
chapter 10. Night

Mrs Annabelle got pregnant two months afterwards without any medical issue. For the first three years, the marriage was going smoothly as expected. Her husband Tomy is now in charge of some of the father in-law's companies. Managing the growth of the company was now his duty with his wife Ann until the wolf in sheep's clothing began to reveal who he is but yet in a secretive way.

Mayfia was five years old when she began to notice that her mother was becoming sick but could not comprehend what the sickness was not even the family doctor could detect the nature of the sickness after many test and checkup. Though the sickness seems not to be something serious. It comes in form of dizziness and fainting after which she got better in few minutes. Annabelle never had any health challenges from birth so she thought of it as a minor medical issue that could be treated with time and having an adequate rest and nutrition.

Mummy are you alright?.... Mayfia asked her mother at five after which she recovered from one of her dizziness.

Mayfia am fine. The doctor said I only needed some rest.... Annabelle said to her daughter giving her rest of mind.

Mayfia had one day caught her father adding some powder to her mother's food and another day to her tea. She confronted him what it was and he lied to her that it's just a spicy that will make her mother feel better and healthy.

Mayfia was also told by his father never to reveal this to her mother. So she buried the secret in her heart. Well, Mayfia never knew how cruel and wicked his father was and that he could do anything for the sake of money.

"I don't want to loose my life, my health is at stake. I'm dying within. Please help me. Annabelle complained to her friend.

What does the last scan you did reveal... her friend asked

The doctor said my lungs are affected by.....

By what?


Poison? How? By who?

That i still don't understand. The doctor said I'm being poison for a long time which is eating up my lungs and it's killing me little by little. Now, what seems confusing to me is that I hardly eat outside which could mean that the poisoning comes from within.

"Who could it be that wants me dead. I will definitely find out as soon as possible.

Annabelle and her friend had this discussion for a long time, each person looking confused. Not quite long the two friends dismissed. Tomy returned from work with shopping items for his wife and child Mayfia.

Mayfia your daddy is back with lot of goodies... Annabelle called out to her daughter from the sitting room.

Yes mummy I will be with you shortly.

Mayfia is now in Primary 6, old enough to go to school herself and returned from school. The distance from her house to school is just few minutes walk.

It is a Monday. Every Monday, Mayfia usually return from school late because Mondays are for so many activities in school. But this particular Monday was scheduled only for social activities and child's education and right therefore she got home earlier than expected.

Mayfia got home and met his dad on a phone call. She wanted to surprised her dad with her early coming from school so she hid herself outside behind the sitting room window. Tomy unaware that his daughter was around kept on talking on phone.

"This time around I want a fast action one. I want my wife dead. All the transactions have been completed, I made her signed all necessary documents to get the money out from the company's account into my personal account by getting her drunk. Please I want a more powerful poison to get her dead before this week runs out so I could get the rest of the properties in her care.

Mayfia heard everything without missing a word and she stylishly went out of the compound without her father's knowledge.

As smart as she was, she went into a nearby bush to call her mother with the small phone she bought for her and explain all she heard from her dad.

"Are you sure of all you just said Mayfia. It's hard to believe.

Mummy, start coming home right away, you need to run away to save your life for the main time.

Annabelle told Mayfia to hid around the compound till she returns while she drove from her office immediately she ended the call but got home late at night due to traffic.

Getting home, Tomy already left home to get the poison, this gave her the chance to park all she could including the original documents. A step out of her matrimonial room, she met her husband who confronted her where she was running to with the documents.

"Tomy. How could you do all this to me after all have done for you for the sake of love".

"Oh please! I never loved you. I was only after your father's wealth. The only way to get it was getting married to you. The love, care and marriage was all a pretence to get what I wanted from you.

So what next? Annabelle asked her husband in tears.

I want you dead right away. Tomy already had a sharpened small knife in his pocket. He brought it out and stabbed his wife to death at around 8pm on Monday.

Tomy declared his wife missing the following morning and up till date, she is no where to be found. Leaving no traces that he had killed his wife.

Mafia ran out of the compound unnoticed after she witnessed the heartless incident.She left for a while back into the same bush. Her father already parked the remains of his wife's body into the long waste bin,put it into the car boot and drove out to dispose it. Mayfia who pretended as if she knew nothing went back home and lied to him that she went home with her school proprietress because her mother called to inform her that she would be coming home late from office.

Several times, Mafia had gone home with her school proprietress whenever her mother returns late. For this reason, Tomy believed her at once without further questions. Mayfia hid the pains of her mother's death in her heart for a long time. She never discussed it with anyone except her hidden diary.

Alone, she wept her mother's brutal death secretly for many years without anyone to comfort her.

Someday I will avange my mother's death. He who kills by sword shall die by sword.