
Search for the Three Drops of Blood

Sumico Kammal Lowie – a young, beautiful, and talented girl in linguistics. When she was born, there was a psychic saying that she’ll lead her happy, joyful and exultant life when she’s grown up later on. In the age of twenty three years old, she’s worked as a CEO’s secretary in one of the biggest companies producing and selling stationery sets. The CEO is her boyfriend as well as her future husband. However, when the day of their marriage is drawing and drawing to a close, Sumico finds out that her future husband is cheating on her with her elder sister. In the middle of her quandary whether to put her relationship to a complete end or not, Sumico bumps into Virando Augustin Kuandy – the CEO of The Persephone Hotel; actually he isn’t an ordinary human, who’s searching for three drops of blood from a virgin woman who loves him and whom he loves in the humans-realm.

ATua · แฟนตาซี
12 Chs

6. Some Girls' Talk

"Have you ever got the real as well as the concrete evidence that he's been playing some dirty games behind your back all these times, Sumico?" asked Claudia Luvin quite inquisitively and curiously.

"No, Claudia… That's why… I'm not so sure about what I've been thinking recently, and I'm also still doubtful about him. To put it in another way, I'm like being caught in the middle. This is so uncomfortable and uneasy for me, Claudia…" Sumico was seen sustaining her chin with her right hand.

The five girls were subsequently silent. Each of them was seen thinking and contemplating about the story which Sumico had just narrated. The company cafeteria was quite crowded and packed with Huangwira Enterprise employees who had been looking forward to filling their stomachs. Some servants were also seen being busy walking here and there, serving foods and drinks for the employees.

Sumico's eyes fell to two male maids who were seen being overwhelmed carrying a large cauldron of boiling water. A puff of smoke was seen steaming from the hot boiling water. Seeing that large cauldron of boiling water, not knowing why, Sumico began to feel restless, uneasy and a bit frightened. It was such a kind of terrifying gut instinct. Subsequently, Sumico tried not to focus on that large cauldron of boiling water anymore. She pulled back her focus to her four best sisters in front of her.

The four girls were seen sinking in their own minds and thoughts when Lisa Felisha continued again her opinion about their CEO, who was also Sumico's future husband.

"If that's the case, I think you've done the right thing, Sumico…"

"Yeah, I think so…" Hanny Lin Rosenda also followed her colleague's paradigm.

"I think at least you ought to look for some real and concrete evidence before you jump to your conclusions, Sumico. Furthermore, Boss Pete seems to be kind and responsible. I think he'll still be responsible to you after he's grabbed your all. It's just that he can't stand it anymore every time being so close to you. Men are often like that." Claudia Luvin tried to express out her perspective cautiously.

Sumico was just staring at Claudia Luvin, waiting for her to finish her perspective.

"Some men can wait until the first night of their legal marriage. Meanwhile, the other can't. Their lust and desire is higher and bigger. They just want to have their women before the first night of their legal marriage, just to… to… to… just to express out their manhood love, lust, desire as well as ownership towards their women. That's it… Moreover, they want to see whether their women really love them or not." Claudia Luvin then stopped her quite long argumentation.

"Then, after handing your all, your purity as well as your originality to your Nicky, your Nicky then said, 'Yeah… You really love me…' Didn't he?" quipped Lisa Felisha slightly cynically to Claudia Luvin.

"At least, I've eventually got married with my Nicky…" Bursting out in her exultance, Claudia Luvin showed out her tongue to Lisa Felisha.

"Perhaps that's because your Nicky really loves and adores you, Claudia. He's also a responsible man. But not every man is the same with your Nicky, Claudia," quipped Evania Luqman.

Claudia Luvin turned to Evania Luqman and asked, "You also think that our Boss Pete doesn't really love our Sumico, does he?"

"Fifty and fifty… I agree with your previous statement, saying that Sumico has to find some real as well as concrete evidence first before jumping to her conclusions. Even though in a big metropolitan city like Jakarta, people have less considered about women's virginity, purity as well as originality, in this kind of case, it's still women who will get the disadvantages," continued Evania Luqman.

"Yeah, you're right… Women accept. Until forever, the marks and trails will remain there. Men release. Whatever having been released won't leave any marks or trails. That's a cruel and unfair fact but there's nothing we can do about that." Hanny Lin Rosenda showed her bit stiff smile.

"What's… What's… What's happening to you, Hanny?" asked Sumico, intensely staring at one of her best sisters.

Being stared intensely like that, Hanny Lin Rosenda became a bit jumpy and nervous.

