
Chapter Twenty-one

I See“ A car was said to have exploded around Avenue road.

Eye witness told the press that the damaged car collided with another car which had escaped without trace.

The Nation’s broadcast also relayed that a dead body was found with the crashed car but till now, the victim’s identity is yet to be known.” A reporter told The Nations broadcast.


Avenue road. 

The clicking sounds of  reporters taking pictures of the scene could be heard. The healthcare unit were also present with their ambulance as they rushed toWe attend to the victim. They laid him on a stretcher and wheeled him to an ambulance. The Police were present, trying to bring both the press and the people under control.

It was a scary sight to behold. The news hit the hottest news headlines and was broadcasted in all television channels.

The Police got a truck to take the car to their station for investigations and verification.

A car is parked at a corner. The men in the car was looking intently at the accident scene. A man came from the scene , entered the car and whispered some words to their leader.

“Let’s go”

The drove off after their leader commanded them to do so.

Andy didn’t know what to tell his Master. He recognized the grey Roll Royce which was damaged though not completely. The dead victim. “Who should it be?” He thought. It was confirmed to be a man. But Albert left with Valerie. Aren’t they supposed to be two in number? If not how did the dead body come about with the car?” Andy was getting more confused as they headed back to the Smiths residence.

The house became silent for a moment after listening to the news. 

Smith fell down backwards with sweats dripping down his face. His hands clamped on his chest as he tried to breathe. Everyone raced towards him. John carried him to a sofa and lay him on it. Andy witnessed John carrying Smith to a sofa. He quickly moved towards them.

“What happened?” He asked.

“He slum….ped…after listen….ing to the …news.” John spluttered.

Andy felt Smiths temperature and it was very high. His heart raced so quickly.

“ Take him to the car.” Andy shouted to the security guards who did as ordered.




“ Master.”  Andy called seeing Smith open his eyes but Smith made no response. His eyes were open but it seemed he wasn’t recognizing anything happening around him. Andy waved his hands above Smith’s eyes but his eyes remained fixed to the gaze. Beads of sweat ran all over Andy. He prayed silently that nothing happens to his Master. He had a lot of responsibility to carry.

No one spoke after Smith left. “What next?” Everyone wondered. First it was  Albert and Valerie. Next it’s Smith. 

Mira and Lady Lily sat beside Sofia who stood up and walked up the stairs. As they entered their room, Sofia slumped on the bed. She didn’t realize when tears began streaming down her cheeks.

Both Lady Lily and Mira stood looking at the poor girl. They took heavy breaths before Lady Lily signaled Mira to allow Sofia some private moments.

They shifted to a corner and allowed Sofia pour out her sorrows.

“Ma’am please be calm.” Lady Lily said to Sofia after allowing her to cry for a while.

Sofia pulled Lady Lily to sit beside her.” I think… I think … I’m in love with him.” She stuttered looking at Lady Lily and Mira.

“I noticed.” Lady Lily responded patting he gently at her back.

Sofia bursted out again. She was really in pains. Mira wished she could do something to soothe those pains.


Smith was immediately admitted to the intensive Care unit. 

Andy paced restlessly waiting for the results. His Master already left a burden on him. He was already drenched in sweat thinking about the issue at hand. The ringing sounds of his phone was enough to jolt him back to reality.


“Good morning Sir.” Eddie greeted. 

Eddie told him all that was going on in the Corporation.

Anger rose in  some people's heart.  when  the Mail was sent to departmental heads. Gregory was so annoyed. Within few minutes, the members of the board gathered in the conference room.

“We need to see the CEO.”

“If the Vice President isn’t available then choose from us.”

The secretary was put in a difficult situation and she had  to call Andy.

Andy instructed her before ending the call.

The door clicked open and a doctor came out of it. Andy moved to him immediately

Andy moved to him, “Doctor how is he?” 

“He’s stable at the moment. He’ll need to rest after now.”

“Can I see him?”

“Not now.” The doctor replied and left.

Andy glanced  at Smith through the transparent glass before going home.


Sofia waited for Andy at home. Immediately Andy stepped into the house, Sofia went to meet him.

“He’s resting now.”  Andy told her, seeing her worried facial expressions.

“I’m sorry Sir. But I want to beg  something of you.  I know that I’m told to remain inconspicuous but at this critical time. I don’t think I should. Please allow me to visit Mr. Smith.”

“I’ll think about it.” He said and left. 

Sofia stooped  to the floor. She buried her face on her laps and  began crying. Mira walked up to her, raised her to her feet and they left.

At another part of the town.

A man sat down making calls. Before him is his three subordinates.

"Leader." They greeted.

"I'm beginning to suspect a lot of things. You said you saw them."

" Yes Leader."

" Then, we have some other persons in this game. But who could they be?"

" From the look of things they're more dangerous."

" Yes. You can go."


Aunt Mary dialed Sofia's line. 


Sofia's phone kept ringing. She dropped it on top of her drawer and  wasn't in the room to receive the calls.

Sofia had to call back her Aunt. Aunt Mary wasn't impressed with the sound of Sofia's voie in phone. s "What is it?  She questioned . 

" Please can I see you Aunt." 

" OK."

Aunt Mary felt sad listening to Sofia narrate everything that has been happening in the house 9f the Smiths. 

"Come here." She  said to her and gave her a hug. 

Sofia rested her face on Aunt Mary’s shoulders and wept bitterly.

After a while, she took Sofia to Lady Lily and Mira.

“I want to go now. I want you to be strong and make sure you rest. Lily…..”

Lady Lily simply nodded and Aunt Mary left. Sofia was very weak and was taken to her room to rest.

Sofia wanted to prepare a nice dish for her father, she insisted she was going to Leave with Andy. So she prepared the dish herself. But Andy on a second thought asked her to stay back giving her reasons.

Smith never liked her. If he wakes up to see her, he may get upset and do something terrible. Well, Andy was right afterall. Sofia had to give up leaving with Andy. To comfort her, Andy took the food she prepared along with him.


Andy went straight to the doctor's office as soon as he arrived the hospital.

He knocked at the door and pushed it open. "Good morning Doctor." He greeted immediately he entered the doctor's office.

The doctor looked up and smiled when he realized the person standing before him. He gestured him to a seat," Andy right?" He asked.

"Yes Doctor." Andy affirmed.

The doctor already knew Andy's reason for been in the hospital. He pulled out his drawer and brought out a file which he handed over to Andy.

"He suffered from emotional shock. We've brought him to stability but he needs rest for now. This is a very dangerous condition. Please he has to be careful in the future."

" Thank you Doctor. I brought his food."

The doctor approved it and then gave him the consent to see Smith."

Smith lay on the hospital bed wide awake. His eyes were open and his face was pale but his breathing was stabled unlike the previous day. He thought deeply about his son and Valerie. "What was he going to tell Valerie's father?" He thought. While he was thinking, the door opened and Andy walked in.

"Master." He greeted bowing respectfully. His face beamed seeing the positive change in his Master. Smith gestured him to a seat and he sat down.

"Fill me in with the current information." Smith told him.

" The dead body was confirmed to be a male but we aren't sure who he really is. There's still hope that it isn't Albert. Nothing has been found about Valerie.  Already alerted all our security guards including our hidden agents they're in search of the assassins. Then, Gregory is also out with his ploys in the company."

" Thank you for the information."

"I brought you food."

Smith only smiled. He looked at the food pack as Andy dropped it on a stool beside him.