
Chapter Twenty

They arrived at the nearest boutique Jason Unique boutique and parked in their parking lot.They (Valerie and Eva) alighted the car and headed for the entrance while the chaffeur remained in the car. They were welcomed by the workers in the boutique and were led inside the boutique. They moved around inside the boutique picking clothes with the help of a sales agent. It took them a while to get everything needed before making for the account part.

Eva brought out a card from her purse to pay for the clothes and handed it to the accountant who went dumbstruck on seeing the card with a three Gold star. She recognized that it was very few Important personnel that could handle such cards and immediately greeted them warmly. Eva wasn’t in a good mood, so she kept mute. It was Valerie who replied to the accountant. The accountant was so happy to meet the duo..

"Can I just take a few pictures with you. Miss Valerie."

" Why not?" They took a few pictures before the accountant registered the items on her computer and gave them a receipt of payment with a discount attached due to the Gold stars. She also called a sales agent to carry the item to the car.

After that, they drove back home. Valerie was excited to be recognized by people. She felt proud of herself and totally ignoring Eva on their way going back.

When they arrived home, Eva carried the newly bought clothes to Valerie’s room and went to report back to Albert.


“Come in.” 

Eva greeted Albert and narrated all to Albert. 

“Ok. You can go.” 

That wasn’t the response Eva expected of Albert. But she had to leave. Albert was fully aware of why Valerie could do such, so he need not discuss anything with Eva.


Albert called Valerie to have some fun. Valerie was over-excited and got dressed to leave with Albert. Just as she wanted, they decided to leave to any classy hotel in town.

Valerie fully prepared and waited for Albert to beep her out of the room. She swirled around looking at the full-length mirror admiringly.

She wore a skimpy designer dress with a slit between her chest, it revealed the curves of her round and firm breasts in her chest. She wore a skimpy designer dress with a slit between her chest, it revealed the curves of her round and firm breasts in her chest. 

Albert was already waiting for her at the garage when he beeped her. Valerie came down to meet him.

Albert was astonished to see her dressed in that manner that he could not help but drool over her, making Valerie feel like the most special. She smiled immediately she came close to Albert and greeted him.

Albert held her hand and complimented her, “You look so beautiful.” He said.

Valerie felt her cheeks burn. She turned red making Albert giggle.

“Thank you so much.”  She blushed harder.

“May we?”

“Yes.” Both chuckled before getting into the car.


They(Valerie and Albert) entered the magnificent building. Lights and decorations adorned all parts of the building and soft music played.

Albert and Valerie settled down at a corner. A waiter came to attend to them. Both Albert and Valerie choose from the menu, what they would like to eat.

The duo began digging in as soon as their choice piece was served. They also took pictures as well. 

It was an interesting dinner outing for the two.

Earlier that day, Albert told his secretary to inform the board about the presentation of the new Vice President.

There was commotion in the entire corporation, especially amongst the departmental heads, when the news was sent to different departments.

Gregory was the most annoyed. Within a space of time, his close colleagues gathered in his office.

“This is absurd.” 

“How can the bring in an outsider to lead us? Is this how they repay us after serving them for years?”

They kept ranting amongst themselves but Gregory kept mute. He was thinking of the e next move.


Gregory hit his hand on his office desk. 

“What’s all these noise for?” He vented out of frustration.

“We should be discussing of what next to do and not this. We can’t allow this. Be prepared for the next move. This is the time we have to act as one. Together we'll destroy their plans and also destroy them. "

They nodded to the suggestion.


“Thank you so much. “ Valerie said on their way going back.

Albert smiled lightly before saying, It’s nothing. 

“Can we have fun like this often? “ Valerie asked.


“Why depends?” Valerie said with pouted lips.

“That’s because……. “ Albert was interrupted by a black vehicle that almost collided with his car. He tried to avoid the car but it kept coming his way,  so Albert increased his speed and drove off.

“What was that?” Valerie asked with unsteady breaths. But before Albert could answer her, a light shone from behind and it was the same car, in hot pursuit. Albert stepped on the accelerator and sped off into the deepest darkness with the car still pursuing them.

As they were racing from their attackers, another car from the opposite direction collided with their car, causing Albert’s car to somersault into a valley.

*Boom* Boom*

An explosion occurred. The first pursuers stopped their car and then drove away into the darkness.

Gunshots was fired before the place became eerie silence.

It was getting late, Smith was also worried about his son and Valerie.

“What is taking them so long?” Smith said feeling uneasy.

“Master, do you think something may have happened to them? “ Smith felt his heart skipped a bit.

“Alert all our security guards, go and find my Son! “ Smith spoke in a deep hoarse voice.



Soon it was now news in Smiths residence that Albert and Valerie was missing.

Everyone in the building was tensed. Sofia seemed to be the most tensed. She felt her breath seized as soon as she heard the news.

“What is wrong with me?” She muttered to herself, holding her hand over her chest in fear.


Sofia’s heart raced fast. She couldn’t explain why. But she felt a sting of pain somewhere deep down in her heart when a negative imagination about Albert crossed her mind.

“No it can be!” She screamed to the little voice that kept saying those negative words to her. When she couldn’t bear it, she ran to meet Lady Lily and Mira .


Sofia knocked hard on the door.

Mira quickly opened the door. Before she could say anything, Sofia had already ran inside the room and was sitting on the bed.

Mira locked the door and moved swiftly to where Sofia was.

“Are you ok Ma’am?” It was Lady Lily asking, worries written all over her.

“I’ve not been myself since I heard the news.” She said in a squeaky voice.

“My Lady.” Mira moved held Sofia’s hand and gently rubbed  her palm. “I know they’ll be ok wherever they are now.” She said trying to calm Sofia’s fears.

“Let’s go and stay with Father.” Sofia said still feeling nervous.

Mira and Lady Lily glanced at each other.

Lady Lily smiled inwardly.” Father?” She thought as they left the room to meet Smith. 

“What? A car explosion? “ Smith rose up from his seat. Tension written all over him.……


At the other part of the town in a deserted area is a two-storey building.

A man dressed in a black overall coat with his a black face mask, walks up and down the room. He held a rifle gun on his right palm.

Few moments later, two other able-bodied men knocked and entered the room. They bow in respect as they greet, ”Master.”

“How was it?” He questioned eagerly. 

“We hit the target. We made their car explode. He should be dead by now.”  One of the men said.

“Good job.” The man took out a cigarette from its pack and lit it.

He puffed the cigarettes into the air and smiled.


Sofia  was racing down the stairs to meet Smith. She felt her foot rooted to the ground, hearing those words from Smith.

The phone slipped off, from Smith’s hand. For the first time over years ,he felt nervous. His eyes swept to the direction of the television.

Someone turned on the television and everyone listened to the news.

“A car was said to have exploded around Avenue road.

Eye witness told the press that the damaged car collided with another car which had escaped without trace.

The Nation’s broadcast also relayed that a dead body was found with the crashed car but till now, the victim’s identity is yet to be known.” A reporter told The Nations broadcast,

Author's note: I'm grateful to those who have gone thus far in reading my work. Please rate me after your reads. They motivate me a lot. Much love 💞💞💞💞.