
Secrets Within You

In a chilling yet mesmerizing tale, a psychopath man finds his heart unexpectedly captivated by a sunshine girl, forging an unlikely love story that defies all norms. Their journey begins amidst bitter enmity, as their lives intertwine in a web of danger and suspense. Will their love blossom amidst the darkness within him? Can the sunshine girl ignite a glimmer of empathy in the heart of a psychopath? And when their twisted pasts collide, will they be able to overcome the looming threats that threaten to tear them apart? As secrets unravel and the stakes rise, prepare to be consumed by the suspenseful questions that haunt their every move. Can love truly conquer the darkest corners of the soul? Will their entangled destinies lead to redemption or destruction? Only time will reveal the ultimate outcome of their perilous and passionate love affair.

nafi_ib · Urban
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4 Chs

chapter 3 : You , me & the dark night

Hailey and Kate settled onto the couch, they indulged in a lively conversation, their laughter filling the room. Kate couldn't contain her excitement as she shared the mischievous tale of how she and Lilac had tricked a teacher to bunk classes and catch a glimpse of their favorite celebrity. Hailey's eyes sparkled with amusement as she listened, and their laughter echoed through the air.Meanwhile, near the window, Lilac and Albert engaged in a spirited conversation, their voices animated. Lilac's eyes widened in shock as Fred burst into the room, a mischievous grin on his face, carrying a box of alcohol. Lilac attempted to forbid him from bringing it in, reminding him of the house rules. However, Albert, always the smooth talker, interjected with a persuasive argument, urging Lilac to allow Fred to join in on the fun.Across the room, Hailey couldn't help but notice Melissa's subdued demeanor. Concerned for her friend, she approached Melissa and gently asked, "What happened?" Melissa sighed softly, her eyes filled with a hint of sadness. "It's nothing," she replied, her voice laced with a touch of melancholy. "Just enjoy the night."

Hailey respected Melissa's desire for privacy, but her curiosity lingered. She shifted her attention back to the vibrant atmosphere around her, determined to embrace the joyous moments unfolding.

Amidst the lively atmosphere, Fred's excitement couldn't be contained as he stood up, eager to announce his proposition. "Guys, guys, we're going to play a game with these!" he exclaimed, his voice brimming with enthusiasm. However, Lilac swiftly intervened, placing a hand over Fred's mouth to silence him.

Lilac glanced at the others, a mischievous glint in her eyes, and playfully responded, "Sure, Fred, we'll play a game, but let's have dinner first, okay?" Fred, still slightly muffled under Lilac's hand, attempted to voice his protest, but his words came out as muffled murmurs.

Lilac released her grip on Fred, allowing him to speak freely. He rolled his eyes in mock exasperation and exclaimed, "Fine!" The room erupted with laughter at their playful banter.

Lilac playfully clears her throat to gain everyone's attention, a proud smile spreading across her face. "Ahem! Ahem! I just want to remind you all that I, with a little assistance from my amazing sous chef Hailey," Lilac gestures towards Hailey, causing both of them to share a chuckle, "have prepared this delicious dinner for all of us to enjoy."

She raises an eyebrow, her tone turning mockingly stern as she continues, "And let me make it clear, if anyone dares to waste even a morsel of this wonderful food, they will have the privilege of cleaning every single dish in this kitchen. So, eat up and savor every bite!

Lilac beckons Hailey to join her in the kitchen, their footsteps echoing softly against the tiled floor. As they stand side by side, Lilac takes a moment to share a quiet conversation with Hailey, their voices filled with affectionate amusement.

"Don't ever take Fred too seriously," Lilac advises, a mischievous twinkle in her eyes. "He may be a grown man on the outside, but deep down, he's still a kid trapped in a 24-year-old body." Hailey chuckles in response, understanding the playful nature of their friend's personality.

