
The Unexpected

When I woke up I was still in the room in my room and I was laying on my bed. I was wondering how the fucking hell did I get in my bed. The last thing I remember was mom and dad telling me that I was not their child and that a was a mafia leader and that they are my first and second in command. It feels as if I had 50 shots of tequila and I'm hungover with a huge headache. I walk over to my bathroom and opened the door. I was so amazed by what I saw. Once I took a refreshing bubble bath I got into a cute summer outfit. Then I put my makeup on cause I knew that I just had to get away from here for a little. Then I grabbed my leather jacket the one of many and went outside after I got a text on my phone about my baby being dropped off. I hopped on the back of my bike and started her up it is so relaxing to fell her roar to life under me.