
SCP: The Unforseen Variable (Old)

Murrey, finds himself in a new world made of laws he dosen’t understand. Find as he grows his organization creates a religion and tries to prepare for the end of everything. This book is being rebooted because I screwed up some plot points that I can’t fix aside from rewriting it all. So I’m doing a reboot. If you wanna get a sneak peek into what the reboots plot is gonna be later down the line I guess you can read this. I wouldn’t because it would make the pay offs less impactful, but you do you. Permission was given to me by Duy Giang to use his art for the cover go check him out. They’ve made some of the coolest and quality art related to SCP on a visual level and is one of the reasons I wanted to make this book

Whadyamean · วิดีโอเกม
50 Chs

Welcome To The Continental

After we discussed locations we eventually decided upon New York City. This is because of the Foundation having heavy ties with America. While also having a close distance away from The Pentagon, FBI HQ and several other institutions that would be beneficial to infiltrate. When discussing where in New York we found ourselves at an impass as a random hotel popping up would draw rhe Foundation and G.O.C.s eyes. And while I was protected by the system from the Foundation for another 4 years and 11 months that didn't mean I wanted to be raided as soon as that timer was up.

Upon our inspection we found something interesting as the Beaver Building at 1 Wall Street Court had been having some hard times and was looking to sell. Wondering if all expenses paid involved the buying of property I was greeted with.

(Inquiry Detected: All expenses are paid. Including buying, maintaining and memory altercations to all prople involved in the successful signing of contracts which will be given upon placement.)

I saw no reason to not get the location as the building we were buying already looked like a luxury hotel and would need little explanation. Upon forwarding this information to the (Administrator) we headed out to the location to "buy" the property. Using the way I teleported us to a knock which was a manhole cover. Before anyone could perceive us I tried channeling my inner non existence to cover both me and the (Admibistrator) after soing so everyone didn't seem to notice us with those that bumped into or touched becoming confused.

Before anyone around could get more suspicious me and the (Administrator) rode a flying carpet above everyones heads made by my Trenchcoat. As we passed by the sea of people we arrived at our destination and wondering what was going to happen used the (Medium Sized Intelligence Agency) on the avaliable property. Imediately afterwards I found myself with the memories of undergoing tenuous and streesfully intense negotiations for hours on end until a sum of money was agreed on.

The (Administrator) certainly wasn't having a good time as they layed on the ground after having what looked like a seizure before going comatose. Summoning a pill of SCP-500 I shoved it down his throat as he shot up suddenly. They then noticed all the parework that came with the process of acquiring the property. Dead in hand we walked inside my newly bought property before.

(Insert Name)

Popped up infront of my face. As I was about to type something in the sytem decided it would for me.

(Location surveyed)

(Establishing Connection)

(Name Recieved,)

(Continental Hotel Established)

(Notice: Due to chosen location you have altered

(Concealment Type Intelligence Agency)


(Concealed Operative Safehouse)

(The Continental Hotel - John Wick)

Being the legendary Continental Hotel this establishment comes with all the staff you may need to run it. You will have various ammenities to provide your guests such as resturants, bars, hotel rooms, gambling, armarments and with what comes with the trade contracts. All guest who would have been regular people going about their day to day have been replaced by highly trained assasina who are indebted to the Continental Hotel. Any agents assigned will be given the same treatment as any other assasin within the hotel. All provided perks given by the (Concealment Type Agency) have been upgraded. Including, but not limited to, an upgraded arsenal with highly customizable compenents, a web of exit and entrance systems that are passively undetectable unless someone witnesses personnel witness those affiliated entering or exiting them.

I was concerned heavily so as all those people who would've been just regular pedestrians in this massive hotel were now assasins. And in my previous life some of them weren't very, shall we say inconspicuous in their work. Before I could wonder about if this was a good idea any further my musings were interupted by an Litling Kenyan accent. "Hello sir, and welcome to the Continental Hotel may I provide you with anything?"

Turning around I was met with the image of a 30 year olf black man with round glasses and bald head. Along with a white shirt under a black suite and a blue tie with green stretched out circles patterned around it. "A name would be a start." I responded.

