
Scorbus discovered

coolking295 · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Chapter 3: Hogsmead

A/N: Before you read this chapter some things to know are: This is just a filler, so It's not that necessary to the story I just wanted to include it. It's more than likely that at the start of each chapter its from Scorpius' POV. Also, either in this chapter or the next there will be some homophobia. So, without further adieu, Chapter 3: Hogsmeade.

"Let's just do it now. It's not like nobody knows we're in here." As I say that I open the door for the second time this trip. Everyone in the carriage is looking at us as we step out. One person, Teddy, we think but with him you can never be sure, started clapping. At this everyone joined in clapping. As if on instinct, like this had all been rehearsed, Al and I turned to each other, smiled, and had the best kiss we've ever had. As we walk to the carriages, lot's of people tell me how much of an asshole my father is, like I didn't know that already. Al, Ted, Rose and I all get in a carriage together. Ted and Rose were the only two people that knew about us before all this.

~Albus POV~

"Al, so we all know what your deal was with Scor. So, I want to know, how did it go with your family." To be honest, I haven't told my whole family. This just makes me feel more guilty about telling Scor to do it, his whole family is homophobic, mines just James.So, I decide to say this," It went well. There is just one problem though." They looked at me and I could see it in their eyes that they wanted to know," I just haven't told James." They knew this would be a big barrier for me to cross but, sitting next to Scor you could tell he had higher walls to climb."I'm sorry". It's all I could say after this betrayal. I don't know if they see it like that, but I do.

"So, you're telling me I came out to my whole extended family, all of which were homophobes, and you couldn't come out to one who was one of your closest relatives?" After that I could have sworn he mumbled,"Unbelievable." To be fair I deserve it. I'm not sure what to say so I just say,"Well, now he probably knows about it."

As we approached the castle Rose decides she doesn't want the awkward silence to carry on," Guys, don't start getting at each other's throats now. You've got to live with each other until Christmas. So now would be a bad time to start hating each other." We both know she's right. Since I know how much Scor hates starting up conversations I guess I'll start this off,"I'm sorry Scorpius. I should've had the courage to come out to my brother."

"It's fine. I'm sorry too. I shouldn't have made you feel guilty for not doing something you're uncomfortable doing." They do the typical 'no I'm sorry, No I'm sorry' thing that couple do. Rose finally has enough and tells Ted,"Look at what you have done." At this we decide enough is enough.

A/N: For a filler chapter I think that went well. I don't have anything to say except maybe that we see James in the next chapter, drama ensues.

Till next time
