
Scorbus discovered

coolking295 · แฟนตาซี
12 Chs

Chapter 2: The train ride

A/N: Well. I didn't expect to see anyone reading this. And congratulations you made it to chapter 2

As I got pushed into the carriage I found the nearest empty compartment. As soon as I got in I locked it and shut the blinds so no one would know I was there. A few moments later I hear a knock, its Al. I don't really want to talk to anyone now but something tells me I should open it. I don't. To my surprise I hear a soft thud from the other side. I wondered what it was by my questions were answered when I heard,"Albus get off the floor." For some reason that gave me a sense of happiness, knowing that Al will be there for me, even when I'm not showering him with attention.

I feel a jolt pass through my body as the train starts and I lose my balance. I need to sit down but at the same time, I can't as I know it will cause too much pain. I only now just realize what this means for Al and I. Nobody knew about us, they don't even know we're gay. For the first time in years I am scared about what the future holds for me. Will it be hell for three more years, or will nothing change.

I only just notice that I've been crying. I don't know how long for. I open the door, keeping the blind down, and find Albus, sitting across the aisle from the door. He bolts up and I drag him in.

~Albus POV~

Shocking, the door opened and I was pulled inside. "I'm so sorry. This is all my fault. I shouldn't have said that we should come out."

"Shhhhhhh. Shhhhhh" Scorpius comforts me and we pull into a hug, both crying over each other's shoulders.

I sit and motion for Scor (I prefer Scor to Scorp so don't judge) to do the same, he shakes his head though. I ask him why as normally when something big happens he needs to sit to think. "It'll hurt. D-Dad he u-u-used the belt o-on me. I-it's his way o-of p-p-punishment." Oh my God. If only I knew what would happen I would have told him not to come out. I feel so... stupid and selfish. I was the one that wanted everyone to know, not Scor.

"What do we do now?" Scor asks, breaking the silence. "I don't know. We continue as we would, I guess. Just this time it doesn't need to be a secret." Honestly I don't think anyone would know what to in that situation. "OK. I guess you're right. We play everything as normal." I could tell he was scared and was unsure. So was I.

~Scorpius POV~

My legs are starting to hurt from standing still for a long time. I know I can't sit down though, that will hurt even more. I think Al could see what I was thinking, or it was just freaky timing. Either way he suggested that I lay down on my side. For once he actually had an idea that wouldn't end in trouble. At some point I must have fallen asleep, when I woke up we were only five minutes from Hogsmeade. That means we have to open the door. "We opening this now or when everyone's off the train?" Now I am convinced he can read minds.

A/N: Well. I'll be honest with you guys, at the end I had no idea what to do. Also I hope you like this chapter as I am staying up until midnight to finish this chapter.And on another point, if you see any mistakes leave a comment and I'll fix it. Mainly just leave a comment, I'll respond to you because I can and I'm bored.

Until next chapter
