
Chapter 9. The union

Little did Mayfia's mother knew about her union with her husband Tomiwa popularly known as Tomy.The angelic man he knew long before their union was a devil within. They both met each other at the NYSC camp after their graduation in their separate schools.

Mayfia's mother graduated from a private University having come from a wealthy family.

Tomy was so handsome a guy that no lady could resist him. He is dark in completion but a shining one at that with a spotless and glowing skin. Most of all,he is very intelligent.

Hello, lady... Tomy called out to his Camp crush for the first time after a while admiration.

Hi... she responded with full attention having seen a charming guy with expensive wears and a good scent.

My name is Tomiwa, you can call me Tomy. May I know you if you don't mind?

I'm Annabelle, you can as well call me Ann. How may I help you? she asked

I don't really need your help I just needed you to be my friend. Have been observing you for a while and I'm happy I met you one on one today. Nice meeting you Ann. Tomy stretch out his hand for an hand shake.

Nice meeting you too Tomy...

That was how Tomiwa and Annabelle became best of friends. Tomy finally went to Ann' father's mansion on her birthday. There he met with her parents and saw how wealthy they were.

Wow,this are riches... Tomy thought in his heart as he looked round the designs and structures of the building.

Happy birthday princess Ann...one of her friends shouted from afar with a gift. All invited guests were entertained with various delicacies and drinks before the celebrant cut her cake.

Tomy presented his gift to her. It was a gold wrist watch, he succeeded going an extra mile to entice Ann with this gift and presenting himself beyond what he actually was.

You like it ? Tomy asked

I love it. Thank you Tomy,this is so thoughtful of you.

My pleasure. I'm glad you love it....he said with a satisfied smile on his face.

Ann was of course the most beautiful on her birthday party. All eyes were on her as she moved her big hips and boobs to and fro her father's mansion. Her father gifted her the latest car towards the end of the party which got everyone talking about how lucky Annabelle must have been to be gifted the latest car in town as the only child of her wealthy parents.

The party was over. Every invited guests was already at their various houses including Tomy who was gisting his roommate Fams how the party went.

It will be of great benefits if I can have this girl.

Benefits...what do you mean Tomy?

I mean this girl's parents are super rich. Getting married to their only child is a great asset. Think about this Fams, use your head.

Hmm! Bad guy,how long have you been thinking about this? Fams enquired

"Have been thinking about it the very day I heard how wealthy her parents were and today it has been confirmed with my two eyes.

Then you have to act fast if that be the case. Fams encouraged him the more towards his evil plans without a second thought.

Tomy used his charming nature and sweet coated words to get Ann's attention and feelings. Without doubt,Ann was already in love with the wrong person she thought to be the best guy In the world.

This was the last day of their service. They were all celebrating the success of one year service when Tomy got Ann unaware with his marriage proposal. On his knees, he asked Ann the question every lady would love to hear most especially from the one they truly love.

Annabelle, have come to realize how much I love you and I would love to spend the rest of my life with you having the best kids and to live ever after with you

Will you marry me?

Huh! Ann slightly opened her mouth in surprise but filled with excitement in her heart.

Yes I will....she gave a positive response as she accepted the ring from Tomy.

Congratulations to a happy beginning. Friends and family congratulated them and sent their wishes as they began their wedding preparations.

The wedding party

The news was all over the places that Tomiwa and Annabelle was getting married. Money is not an issue for the wedding party because the bride's parents are ready to spend any amount and to go any length for their daughter's wedding party.

New furnitures and paintings was ordered in Annabelle's house to entice and to give a welcoming feeling to all who came for the celebration. Ann's room was of course not less than expected. Her wedding gown was hung above her cupboard with Crystal stones on it which sparkling is reflected in her room wall and floor white tiles. Her shoes were sent from Dallas by her maternal aunt who lives in America including her jewelries, wrist watch and hair fascinator.

The makeup artist and hair stylist is one of the most popular in the country. She arrived at about 6:30am to start her job. Ann who was awake for her big day at 5:00am was set for her makeup. It took the makeup artist almost two hours to get her makeup and hair set for the celebration.

The church branch and head pastors were already on seat while the program commenced. The colour for the day was onion and purple. Decorations looked beautiful and attractive.

The groom and his men were set with their dressing. His suit and shoe were real men wears not made for ordinary people. They were all looking their best to compliment the day.

Now. It's time for the couple to dance into the auditorium as the choristers sang a danceable songs with their instrument.

On and on, the party was glamorous and everyone was happy for the couple as they exchange their wedding rings. The event hall was as well decorated. Different activities and jokes to spiced up the ceremony. The chief bride's maid sat at the right hand side of the hall close to the bride while the groom's men were seated at the left hand side of the hall opposite the bride's maids.

M.C Jaylogo managed the hall and the audience by capturing their attention with his experienced ways of handling parties and every activities. All invitees ate and drank to their satisfaction and were all glad to have attended the party.

Party over. The couple went to the hotel that has been booked for their honey moon. Music and noisy sounds went down gradually.

Guest began to dismissed until there was no one found in the hall apart from the cleaners who were paid to cleanup the event hall.

Right in the hotel room,the couple settled down, they ordered for food, ate and light off.