
Secrets of THE KING

I am POWER. I am destruction. Chaos Reigns. But I was not always like this.. MY Humanity is slipping away with each Town, with each Village, with each City that I burn - that I CLAIM. Fire consumes ME in MY thirst for more. I will not stop until OUR WHOLE WORLD sets ablaze.

Tory_Nichols · แฟนตาซี
14 Chs


Screams of terror fill the darkness - fill the void. Music to MY ears.

"Avery." I Request, staring at the flames rising from MY latest conquest : The Village of Devinshire. The corners of MY mouth twisting upwards into a villainous smile.

"Brother." He Responds, His fist drumming upon His Heart as His head bows.

"We have Been Brothers for how many years now?" I arch MY brow, sparing Him a sideways glance.

"Ahhh." He Breathes. "It must Be at least 219 years now.. if My Memory Serves Me Correctly."

"Is that it?" I Question MY little Brother. "It Feels like longer.. much, much longer.." I turn to face Him. "The lust for POWER consumes ME."

He nods, a sly grin spreading across His slightly less Handsome face. "Yes, My KING." He Answers. "Shall I Bring YOU the spoils?"

"Mmm.." I lick MY lips, salivating. "Is She pretty?" MY eyes flash dangerously.

"Very." Avery smirks.

"And the Mistress?" I Inquire.

"Even Better." He snarls, His fangs Growing at the mere thought of her.

"She sounds.." I run my tongue along MY sharpening fangs. "..Delicious." MY eyes turn from their usual amber-gold to a pitching black. "Bring them both to ME."

"And what of the Magistrate?" Avery's eyes darken.

"He can watch." I Feel MY Member harden as an evil grin takes form upon MY face.

Avery dips His head and disappears into the burning Village.

Taking one last look at the Blazing chaos before ME, I Smile and turn - walking back to MY Carriage to await MY next meal.

"My KING." The coachman bows, opening the door.

"Peysley." I Acknowledge MY most recent Servant, stepping into MY Luxurious, Gold Transport. He closes the door behind ME.

Moments pass before the Carriage door opens again. Two Gorgeous Women step in, quivering in fear.

"Ladies." I Welcome. A Beautiful, young blonde with eyes of clearest blue cautiously brings her gaze to meet MINE, her breath hitching upon seeing the lack of LIGHT. MY POWER emanates, coaxing her into MY Intoxicating lair. Her breathing steadies as I Inhale her delicate scent.

The slightly elder Woman fidgets, her eyes cast downward to her shaking, folded hands. "You are the Magistrate's Wife, I take it?" I Question the Pretty Dame with deep chestnut curls. She nods quietly, not daring to meet MY gaze. MY eyes narrow as I lean forward to Whisper for only her ears to hear. "Have you ever Been fucked, Milady?" She lets out a soft gasp of surprise, her cheeks blushing at MY Direct words. She does not Answer. "No?" I Confirm, playing with her soft ringlets before lifting her chin, her eyes still refusing to meet MINE.

"Look at ME." I Breathe. Slowly, she lifts her dazzling green eyes to MINE. I stare deep into her uncertain gaze, entrancing her into MY dark calm.

"That's Better." I smirk, leaning back into the plush velvet interior. The Carriage lurches Forward at a steady pace. The two Ladies stare back at ME with lust and Need. I chuckle. "Your Magistrate will Be Joining Momentarily." I nonchalantly Tell them. They nod quietly, their eyes darkening as their heady Scents fill the air. MY Member twitches, ready to take them.

The Carriage stops, and the door opens. "My KING, YOUR Tented Quarters are Ready." Peysley Announces.

"Good." I sneer, escorting the Women out of the Carriage and into MY Tent. "Send in the Magistrate."

Peysley bows. "Yes, My KING."

I turn to the blonde. "Your name." I Demand.

"Rosalyn, My KING." She replies, her voice sultry and low.

"And you?" I Inquire of the green-eyed Beauty, trailing the back of MY fingers along the side of her breast down into the curves of her waist.

"Tassie.." She shudders breathlessly.

"Tassie." I Whisper, stepping closer into her space. Her breasts heave with lust and Desire. I dip MY head to Inhale her sweet Scent, running MY tongue greedily along the nape of her neck. She lets out a soft moan.

The tent reopens and Avery steps in, followed by a stout, potbellied man with untamed curls and a receding hairline more than halfway down the center of his head. I look at him with disgust.

"This is the man?" I Confirm with MY Brother.

"Shamefully, yes." Avery Responds.

"Very well." I grin. "Tie him to the chair."

Avery smirks before securing the Magistrate to a wooden chair facing a thick feather mattress covered with soft furs and plush pillows.

"Unhand me, you insolent creature!" The Magistrate resists. I stalk Towards him. MY eyes flash, darkening into the blackest night, MY razor-sharp fangs taking their full length. One glance in MY direction, and he Becomes silent.

"I take My leave, My KING." Avery Indicates, stepping out of the Tent and sealing the Entrance.

"Shall We Begin?" I Request of the Magistrate. His eyes fill with fear.

"Rosalyn." I Command. "Help the Magistrate out of his slacks."

His eyes widen at the obscene Request. "Yes, My KING." She Answers, moving towards him to loosen his belt and remove the fabrics covering his lower half.

"I am going to Enjoy Pleasuring your Wife, Magistrate." I Proclaim. He gasps in horror. "Come here, Tassie." I reach out MY hand to the elder Woman. She takes MY hand, and I pull her into MY arms. "So sweet." I growl, releasing the dainty buttons lining the back of her dress.

"Tassie!" The Magistrate calls out.