"No… Nothing…"

The other three girls were now also staring intensely at Hanny Lin Rosenda.

"Yeah… Yeah… Something must have occurred between you and your Brother Hades Voltario…" quipped Claudia Luvin, smiling steadily with her immense belief.

Sumico, Evania, and Lisa Felisha were slightly startled. They were now staring at Hanny Lin Rosenda with their somewhat gawking eyes. Hanny Lin Rosenda stooped down her head. She was quite embarrassed, jumpy and nervous in front of her four best sisters.

"Is that true, Hanny?" asked Evania Luqman within her disbelief.

"C'mon… Tell us, Hanny… You trust us, don't you?" asked Lisa Felisha quite curiously.

"You can tell us everything, Hanny… We're best sisters, aren't we? Your secret will certainly be safe with us…" Sumico pleaded Hanny Lin Rosenda to tell them what'd occurred between her and her future husband recently.

Hanny Lin Rosenda raised up her head. She stared at her four best sisters one by one.

"Has anything happened between you and your Brother Hades recently?" asked Claudia Luvin, somewhat frowning her forehead.

Hanny Lin Rosenda required quite a couple of seconds before she lastly nodded her head. Her other four best sisters sighed in their long breaths and were seen leaning their backs against their seats.

"But, Brother Hades has already proposed me in front of Dad and Mom. He… He… He… proposed me last Sunday," said Hanny Lin Rosenda quickly.

"And you didn't tell us such an important thing like this, did you?" quipped Evania Luqman with her quite skeptical smile.

"I'm… I'm… I'm searching for the perfect time to tell you gals…" answered Hanny Lin Rosenda with some of her qualms.

"Okay… Okay… How… How could you finally hand in your originality to your Brother Hades meanwhile you slightly sounded like you also agree that Sumico won't hand in her purity as well as originality to her Brother Pete before the first night of their marriage?" asked Lisa Felisha directly to her points.

"Because I'm really sure of him. I never doubt him. He always shows out his love, affection and sincerity to me all these times. He always makes me become his number one and his main priority. How can I not fall for him deeply and deeply from day to day?" Hanny Lin Rosenda's voice tune got softer and softer because she got more and more embarrassed.

Hanny Lin Rosenda's four best sisters were then heard chuckling in their exultance.

"Ooohh… So sweet…" quipped Claudia Luvin with her taunting and teasing laughter.

"No wonder you smile and smile a lot recently, Hanny…" added Lisa Felisha exuberantly.

"Then, you'll also get married soon, won't you?" asked Evania Luqman, also smiling jovially and exultantly this time.

Hanny Lin Rosenda subsequently nodded her head in her exhilaration.

"Congratulations then… Don't forget that you must invite all of us to your wedding reception. Okay? It's a must…" said Claudia Luvin bursting out in her jovialness.

"Sure…" Hanny Lin Rosenda nodded her head vigorously again.

"How nice being Hanny… Her Brother Hades loves her very truly, deeply, and madly…" sighed Sumico leaning her back against her seat.

"You must find some concrete and obvious evidence first, Sumico…" said Hanny Lin Rosenda softly.

"Yeah… I agree with Hanny," continued Lisa Felisha.

"After what happened to the glass window inside his personal working office, he doesn't talk to you again until now, does he?" added Claudia Luvin.

"He looks immensely busy settling his broken glass window," answered Sumico rather disappointedly.

"Not meaning to tell you his catty remarks, but he seems to prioritize his glass window more than his future wife," added Evania Luqman a bit sarcastically.

"By the way any bus way, he hasn't proposed you in front of your dad and mom, has he?" asked Claudia Luvin to make sure.

Sumico sadly shook her head. "He ever told me about his plan to marry me but until now he hasn't given me his final confirmation about his proposal day. That's why I'm a little bit doubtful about his sincerity towards me, Friends."

"Just be patient… If this relationship doesn't work, you can still try another relationship, Sumico… Don't be so sad and miserable like this…" muttered Evania Luqman.

"Yes, of course… You have to think smart… You're still young, fresh and of course beautiful… If Pete Jupiter Huangwira doesn't want you, there are still lots and lots of men queuing up behind you, waiting for their opportunities to be together with you…" mumbled Lisa Felisha.

"Take it easy, Sumico… Let time lead the way and show you what's best for you…" Hanny Lin Rosenda consoled Sumico by gently patting her shoulder.

"Okay… I'm much more relieved right now… Thanks very much for comforting me, Sisters…" Sumico could slightly show her light smile at this moment.

"Okay… Time's up… It's time to go back to work…" said Claudia Luvin standing up.