
What Lie's Go Untold

My name is Maddie and I live in Los Angeles or I used to. I was just informed last night that we are moving to Hawaii or Honolulu, Hawaii. I've lived in LA for about my whole life and then at the beginning of the senior year I find out I have to leave all my friends just cause my mom got promoted to a job space in Honolulu. So here I am packing all my things instead of going to school. I then get ready and dress into some comfy clothes then grab a bag and put some clothes in it so I can change at the airport in Honolulu. I also did my makeup. I picked up my bags and carried them downstairs the mover will pack up the rest so then I took my bags to the car and put them in since I'm riding my bike to the airport and then our cars or bikes in my case will be loaded and flone over to Honolulu too. When I get to the airport I get my bags and go wait for my flight. I look at the time and think "I got time how about a Starbucks run." So I tell my mom "I'm going to Starbucks" and she said "Get me something" I say back "What you want and give me your card." She then hands me her card and I go to get her a Caffe Vanilla Frappuccino and me a Java Chip Frappuccino. Then I head back to wait on our flight to be called. Just when we finish our frappuccino our flight was called. We throw away our cups and make our way into the line.

Time skip their now on the plane

So after about an hour or so we are in the air and I'm sleepy so since I called the window seat on the plane. I soon fall next thing I know is I am being woke up by my mom saying were here. So we get off the plane and walk to go get our luggage. I see mine first and grab it then go sit and wait for my mom and dad. Once they get their bags we are walking to a driver who is holding our name on a big strip of paper mom said he is our driver for now on. We then get in their car and drive for an hour or so to this huge house.