"She cannot hear you, Magistrate." I sneer. "She Belongs to ME now." I slide her dress down, as the Magistrate's pants fall to the ground.

"Rosalyn, Darling." I Whisper. "Tease the man."

He stares at ME in shock, uncertain as to how to respond to MY brazen Command. Immediately, the blonde Begins to fondle the Magistrate's hardening Member. I turn MY Attention back to his Wife, loosening her corset. Her clothing pools at Our feet, leaving her standing in nothing but her petticoat. "Tassie, MY sweet." She gazes Needily into MY eyes. "Show ME your Sensual Desires."

Slowly the Beautiful Woman moves towards the bed, removing her petticoat, revealing a white lacy undergarment covering her dampening mound. She lays down upon the soft furs, arching her back and spreading her legs. The Magistrate watches the scene unfolds, unwillingly growing in Rosalyn's skillful hands.

"Every Woman has Needs, Magistrate." I smirk evilly. "Had you taken Better Care of your Wife, perhaps she would not Be Offering herself so Willingly."

He resistively groans in response as his mistress Begins bobbing her head up and down the length of his shaft.

"You have Been a selfish Lover." I Tell the man. His eyes glare at ME. "But do not worry. I Enjoy Giving just as much as I Enjoy taking." I grin, licking MY fangs.

I move towards the Woman called Tassie and drop to MY knees. Hooking one finger into the lacy fabric, I slide her final piece of clothing down off of her legs and oblige his Wife her Needs. Greedily, I lap and suckle her honeyed folds, her hands twisting insatiably into MY black hair. Her sweet moans fill the tent.

"Stop!" The Magistrate cries, unwillingly ebbing closer toward his own release. "Tassie, stop!" He calls out to her. Pain edges his words.

I slide MY hand up toward Tassie's mounded peak and pinch, earning ME a cry of jolted Pleasure before I softly massage her breast.

I lift MY head, coaxing the Beautiful Lady. "Come for ME, Tassie, and I will Give you more." She nods, whimpering against the twists and pulls of MY fingers upon the tips of her breasts. Her breathing Becomes ragged as I lower MY head, nipping her precious bud.

"My KING.." She Breathes shakily. I press MY tongue firmly inside of her and flick it gently between her wet folds. "Ohhh.." She cries out, lifting her hips to MY lips. "More!" She begs. I suck her sensitive bundle, twirling the tip of MY tongue, Answering her Prayers. "Oh GOD!! YES!!" Her sweet whimpers Become fervent as her thighs squeeze tighter around MY head.

"Tassie.." The Magistrate torturously moans as his Wife comes undone in MY arms.

Her body Begins quaking. "Mmm.. mm.. mmm.." She squeals, her hips convulsing against MY tongue. "Ahhhhhhhhhh.." She shatters and her juices spill from her core. I drink from her Pleasure before releasing MY aching hardness from its fabricated prison.

"No, My KING! Please.." The Magistrate sobs. "..Do not defile my Wife any further."

"Rosalyn, Dear." The pretty blonde stops sucking and stands. "The Magistrate does not seem to Be Enjoying your Attention. Do you Need a Release as well?" I Question. She nods her head hungrily, walking toward the bed.

"Get undressed, and show Us what you Desire." I Command her. She does as she is told and crawls on the bed, positioning her mound atop the lips of the Magistrate's Wife. The corners of MY mouth twitch as the man gasps. Rosalyn lowers her hips and Tassie lifts her head, capturing the blonde's Needy bud between her lips.

Rosalyn lets out a Sensuous moan as she moves her Flower in Time with Tassie's tongue. "Enjoying yourself, Magistrate?" I Question the shamed man whose throbbing cock is now at a lack for release.

"Your sweet Tassie is so Ready for ME." I sneer. He hangs his head in defeat, groaning as I position MY Self to Enter his Wife. I grab her hips and drive MY thick Length fully into her in one swift thrust. She cries out in muffled Pleasure as Rosalyn pumps her bud into Tassie's suctioning mouth.

The two Women moan together, each receiving their own form of building Release.

"Fuck.." I hear Rosalyn Breathe. Her body stills before drenching Tassie in her Juices as she quakes. "Oh, Tassie!!" She screams before collapsing backwards.

I catch hold of the blonde, pumping steadily into the Magistrate's Wife, bringing her to the brink. I capture Rosalyn's neck and sink MY fangs, draining her of her Life Source before tossing her aside onto the floor.

The Magistrate screams. "Rosalyn!! No!!!"

Tassie's Flower clenches around MY hard manhood. "Give yourself to ME, sweet flower." I snarl.

"No, Tassie!! Don't!" The man desperately cries out.

His Wife's back arches as she Begins to convulse. Her Breaths come in short gasps along with her heady moans. I lean Forward, MY mouth coming to close around the nape of her neck.

"Tassie!!!" I Hear the Magistrate's sobs, her blood Flowing freely on MY tongue. "My Wife.." Her last Breaths fill MY ears as I Release MY Self. I groan as her body goes slack.

Gently, I lay her down, returning MY Member to its proper place.

"I have not had a Meal as Divine in quite some Time." MY eyes return to their molten State.

The Magistrate stares hollowed at the body of his deceased Wife.

"Cross ME again, Magistrate, and next Time I will not Be as Merciful." I calmly continue.

"Avery." I Raise MY Voice.

"My KING?" Avery steps into the Tent.

"Have someone take care of this mess." I sweep MY arm toward the two Women. "And Remind the Magistrate what happens to Traitorous men. We wouldn't want to have another mishap now would We." MY eyes flash.

"My KING!! Please!!" The Magistrate panics.

Avery smirks an evil grin. Tortured screams resound as I step out from the Tent.