
Search for the Three Drops of Blood

Sumico Kammal Lowie – a young, beautiful, and talented girl in linguistics. When she was born, there was a psychic saying that she’ll lead her happy, joyful and exultant life when she’s grown up later on. In the age of twenty three years old, she’s worked as a CEO’s secretary in one of the biggest companies producing and selling stationery sets. The CEO is her boyfriend as well as her future husband. However, when the day of their marriage is drawing and drawing to a close, Sumico finds out that her future husband is cheating on her with her elder sister. In the middle of her quandary whether to put her relationship to a complete end or not, Sumico bumps into Virando Augustin Kuandy – the CEO of The Persephone Hotel; actually he isn’t an ordinary human, who’s searching for three drops of blood from a virgin woman who loves him and whom he loves in the humans-realm.

ATua · แฟนตาซี
12 Chs

5. I Haven't Found Any Sincerities

"Why? Are you worried? Are you scared that I'll attack you again?"

"Mmm… Brother Pete… This is… This is… still inside the office…"

"This office building belongs to my family, Sumico. I'm the boss here. No worries… Now, to tell you the truth… Even though you try to cover all the crucial parts of your body, you can still and still turn me on, Sumico Baby."

Pete Jupiter stood closer and closer to his gentle, pretty and sexily-intoxicating secretary.

Sumico became more and more nervous. She stepped back and stepped back. She was seen swallowing her saliva into her choked throat. Even though she'd tried and tried to dress up more properly and courteously, this lovely nasty Brother Pete of hers could still be turned on and never gave up in his attempts to drag her onto his hot bed.

"Bro… Bro… Brother Pete… What will you do? What…" Sumico couldn't finish her questions because her beloved Brother Pete had landed his quick, sudden and demanding kissing as well as squashing on her tiny, pinky, adorable lips.

"Please… Please… Brother Pete… Brother Pete…" groaned Sumico in the middle of the kissing as well as squashing. She practically lost her breath because her beloved Brother Pete was so aggressive and impatient with his desire to entirely have Sumico on his hot bed.

"You're so pretty and sexily-intoxicating, Sumico Baby… I think I can't wait any longer… I want to have you right now, Sumico Baby…"

Carrying on his kissing, sucking and squashing on his gentle, pretty and sexy secretary's pair of pinky as well as challenging lips, Pete Jupiter's naughty hands began to squeeze his pretty sexy secretary's twin mountainous hillsides quite strongly and aggressively.

"Hurts… It hurts, Brother Pete… You're hurting me, Brother Pete…"

"Just relax, Sumico Baby… Relax yourself and then you can gradually enjoy it, Sumico Baby…"

Pete Jupiter didn't stop his nasty and aggressive actions. He instead carried them on. Not only squeezing, his inhumane and naughty hands had even managed to unbutton his pretty sexy secretary's shirt. Seeing Sumico's twin challenging mountainous hillsides which were still covered by the seals, really made Pete Jupiter's manhood lust and desire dramatically rise up.

"No, Brother Pete… No… No… You're hurting me, Brother Pete… Please no, Brother Pete…" Sumico began to be helpless. She couldn't run anywhere because her back had been stuck to the wall behind her and her beloved Brother Pete's quite tall and heavy body had also stuck on hers.

"I've said just relax yourself, Sumico Baby… Just cool down yourself and then you can slowly enjoy it…" mumbled Pete Jupiter again in the middle of his unfettered and unbridled manhood lust as well as desire.

Sumico was immensely helpless right now. Sumico was so afraid that she'd lose her originality and purity right away. Tears started to roll down from the edge of her beautiful but fearful eyes.

Yet, out of the blue, out of a sudden, really suddenly and unexpectedly, when Pete Jupiter's hands were about to take off the cover of his pretty sexy secretary's challenging mountainous hillsides, a quite big glass window in his personal working office suddenly blew up and shattered to pieces. Tiny countless pieces of glass were seen scattering around inside Pete Jupiter's personal office.

"Aaaiihh…!" screamed Sumico quite hysterically, pushing away her beloved Brother Pete's body.

Pete Jupiter was also extraordinarily shocked. He spontaneously ran away quite a few meters from the place of the explosion.

"What the hell is this! What is this! What on earth has happened to the glass window in this personal office of mine!" muttered Pete Jupiter with his immensely high voice tune, within his dreadfully breathless, panicked and shocked circumstance.

