
scumbag ex-husband wants to remarry

A conspiracy made everyone believe that she had created a medical "miracle" and gave birth to a pair of twins, a daughter who was born from her husband, and a son who was born from an unknown father. Her husband constantly harassed and humiliated her, determined to find out who the father of the son was. The mistrust and accusations between the couple eventually led to a divorce. After uncovering the conspiracy, she finally found her biological son and only wanted to live a peaceful life with him, but her ex-husband continued to harass her every day.(Warning: Some parts are heartbreaking. Please prepare tissues.)

ArcticVoyager · สมัยใหม่
183 Chs

Be pushed aside(1)

When Jane returned to her office, Jack immediately handed her a bowl of snow pear soup. Whether it was a psychological effect or the soup was actually effective, Jane felt that she wasn't coughing as much even without taking her cough medicine.

Under Jack's eager gaze, she smiled and finished the soup.

Jack smiled in relief and said, "Being a mother is the happiest thing in the world."

Jane felt warm inside and replied, "Having such a considerate baby like Jack is also a mother's happiness."

The two of them praised each other without blushing.

With Carl Edwards dealt with, Jane felt much more relaxed. Seeing Jack stay in the office with her all day made her feel guilty, so after finishing her work, she took him to the amusement park to play.

They played until 8 pm and then had dinner outside before returning home.

Mrs. Xia was waiting for them downstairs. Seeing the mother and son come back happily, she approached them and whispered, "I don't know what happened today, but when Madam and Alice Reyes came back, they didn't seem to be in a good mood."

Jane smiled indifferently and said, "Don't worry about them."

As they were talking, Alice Garcia came downstairs with exquisite makeup and a bag in hand. "I'm going out on a date," she said, looking lively and uninhibited.

As she passed by Jane, she intentionally or unintentionally bumped into her shoulder and said, "I'm going on a date with John Junior."

Jane looked at Alice Garcia, who raised her chin and looked extremely confident.

Unable to resist, Jane retorted, "I've tried John Junior before, he's alright."

The casual tone of her voice felt like a sharp blade piercing through Alice Garcia's heart. She had been pining after John Junior every day, but she had never even touched his hand!

"Hmph, you can only be his past. When I marry him, I will be his future," Alice Garcia sneered.

Jane chuckled lightly and replied, "Sure, I'll wait and see."

"Vivian West and Alice Garcia could never catch the eye of John and Mrs. Land. She's too naive," Jane thought.

Alice Garcia angrily hopped into her customized supercar and drove away with a loud roar.

Jane stood by the floor-to-ceiling window and watched as the Ferrari, worth over four million dollars and owned by Franklin Garcia, sped away. She had wanted to drive it before, but he never let her. Now, it was Alice Garcia's vehicle.

It seemed like all the other cars in the household had become Alice Garcia's personal collection as well. Some cars left and never came back, and Jane suspected that Alice Garcia left them out on purpose to claim them for herself.

Summer Auntie sensed Jane's thoughts and couldn't help but show her anger and sadness on her face. "I don't know what the master and madam were thinking..."

Jane turned her head and gestured to Auntie Summer to stop talking. Since the incident with Isabella, Elizabeth had found someone to dismantle all the surveillance cameras in the house, and new servants who only listened to Elizabeth had been hired.

Auntie Summer understood her meaning, nodded, and changed the subject to Jane's health, urging her to get checked up.

The next day, Jane followed Auntie Summer's advice and went to the hospital to get her throat examined. She went to the city's hospital and got a specialist's appointment.

The hospital was packed, and she had to wait for over an hour before her turn. Just as she was about to go in, her phone in her bag suddenly vibrated. It was a call from the director of "Immortal Love."

The director sounded anxious on the phone. "Oliver Ford got injured. Does Garcia want to come and take a look?"

Jane's heart skipped a beat. She had just been called up, but after hesitating for a few seconds, she quickly said, "I'll be right there."

She had missed her turn, so her appointment was cancelled. She would have to come back in the afternoon.

As she rushed away, she didn't see Sarah Ford peek out from behind a pillar and smile as she told Alice Garcia on the phone, "She's gone. There's no way she got called up this morning."