mischievous smile hinted at hidden depths, and Fred, a laid-back and easygoing companion.

As the lively conversations and laughter continued around her, Hailey couldn't help but feel a pang of disappointment deep within her. She whispered to herself in a barely audible voice, "Stupid ! How could he be there?"

Lilac's attention was captivated by Albert, Kate took the opportunity to introduce herself to Hailey. They exchanged friendly smiles and soon found themselves engrossed in laughter and engaging conversation. Together, they moved towards the cozy living room, their shared laughter echoing through the air.Meanwhile, Melissa, with a hint of impatience, eagerly approached Albert. Concern etched across her face, she asked, "Where is Steve?" Albert turned his head, scanning the room, but found no sign of him. With a shrug, he replied, "I'm not sure."

Just as Melissa's disappointment started to sink in, Fred, with a knowing expression, approached her. He gently placed a hand on her shoulder and whispered, "He's in the backyard, smoking again."

A sigh escaped Melissa's lips, a mix of frustration and concern. She had hoped that Steve would join the gathering, but it seemed he had retreated to his usual solitary space.

The focus shifts to Steve standing outside, his cigarette glowing in the darkness. He takes a final drag, the smoke curling around him before he tosses the cigarette aside. Steve's eyes briefly catch the shadows of girls inside, and for a moment, he can hear Hailey's laughter and her melodic voice permeating the air.

In that instant, something stirs within him-a pull, a curiosity that he can't ignore. With a resolute expression, he takes a step forward, leaving behind the solitude of the night.Intrigued by the presence of Hailey, Steve's footsteps carry him towards the open door.