
SCP: The Unforseen Variable (Old)

Murrey, finds himself in a new world made of laws he dosen’t understand. Find as he grows his organization creates a religion and tries to prepare for the end of everything. This book is being rebooted because I screwed up some plot points that I can’t fix aside from rewriting it all. So I’m doing a reboot. If you wanna get a sneak peek into what the reboots plot is gonna be later down the line I guess you can read this. I wouldn’t because it would make the pay offs less impactful, but you do you. Permission was given to me by Duy Giang to use his art for the cover go check him out. They’ve made some of the coolest and quality art related to SCP on a visual level and is one of the reasons I wanted to make this book

Whadyamean · Video Games
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As I Wayed my way into Site-19 I was instantly greeted by an (Administrator) which wasn't good news if they stood there for about half a day waiting for me. Upon seeing them I asked, "which dumbass did what?" Apparently my frontness in regards to him being here made them stumble on their words a bit. Note they are gaining personalities gonna need to keep that in mind. To which they responded, "Doctor W.D. Gaster claims to have created a devise that can quote, "Travel the multiverse and its timelines."

Now I hate to be the party pooper, but because of my Time attunement I knew that if he fucked this up that lab and the ones next to it would go to negative time aka the Void. So if I wasn't nervous I sure was now. Initiating a time lock to prevent the machine from being activa- I was soon thwarted by.

(User has been affected by x108 Reality Anchors Reality Manipulation abilitys reduced by 214%)

I turned to the (Administrator) and said, "put a priority order on that device that gets past those reality anchors." Now rushing to Gasters lab I ussed my Trenchcoat to create spider like petrusion to launch me hallway to hallway following my inert connection with Gaster since he was a summon. Opening the door I found a giant box like thing to the right with so many machines on it I couldn't figure them all out at first glance with a monitor which looked like was tracking other universes and their timelines. To the left of this was a big ass gate with what looked like stanilizers on its arch with eqch one barely a centimetre apart. Ignoring Gaster I looked to see if the dimbass placed an emergency shut off as I could feel the gate start to fluctuate.

Gaster seemed to noticed as well as he pulled out a remote of sorts and was about to press it, but the portal folded in on itself opening a portal to the Void. Deciding not to let a man capable of making a dimensional teleportor in less than 24 hours straight up and get erased from existence I slowed time down while focusing on making my way to the remote. Turning my coat into one of those bungee cords you use for hiking in a snow storm I grabbed the remot flung Gaster backwards and shut it off. The only thing Gaster said was, "💣︎✡︎ 👍︎✌︎☹︎👍︎🕆︎☹︎✌︎❄︎✋︎⚐︎☠︎💧︎ 💧︎☜︎☜︎💣︎ ❄︎⚐︎ 👌︎☜︎ ⚐︎☞︎☞︎." (My claculations seem to be off)

"No shit sherlock." I said while walking towards him. Grabbing him by his mask face thing I yelled. "YOU JUST ALMOST KILLED EVERYONE IN EXISTENCE!!! DO YOU KNOW HOW DANGEROUS THIS SHIT IS!!! THINK GASTER THINK, WHAT IS GOING TO HAPPEN WHEN YOU OPEN A PORTAL TO LITERAL NOTHINGNESS ONTO A WORLD THAT HAS THINGS!!! YOU OBVIOUSLY WENT THROUGH THIS BEFORE SO WHY IN THE ABSOLUTE FUCK DID YOU NOT PUT IN MORE FAILSAFES THEN YOUR DINKY REMOTE!!!" I was absolutely fuming this fucking dumbass almost killed everyone in the world just to have a fucking teleporter to different universes.

"IF and I mean IF you ever do something this dangerous again WITHOUT George, David or myself around I WILL stick you with the junior researcher studying that fucking infinite potato dimension." I then realized something. The potato dimension allows you to go to a different universe. If Gaster wants to make a portal to another universe he could learn something from it. "Change of plans. From now on your assigned to the potato sack for one reason. It has successfully created a portal to another universe. Learn something from it before you decide to do something this idiotic again." After theroughly shattering Gasters ego he didn't even say anything as I walked through the door.

I looked at the guards that had made a defensive perimeter around the door and said. "Everyone back to your usual dutys." I then pointed at four guards. "You however are to reeport to your surperiors and takeover the position of guarding Gaster. Every half hour check in and if he tries to build something inform an (Administrator) and inform him that he's not to make anything else until informed otherwise as per my orders." I gave the guards very clear instructions.

Gaster although almost dooming the entire world had come very close to making a stabilized portal to another world. Only problem is I didn't know what was on the other side. All things considered despite being in a doom clock for 79 years and 11 months nothing was going terribly wrong and I didn't want things to go that way before Bullwark started really ramping up. As I was walking to my office I had the guards at the front doors salute then pass along a message.

"Inform the (Administrator) in charge of the military that we will be conducting an exercise in regards to MTF Unit Epsilon-11." I told the guards as I walked inside my office. Now there were a few reasons I wanted to do this as realistically with how things were going if someone, or something. Were to make it passed the ambush at the Heavy Containment checkpoint we would be having massive problems. And at that point a unit of 9 split up into squads of 3 held back by human limitations wouldn't cut it. Which is why I had another plan SCP-049. His zombies were durable, had an increase of strength and had the ability to regenerate themselves therfore increasing shrvivability.

Only problem was they were zombies. What I hoped for is in the time the Doctor had been here he had absorbed sufficient knowledge to remedy this disadvantage. When the (Administrator) arrived I told trhem such and my plan to enhance any and all MTF Units through the Doctor. They of course had some concerns if it were to fail, but I could just have the cult send me a prisoner as I'm sure in their war with the Church they had some. Using the Way to write a not and drop it infront of the statue of myself directed to Jody.

Afterwards me and the (Administrator) walked over to where I had situated the Doctor. Upon entering I was greeted by a very tidyed up room with SCP-049 in his plague doctor get up on a chair reading a book. He looking up politely greeted me upon entering. "Hello good sir I have been eversucessful in my studys, and do hope for greater studys under your tutelage." Althought I could sense some expectation coming off of him. Which was to be expected considering I had given him the means to get off his misunderstood "medicine", and gave him the tools to bring himself closer to the curing of the pestilence.

"I have come to test your abilitys, and see how you have retained and progressed in the learning I have assigned to you." I informed as the Doctor seemed to grow pleased with this outcome no doubt happy to prove himself.

"If I may ask. What will this task yoh wish for me to undertale be?" His asked digging for information.

"It will be on the appliance of your newly acquired knowledge into enhancing the human body just like you have done to those you have previously "cured". Though the difficulty comes in you having to allow the receiver to keep their full mental faculties." I told him the task of what to do.

"I have no doubt in my mind that I may do so effectively." The Doctor affirmed vocally.

"You have a week to prepare for this undertaking. And to make sure that it is not a fluke you will have to undergo the test on 10 different individuals. In which if you are to fail once I will find myself needing to assign to you more complex and intricate theory before we transition into more practical use." I gave the insturctions of the test to the Doctor. I only had one person as a buffer before the MTF Unit as from the looks of things the Doctor had fully completed his reading on books of the brain and its neruological systems. Alongside his review he should be able to leep the affected peoples mind intact.