
Second Chance? Then I Will Live As Free As I Want

Warning!!!!! This is a harem, massive harem R-18 novel, so smut, and lemons will be scattered all over the place, the MC is also very OP since I hate slow pace and your cliche weak-to-strong trope. I have warned you, so if you still want to continue to read then you take your own risk, just one advice from me, don't read it at your office or school ----- The MC is an unfortunate kid who has to live his entire life in a hospital accompanied by so many strange doctors and male nurses who always tell him about their bizarre story. However someday, his suffering comes to an end when he gets called by a very strong being that wants him to spread her influence or concept. Join the journey of our MC who got corrupted by the perverts in the hospital where he was treated.

Enima_gaming · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
40 Chs

the trick to destroy Akatsuki

A few days later, the Chunin exam ended peacefully, without any problems, and the Kage returned to their respective villages feeling satisfied after witnessing the performance of their new generation.

The reason for the lack of problems was that Orochimaru also attended the event directly as the leader of Otogakure.

Upon hearing that Tsunade had taken over leadership, Orochimaru, who had initially intended to destroy Konoha, finally abandoned his malicious intent.

Because after careful consideration, he only held grudges against the Third Hokage and Danzo, and both of them were already dead, so there was no reason for him to cause trouble again.

Furthermore, with the peace treaty in place, the five villages collaborated in many areas, especially in research, which greatly interested Orochimaru, leading him to choose the path of peace.

In Laputa, Sora woke up surrounded by his wives, and he found Artoria busy dancing above him with soul-stirring moans.

Despite just waking up, Sora was overwhelmed by the ecstasy induced by Artoria's movements. He grabbed her hips fiercely, pushing her waist until his holy sword plunged deep into Artoria's body, then fired a large amount of ammunition into her.

Unaware of this sudden attack, Artoria was shocked and instantly reached nirvana, experiencing an intense climax until she lost consciousness.

After shooting his seeds, Sora slowly withdrew his holy sword from Artoria's body, then stood up and checked a timekeeping device.

"Wow... this is a new record. Luckily, I stopped time in this room. The stamina of a Zoan user, especially a dragon, is very dangerous. At least, it's only been a day outside."

And because Tsunade declared it a holiday today to celebrate the successful completion of the Chunin exams, Sora decided to let his wives rest, as they deserved it.

Instead, Sora felt it was time for him to act again.

Sora was confident that if the Kage were given the opportunity to build their own nations with abundant resources, they would not hesitate to accept it.

Even if the daimyo disagreed, they couldn't do anything, because the reason the Kage obeyed the daimyo was mainly because they controlled the resources and money.

They controlled the economy, which meant they controlled people. Then, if their money became useless, the daimyo would be no different from insects that could be crushed by humans anytime.

Sora was sure that the reason he obtained the dimensional farm was actually to bring as many human resources as possible.

And by utilizing this abundant workforce, Sora wouldn't need to manage his dimensional farm manually.

In other words, the dimensional farm was actually a personal world where Sora could bring other people and let them live there.

"The problem now is Akatsuki."

Due to Nagato's death and Konan's disappearance, Obito was forced to rebuild Akatsuki and become its leader.

And although they weren't as terrifying as when Nagato led them, Obito's abilities were quite annoying. Even though Sora could defeat all its members, if Obito decided to escape to Kamui's dimension, there was nothing he could do, because his time manipulation is a bit tricky to use.

Sora thought hard about how to defeat Obito or at least make him surrender.

Eventually, he came up with an interesting idea.

Sora then opened his system store and searched for the magic he needed.

After browsing for a while, he finally found the magic he wanted.

[Magic Skill: Perfect Resurrection

Revives the desired target in perfect condition without any defects or deficiencies.

Price: 15,000,000 Chaotic Tokens]

Without hesitation, Sora bought the skill, and his accumulated tokens over the years were drastically reduced, although not depleted.

"If that girl is revived, I'm sure Obito won't be an enemy anymore. As for Itachi, I just need to bring Satsuki, while for the others, it's all very easy."

For Sora, the Akatsuki members weren't significant enemies except for Obito. Although they were strong, Sora was stronger. Moreover, if he brought Deidara back to Oonoki, Sora was confident it could be a suitable dowry to obtain Kurotsuchi.

Then, the reason Satsuki trained to become stronger was not to kill Itachi but to bring him back and make him apologize to Mikoto, who was still alive and became Sora's wife, and to other clan members who were no longer alive.

And Sora also remembered that Itachi had a girlfriend named Izumi, and he could bring her back to life if Itachi repented.

As for the other Akatsuki members? Send Sasori to Suna as a dowry for Temari.

For Kisame, he could be sent to Kirigakure in exchange for some gifts. Besides, Mei and Ringo had already become Sora's wives, so there was nothing he needed from Kirigakure.

As for Hidan, Sora really didn't know what to do with him besides getting rid of him. Meanwhile, Kakuzu, the money-loving one, as long as he was given an easy job with a large salary, he was even willing to sell his own comrades and siblings.

After completing all the preparations, Sora decided to immediately resurrect Rin Nohara.

Sora began to activate the magic by reciting the mantra that appeared in his head, and a magical circle emitted a dazzling light that felt very warm and soft, like the caress of a goddess to all her creatures.

After the light faded, Sora could see a confused little girl looking around.

"Ehh? Where is this? Where am I?... Didn't I die?... And there are no wounds on my chest?"

Rin, still confused, looked around and then saw her very healthy body, without even a trace of scars from Kakashi's attack.

"Good morning, Rin Nohara-san... My name is Sora, patriarch of the Senju clan, and the husband of the Fifth Hokage Tsunade Senju... Nice to meet you."

Rin, snapped out of her confusion, was surprised to hear Sora's nonsensical words because as far as she remembered, the Third Hokage was still in power.

"Ehhh... the Fifth Hokage? Tsunade-sama is married?? EHHHH!!!!"

After Rin calmed down, Sora explained what was happening and what had happened since she died to Rin.