Lilac asks Hailey, "Hey, could you whip up the dessert and join me at the table? I'll be tucking into my steak and pie." Hailey nods in agreement, ready to tackle the task. She slips on her oven gloves, opens the oven door, and carefully removes the brownies, placing them on the side counter to cool.

As Lilac makes her way towards the dining table, a sudden realization hits her – she forgot to fetch the glasses. Hailey promptly responds, saying, "Hold on a tick, I'll fetch 'em for you."

Hailey cautiously opened the cupboard door, its hinges creaking softly. She reached inside, her fingers grazing the smooth surface of the glasses, one by one, as she carefully lifted them from their resting place.

Hailey's heart raced as she felt a presence behind her, accompanied by a pleasant scent that enveloped the air. Her grip tightened on the last glass, afraid of losing it amidst the overwhelming emotions. Frozen in place, she struggled to decipher if this encounter was another figment of her imagination or if it was indeed real. With trepidation, she turned her gaze to the side, only to find a hand reaching into the cupboard and retrieving another glass.

She turned towards him and her eyes widened as she recognized the familiar figure standing before her. It was him. It was Steve, the enigmatic boy she had encountered at the library. Hailey's vulnerability made her uncertain of how to react. She locked eyes with him, hoping for some acknowledgment, but Steve remained indifferent, as if their previous encounter had never taken place. With swift efficiency, he took the glass , his gaze avoiding any contact, and promptly moved away as if their paths had never crossed.

Confusion and disappointment washed over Hailey as she watched Steve retreat, leaving her standing there, grappling with her own feelings. She couldn't help but wonder why he had approached her only to act as if she were a stranger. Was it all a coincidence, or did he intentionally ignore their previous connection? Questions swirled in her mind, but she was left with no answers.Taking a deep breath, Hailey composed herself and resumed her task, attempting to shake off the lingering confusion. She collected the glasses, making her way back to the dining table, where Lilac awaited.

The dining room was adorned with a beautiful rectangular table, elegantly set for the evening meal. Hailey found herself seated beside her best friend Lilac, a position she had become accustomed to during their numerous gatherings. Opposite Lilac, taking his place with an air of confidence, was Albert. The table layout fostered a sense of togetherness, allowing everyone to engage in lively conversations and enjoy each other's company.

Fred and Kate, two other close friends of Lilac, occupied seats on the smaller sides of the table, their positions ensuring a comfortable distance while still facilitating interaction. Meanwhile, Melissa, a friend who seemed somewhat distant that evening, chose to sit beside Lilac.

The atmosphere was filled with warmth and excitement as the group settled in for the meal. Hailey's attention, however, was momentarily captivated by the entrance of a familiar figure. Steve, an enigmatic character who had piqued Hailey's curiosity earlier, approached the table, carrying a bottle of alcohol in his hand. His confident stride and nonchalant demeanor commanded attention, drawing all eyes towards him.

In a spontaneous gesture, Steve raised the bottle to offer a toast, exclaiming "Cheers!" and taking a swig directly from it. The act was both audacious and charismatic, leaving a lasting impression on the group. Hailey, still intrigued by her previous encounter with Steve, found herself instinctively drawn to his presence.

Noticing Hailey's curiosity, Lilac leaned in with a mischievous smile. Realizing she had neglected to introduce them, Lilac said, "Hey, I forgot to introduce you to Steve. Steve, this is Hailey, and Hailey, this is Steve." Hailey had opened her mouth, ready to mention their earlier encounter, but Steve smoothly interjected, "Nice to meet you, Hailey," cutting her off before she could speak.

Hailey's initial surprise turned into intrigue as she locked eyes with Steve. There was a magnetic pull between them, an unspoken connection that left her yearning to delve deeper into his mysterious persona. She couldn't help but feel a surge of curiosity about the layers that lay hidden beneath his cool demeanor.

Taking the seat directly in front of Hailey, Steve positioned himself purposefully. Melissa had secretly harbored hopes that Steve would choose to sit in front of her, allowing for a potential connection to blossom. But fate had a different plan, as Steve confidently took his place across from Hailey, leaving Melissa with a sense of unfulfilled longing.

