
Secrets of THE KING

I am POWER. I am destruction. Chaos Reigns. But I was not always like this.. MY Humanity is slipping away with each Town, with each Village, with each City that I burn - that I CLAIM. Fire consumes ME in MY thirst for more. I will not stop until OUR WHOLE WORLD sets ablaze.

Tory_Nichols · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Laying Plans

"Were they everything YOU had Imagined, KING Brother?" Avery finds ME standing next to the shore.

"Better." I Answer, shifting MY gaze back towards Him. "Women are the most peculiar Creatures, Avery. Beautiful and Dainty, yet ravenous within."

Avery chuckles. "Indeed, Brother. They are not much different from Us men."

I smirk. "Let us Be Glad the humans have yet to Learn how to Satisfy them. So easily swayed for a Good fuck." I Laugh.

"Quite Right, My KING." He grins. "Quite Right."

We stand Together silently for a Moment, listening to the waves wash upon the Shores.

"The Moon shines bright tonight." I Observe.

"Do YOU miss it?" Avery responds.

"I am Ready to Return." I Answer. He nods in Acknowledgement, hands folded behind His back. "Will We Be having further error from the Magistrate?" I Inquire.

"No, My KING." The corners of His lips twitch.

"Good." I smile, MY fangs glistening in the Moonlight. "Then We shall set sail for Home tomorrow."

"Selene will Be Glad." Avery eyes blaze heatedly.

"How long has it Been?" I Ask.

"Sixteen Years." He swallows.

"Have You considered the consequences, Brother?"

He grits His jaw, a low growl rumbling from His chest. "GOD Help the bastard if She has."

I arch MY brow, Giving Him a sideways glance. "Women have Needs, Avery."

"I am The Prince, Xavier." He snarls.

"Do what You Must, Brother. YOU Know where I stand."

He Gives a slight nod. "I Do." He tilts His head. "And what of YOU, KING Brother?"

I smirk viciously. "I am quite Satisfied with the spoils of war."

Avery laughs heartily. "I would like to Meet the Woman who survives THE KING'S bed."

"As would I." MY fangs Grow as MY eyes pitch to black. "As would I."

"I Enjoy Our chats, My KING." Avery grins wickedly. "I will make Ready the Camp."

I nod as He dips His head Respectfully before taking His leave.

I Breathe in the cool Night air before returning to MY Tent. A stunning, raven-haired Beauty sits nervously on MY bed.

"Good Evening, MY Dear." I smile evilly. "And what shall I call you?"

"Layla.." She whispers.

MY eyes flash dangerously as her eyes fall deep into MY gaze. "And what are your most private Desires?"

Her breath hitches as she Becomes urgently aroused.

"Show ME." I coax.

Slowly she walks towards ME and falls to her knees.

"An interesting Fantasy, Layla." I cock a dark grin, her hands reaching for MY belt. "I will Allow it."


I stretch as the Sun rises over the Horizon. It took no less than four more Women to Satiate MY hunger after MY rendezvous with the Magistrate's Wife.

Feeling Well-sexed after a Pleasure-filled Night, I dress MY Self and exit the Tent.

"Good Morning, My KING." Peysley Greets.

"Are MY ships Ready?" I Question.

"Yes, My KING. We will set sail within the hour." He responds.

"Good. Tell MY Brother to Meet ME at the shore." I Command him.

He bows and walks Towards Avery's Tent. I watch as a sultry blonde stumbles naked from His tent. He steps out, tightening His belt and slapping her upon the rear-end. MY lips twitch before I turn and make MY way to the Fleet of ships awaiting Our return, Avery soon joining ME.

"The Eastern Shores, KING Brother." He Gives a wolfish grin.

"We have Expanded Well." I smirk. "And the Rewards exceptional."

He licks His fangs. "I will miss it."

"It is only temporary." I Remind Him.

"Selene will Need a deep fuck." Avery salivates at the thought.

"You have had plenty of practice." I eye Him. "What of the blonde?"

"Unlike you, My KING, I saved a little something for the Journey Home." His eyes flash.

"There are plenty more." I chuckle.

"This one has certain.. talents."

"A whore?" I Question.

"A widow."

I laugh. "Of Our Doing, I presume."

"Naturally, My KING." Avery smiles coldly. "I found her moaning face-down with a Lover." Lust flits across His face at the memory. "YOU Know those are My favorite."

"Ah, yes." I smirk. "The unfaithful can Satisfy an entire evening. If You let them."

Avery grins. "YOU are insatiable, KING Brother."

"Indeed I am." I Agree. "What Do We Know of the North and the South?"

"Now that the West has fallen?" Avery Acknowledges. "The Northern King has His eyes set on the South."

I nod. "And the Southern?"

"Is no King at all. His Marriage to The QUEEN is why his kingdom still stands." He mocks.

"Intriguing." I Think aloud, MY cold eyes calculating.

"An easy Victory, My KING."

"Be sure to fuck her hard, Brother." I Advise Him. He arches His brow questioningly. "Selene will Be Leading Our next Mission."

"Forgive Me, My KING, but would a swift attack not Be more Fruitful?" Avery inquires.

"Who Rules the South?" I ignore His question.

"I Believe it to Be the king's Woman." He answers.

"And Do You Know Who Benefitted most from their Union?" I continue.

"I Do not, My KING."

"Exactly." I Respond with a sly grin. "Let Us Send an Infiltrate to Learn more of this.. QUEEN."

"As YOU Please, KING Brother." Avery bows His head. "May I make one request?"

"You may without MY Promise to Fulfill it." I smirk.

Avery grins, a mischievous look in His eye. "Always the Intelligent." He chuckles. "I was merely going to ask a steady cue of Women to keep My beast at bay. Specialty maids perhaps?"

"Use discretion, Brother." I Advise Him. "Should Selene catch Wind, You Know the consequences."

He Gives ME a Pleased nod.

"And in Exchange, I Will Be taking Your widow tonight." MY Member twitches.

"I will have her Sent to YOUR Cabins now." Avery responds.

"Very Good, Avery. She will fuck ME until her dying breath." I Give a chilling grin.

"I would expect no less, My KING." He laughs.

"I Will See You upon The Eastern Shores, Brother."

"Indeed." He replies before boarding His ship.

I turn and step aboard The KING's ship, licking MY fangs in anticipation of the experienced blonde.