
scumbag ex-husband wants to remarry

A conspiracy made everyone believe that she had created a medical "miracle" and gave birth to a pair of twins, a daughter who was born from her husband, and a son who was born from an unknown father. Her husband constantly harassed and humiliated her, determined to find out who the father of the son was. The mistrust and accusations between the couple eventually led to a divorce. After uncovering the conspiracy, she finally found her biological son and only wanted to live a peaceful life with him, but her ex-husband continued to harass her every day.(Warning: Some parts are heartbreaking. Please prepare tissues.)

ArcticVoyager · Urban
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183 Chs

Be pushed aside(2)

Sarah Ford went to the hospital's ENT department to ask the doctor if it was possible to use surgery to transform her vocal cords to sound like Jane's. To her surprise, she saw Jane in the queue. Out of curiosity, Sarah called Alice Garcia, who was shocked by the news and asked her to monitor Jane. After a short while, Jane received a phone call and left the hospital in a hurry without seeking medical attention.

When Jane arrived at the filming location, Oliver Ford had already been taken away on a stretcher by an ambulance from St. Mary's Hospital. Despite his injuries, he was conscious and smiled at her, saying, "I'm fine." Jane rushed to his side to examine him, but found no visible injuries. She asked the director what had happened and was told that Oliver fell from the wire during a fight scene.

Jane was unhappy and asked if they knew the cause of the accident. The director nodded and said that they had sent someone to investigate. Jane looked at Oliver, who had been loaded onto the ambulance and was lying motionless with a pale face. She decided to follow him into the ambulance, and Oliver joked with her, "Jane, sis..."

Jane told him to rest and not speak too much. The doctor made a preliminary diagnosis, saying that he might have broken his ribs, and advised him not to move too much. The ambulance was silent except for Oliver's question about why Jack wasn't with her today. Jane explained that she didn't want to expose Jack to the hospital's viruses and left him at home.

Oliver apologized for his injury and was worried that it might affect the filming process.

Jane frowned and told him to stop talking, but he just kept on going. "You'll be fine. Even if you need to rest, I can negotiate with the director to film other actors' scenes first and yours last."

Oliver Ford laughed, and he looked really handsome when he did. The nurse who came along with them blushed.

When they got to the hospital for the X-ray, they found out that Oliver Ford had indeed broken a rib, but it was only a minor fracture, and he would be able to leave the hospital after some rest.

After Jane had arranged for his hospitalization, she hurried back to the film crew. The director had already found out the cause of the accident: the rope had suddenly snapped due to its old age.

Jane found the head of the props department and demanded to see the broken rope. The person looked impatient and said, "We've already told you the cause of the accident. Why are you still investigating?"

"You said it was due to the rope's old age. How do I know if there are other issues with the props aging? If we don't investigate thoroughly, how can we ensure the safety of the actors?"

She was firm in her attitude, and the head of the props department had no choice but to take her to see the rope.

Jane found the broken wire and examined it carefully. She discovered that the rope was not as old as the head of the props department had claimed. Moreover, the break was even and clean, as if it had been cut by a knife.

This didn't seem like an accident, but rather a deliberate act.

Jane's eyes were cold with anger. She talked to the director and called all the members of the props department together, but nobody admitted to the incident.

"None of you will admit it?" Jane raised her eyebrows and looked at the five members of the props department, each of whom had their heads down, looking like they had nothing to do with it.

"Fine, director. I don't think they're any use. Let's fire them," Jane said decisively, without even a hint of negotiation.