"Oh my apologies sir I am Charon Concierge of the Continental Hotel." He said seemingly embarassed about forgetting the first step in introductions. "And it seems that the guests have arrived." He says as people kept popping into existence at a constant rate. Although seemingly harmless I could detect at least 5 weapons on each of them.

"Now with the other guests arriving our staff should too." Charon informed before getting back on track. "Now would you like a tou- it seems our manager wishes to have a word with you. Sire if you would." Charon curtly siad as he gestured for me to follow. I nodded as I walked behind him before we found ourselves at the doors to what was a very fancy and decorative office that fit the rest of the hotels Victorian style.

Upon walking in Winston seemed prepared as he stared me specifically dead in the eyes when walking in. "To what do I owe the pleasure for the new head of the High Table to be in my establishment." He said with politeness though I could identify a horrified, yet angered undertone. "I wish to make use of your services." I announced to which the manager relaxed though tensed up at the same time.

"What would these services be esteemed one?" He asked, and I could practically feel his fear grow. Though it was replaced with a sense of opportunity.

"I wish to enlist your services, as the right of the Head of The High Table, to help establish a spy network through agents provided by my subordinate here. Although not the usual work I believe you are familiar with I believe you to be fully capable of doing such. Of course ontop of your usual dutys." I practically ordered him to.

I could pick up that the High Table was the boss of this man and seemingly quite authorative. If the (System) decided to do so in regard to naming me the Head of The High Table it was nothing more then beneficial as my predecessors had done a seemingly good job in managing their subordinates.

"Whatever contacts you had previously have all been compromised, and as such I have changed mine. If you wish to contact me directly, and make no mistake this is purely for emergencys. You are to report to my (Administrator) here." I said making it clear that he was not as high on the totem pole as he previously thought.

I could hear the pen in his hand drop onto his chair cushion as he said. "It will be done Elder." Walking out of the room I turned to Winston and said. "I wish to make an announcement."

"Right this way sir." Charon replied leading me to the front desk before pulling out a microphone. After fiddling with it he gestured towards it.

And so I spoke making sure to insert authority and all my experience as an assasin into the microphone. "This is the Elder of the High Table. You ALL will be following the guidance of the Continental Hotels manager who is only second to my (Administrator). From here on out you are to be protecting the hotel while being provided the hotels services until otherwise notified. Anyone deciding to go against my orders WILL be considered a breach in the rules, and dealt with accoridngly. I hope you enjoy your stay." After my impromptu speach I looked Charon in the eyes and said. "All expenses will be covered by the High Table during this time. I expect everything to be dealt in an orderly and efficient matter I believe you can fill in the gaps. "

"Additionally the Manager is to start consolidating power within the criminal underworld and spread our reach to other assasins. Operate as you would and provide them the benefits they wiuld normally get for their services. Until then you are to protect the hotel with all avaliable personell." I had no doubt the Continental Hotel wouldn't eventually become a powerhous as the benefits received for working for them was phenomenal. The only problem was if other people were to find out and strike when they were at their weakest.

Aside from that and the unexpected transition of a readily avaliable hideout to a safehouse for assasins and other trained killers to take up contracts and receive the benefits provided in doing so I couldn't see any reason not to assign the Serpents Hand members here. I had use for them at the facility in training guards and defending the facility as per the plan in heavy containment, but I found them in their element here. They were all about ambushes and striking hard and fast they would thrive in an envirement like this while also working to secure the assasins loyalty to me and by proxy Bullwark. Plus although being a threat is necessary if I showed the Foundation that I was just containing anamolys just like them then we'd probably be on better terms then the G.O.C.

Though from what I had witnessed from the assasins these people were not like my summons. I had authority over them from being the "Elder of The High Table". But they seemed to have their own personalities and free will which was troublesome. This was of course unless I allowed them to operate as they had previously. Though that would mean basically declaring war on America and this group of about 500 assasins wouldn't be able to handle that.

Now leaving the (Administrator) as my proxy I went back to the facility to go and check on Gaster.