Albert turned towards Hailey, a proud smile on his face. "Hailey, allow me to introduce my cousin, Steve. He's not only the most practical and cheerful guy you'll ever meet in London, but also my best friend and advisor."

Steve's eyes sparkled with mischief as he directed his gaze towards Hailey. His smirking lips added an air of intrigue to his demeanor.

Albert couldn't resist adding a playful remark. "But trust me, Hailey, he's also the most complicated guy you'll ever come across." He whispered sarcastically, making sure everyone could hear, "Sometimes, he can be a real ass."

Rolling his eyes, Steve shot back, his voice laced with playful annoyance, "Oh, I can hear everything, Albert. Still not sure if you're complimenting me or insulting me."

Hailey's laughter filled the air as she glanced over at Steve, her curiosity piqued. However, Melissa, driven by jealousy, quickly attempted to disrupt their interaction. She directed her question towards Hailey, her voice tinged with skepticism. "When did you move here?" she inquired.

With a warm smile, Hailey responded, "I moved here six months ago."

Melissa, determined to assert herself, pressed further, asking about Hailey's university plans. Before Hailey could answer, Lilac interjected on her behalf. "She's planning to attend our university," Lilac proudly announced.

Fred chimed in with enthusiasm, "Great! So, you'll be our junior!"

Hailey's excitement shone through as she replied, "Yes, absolutely!"

Lilac seized the opportunity to highlight Hailey's passion, adding, "She has a great interest in science, especially genetics."

Albert, always the matchmaker, playfully joined the conversation. "Great! Steve happens to be a nerd for genetics. You two can study together. Well, he can help you," he suggested, his eyes glancing towards Steve.

Interrupting the conversation with a touch of skepticism, Melissa interjected, "Come on, Steve is a busy man, isn't it, Steve?"

Steve, nonchalantly taking a bite of his steak, looked at Hailey and replied, "Not a problem, I can help you with that."

Melissa's disappointment was evident as she grew quiet, realizing that Steve was more than willing to assist Hailey.

Feeling disheartened, Melissa reaches for her phone and pretends to receive an urgent call, using it as a convenient excuse to leave the gathering prematurely. She quickly informs everyone that her dad has called her for an emergency and rushes out. However, before completely disappearing from view, Melissa turns back and locks eyes with Steve, a serious expression on her face. Steve, too, was looking in her direction, their gazes meeting briefly. With that intense moment passing, Melissa finally departs.

Once outside, Melissa takes out her phone and sends a text to Steve, simply stating, "See you tomorrow." Meanwhile, back at the dinner table, the lively conversation continues. Hailey, in her cheerful demeanor, recounts the story of her first failed date, eliciting laughter from the group. However, the focus subtly shifts towards Steve. As he glances at his phone, a notification catches his attention. He opens the message and finds it's from Melissa. In response, he coolly types, "Alright babe," sending his reply. The significance of their exchange remains a mystery to those around him, hidden within the confines of their private communication.

The atmosphere in the room became divided as Fred and Kate engaged in a spirited debate over the choice between playing "Never Have I Ever" and having a movie night. Fred was adamant about playing the game, while Kate argued in favor of watching a movie. The tension rose as both sides presented their arguments, but it quickly became apparent that the majority favored the movie night option.

Noticing that no one was supporting Fred's suggestion, not even Albert or Lilac, a sense of resignation washed over the group, and they collectively decided to settle down for a movie. The room shifted its focus as the decision was made, and preparations were made to set up the entertainment.

Meanwhile, Steve, seemingly disinterested in the group's deliberations, quietly excused himself and stepped outside. Holding his bottle, he made his way to a secluded spot, seeking solitude. Albert leaned towards Hailey and whispered, "He's always been a bit of a loner." A faint smile played on Albert's lips as he returned to the living room with Lilac, leaving Hailey to contemplate the enigmatic nature of Steve's character.

