
The lies we tell

We then get in the car and drive for about an hour or so we then pull up to this huge house. We then get out and go check out what we got. I went into the double doors. I may have been mad about moving across the world but I had to say damn it was huge. My mom said I could go and check out the other rooms. She also said that my room was on the third floor and it would be the last door at the end of the hall with the double doors. When I went up the third floor and found my room. I was like holy fucking shit. I've never had a room like this then I saw that there was another door right next to the closet. I went up to the door and opened it. I promise you I almost passed out cause I was in shock I yell for my mom and both of my parents came running up the stairs. I was like how the fuck do we have the money for all of this. They were like your grandma and grandpa had billion of money and they handed it down to you along with the most feared gang in the world which they were in charge of so now you and the most feared mafia leader in the world cause of your grandparents and parents. Oh, also we are not your real parents we are your first and second in command. We were put in charge of you and sworn to take care of you like you were our own child so that is what we did, but a couple of days ago we got a call from your birth mother and father saying that your grandparents were killed and they were next. They then told us it was time to tell you. So now you know all of this we are waiting for your next command. I was like what the fuck then next thing I knew was the room was spinning and my eyes were closing and then I was out.