"I'd better go out and call the maids to clean up all of these, Brother Pete…" Sumico tidied up herself by buttoning back her shirt which had been harshly smitten by her beloved Brother Pete's naughty as well as nasty hands. Also with her extraordinarily shocked and breathless condition, Sumico was seen walking out of her Brother Pete's personal working office.

The maids were subsequently called to clean up all of the broken pieces of glass. Pete Jupiter also called upon his personal assistant to scrutinize what actually had occurred to the glass window in his personal working room. After the glass window had exploded, there was now a big hole on the wall of his personal office. The wind could blow in from the outside of Huangwira Enterprise building.

"Check and recheck what actually has happened to my glass window. I suspect that somebody has tried to attack and assassinate me," tweeted Pete Jupiter with his immensely rattling teeth.

"Okay, Sir…" replied the personal assistant briefly and courteously.

"Check and recheck all the CCTVs around this personal office of mine. If there's anything or anybody suspecting, please do report them to me," continued Pete Jupiter again still with his immensely rattling teeth.

"Okay… Noted, Sir…" The personal assistant bowed down his head and walked out of his boss' room.

"What actually happened just now? Illogically and irrationally, the thick, strong and highly-qualified glass could just explode and shatter to pieces. Shit! Shit! It absolutely doesn't make sense! Moreover, I also lost my golden opportunity to drag my Sumico Baby into my hot embrace!"

Back into her personal working office, Sumico was also still shocked, breathless and scared within her great disbelief.

"That glass window is superbly strong, thick and qualified. Why could it just explode like that and irrationally shatter into tiny countless pieces as if… as if… as if it'd just been bombarded with a kind of nuclear missiles?" Sumico was heard mumbling to herself.

Stories about what had just occurred in the CEO's personal working office had been quickly spreading throughout the office. A bit chaotic, restless and uneasy atmosphere was felt hanging in the air in Huangwira Enterprise office building.

This afternoon, in the company cafeteria, some girls were gathering to discuss and have their light chit-chat about what had just occurred in their CEO'S personal office this morning.

"So, what were you doing actually in that personal room of your Brother Pete's when suddenly the glass window blew up?" asked Evania Luqman, the secretary of the purchasing department.

"I was just waiting for him to finish signing some reports from some divisions," replied Sumico briefly.

"Really…? Nothing else…?" Evania was seen somewhat squinting her eyes.

"What are you talking about, Evania? I gave Brother Pete some reports from some divisions to sign. I was waiting for him to finish his signing when out of a sudden the big glass window not too far from his working desk just blew up."

"He didn't try to give you some enjoyment waves which can fling you to the heavenly horizon up there, did he?" asked Lisa Felisha cautiously. Lisa Felisha was also a secretary, but in the human resource department.

"Oh gosh… You gals are always thinking about that thing…" sighed Sumico with her marginally skeptical smile.

"Hahaha… Of course… You ever said your Brother Pete's lust and desire can sometimes be so high as well as aggressive that he'll try and try to drag you onto his hot beds, didn't you?" Claudia Luvin burst out in her cheerful as well as crispy laughter. Claudia Luvin was one of the staff in the finance department.

"Yeah… But… Don't get me wrong please… I'm still pure and sacred. I haven't dared to give him my everything first before we officially get married." Sumico was heard sighing again in her long breath. She was also seen folding her arms in front of her chest.

"Why…? You've been dating for more than four years, haven't you? And he's also planned to propose you in front of your dad and mom, and has also planned to marry you after his proposal of course." Hanny Lin Rosenda slightly raised up her eyebrows. Hanny Lin Rosenda was one of the three receptionists on the ground floor of Huangwira Enterprise.

"C'mon, Sumico… Everybody in this office building has known about the relationship between the CEO and his secretary. You've been dating with him for more than four years. Are you still doubtful about him?" added Evania Luqman.

"Actually… Yes… Not knowing why… But in his eyes, actions, words, body gestures all these times, I haven't found any… any… any… sincerities… To tell you the truth, I also got information about him being in a hotel with another girl for quite a couple of times." Sumico decided to be straightforward in front of her several best friends, best colleagues, and best sisters in Huangwira Enterprise.

"Hah…? That's news to us… So, did you ever ask him who they were and what they'd done in the hotel?" Lisa Felisha was astonished. The other three girls were also seen somewhat frowning their foreheads.

"Quite various reasons… Some of them were his cousins; some of the others were his close friends from the school as well as the college eras; the others again were said to be his business colleagues and acquaintances." Sumico continued the story which she'd recently been concealing.