Hailey mustered up the courage to approach Steve, her curiosity overpowering any hesitation she may have felt. She quietly followed him outside. He was engrossed in his own thoughts, taking occasional sips from his drink. Sensing her presence, Steve glanced at Hailey, his lips curving into a faint smile.

Taking a seat next to him, Hailey found herself drawn to him, compelled to ask the burning question that had been on her mind. With a hint of nervousness in her voice, she asked, "Can I ask you something?"

Steve's eyes met hers, his expression inviting her to speak her mind. He nodded, responding in a relaxed tone, "Go ahead, Hailey. You know I can't say no ."

Hailey took a moment to gather her thoughts, her gaze fixed on the swirling liquid in Steve's glass. Finally, she mustered the courage to voice her query. "Why did you pretend that we never met before?"

"Is it bothering you?" he asked, his voice laced with intrigue.

Hailey shook her head, a smile playing on her lips. "No, it's not bothering me," she replied, her eyes filled with curiosity. "I just find it a bit unusual, that's all. So, why didn't you just acknowledge that we've met before?"

Steve leaned back, taking a sip from his glass. He studied Hailey for a moment before responding, a hint of amusement in his eyes. "Weird, huh? Well, I suppose it might seem that way," he admitted, his voice tinged with a playful tone.

With a mischievous glint in his eyes , he said with a smirk. "I wanted to get to know you without any preconceived notions or judgments. And hey, it worked, didn't it?"

Hailey couldn't help but chuckle at his response. "Well, it definitely caught me off guard."

Steve chuckled at Hailey's response and nodded. "Fair enough," he said, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "I didn't want you to reveal my secret fascination with serial killer biographies and murder mysteries to everyone. It's not exactly the most conventional interest, and it can be seen as weird by some. But for me, it's a form of therapy, a way to delve into the depths of the human psyche."

His eyes filled with a mix of intrigue and vulnerability. "You know, Hailey, there's a reason I'm drawn to mysteries and dark stories. It's my way of understanding the complexities of the human mind"

Hailey nodded, her curiosity piqued. "So, you find solace in unraveling the enigmas of the world?"

Steve's expression softened as he nodded. "Exactly. It's a form of therapy for me, a way to explore the intricacies of life and find a sense of clarity amidst the chaos."

Hailey's gaze lingered on Steve, a newfound appreciation for his unique perspective growing within her. "Well, I won't spill your secrets, Steve," she said playfully. "But I must admit, your taste in literature is definitely intriguing."

Hailey with a playful glimmer in her eyes. "You know, Steve," she began, "I think it would be interesting for you to explore a genre that is outside of your usual preferences.

Steve furrowed his brow in confusion as he responded, "What do you mean?" Hailey smiled and leaned in slightly, her eyes shining with enthusiasm. "I mean, why don't you broaden your reading horizons and try delving into the world of fictional stories?"

"Such as?" Steve asked

"Like sci-fi, horror, fantasy, and romance," Hailey suggested to Steve.

Steve responded "Sci-fi, been there, done that. Horror, sure, I'm into that. Fantasy, too far-fetched for me. And romance, well, it's just not my cup of tea."

"Why not?" Hailey questioned, her curiosity piqued.

Steve shrugged nonchalantly. "I've just never felt a connection to romance, you know? It's never resonated with me."

Hailey leaned in, a hint of intrigue in her eyes. "So, you've never been in love? No attachments whatsoever?"

Steve smirked, his gaze meeting Hailey's. "Nope, not even for a second. But I've been thinking about giving it a try lately," he replied.

Hailey's cheeks flushed with a rosy hue as she couldn't help but interpret Steve's words as directed towards her. Her gaze lingered on his eyes, a mixture of excitement and nervousness swirling in her stomach. The fluttering of butterflies danced within her, and her heart raced with anticipation. Despite their limited acquaintance, Hailey found herself inexplicably drawn to Steve, unable to resist the magnetic pull between them.