
Savitar, God of Speed

WARNING! THIS IS WISH FULFILLMENT AND MAY HAVE SOME STUPID PLOT HOLE BUT I DON'T CARE IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT THEN JUST LEAVE OR DO A PROPER REVIEW. What If Izuku had another path that made him better and acquired the power of the speed forces?

Try_hard · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
63 Chs

Chapter 15 - Strength and Speed

Clenching his fist spreading the energy that came from One for All, drawing a large quantity of power that rapidly tore through his body and found that his limit was 50% beyond, started to destroy his body. 

The sensation was agonizing but stood firmly as pain is an old friend of his. His high-speed healing factor allowed him to slowly adjust to the foreign power and without it then Izuku would have long passed out. 

He took boxing stances while breathing deeply to regulate his energy and maintain the circulation to evenly spread the power.

'It's a lot harder than I thought...maybe I should revise my suit to incorporate some sort of regulator to let me use 100% without damaging my body.'

Izuku made a mental note before finally planting his firmly into the ground causing a fissure of crack afterward his whole body emanated more purplish lightning along with white and gold lighting.  




His strike caused the water to split in half while pushing a hurricane of wind that made the others protect their eyes. It didn't cause any other damage as his Speedforce absorbed the Kinetic energy. This causes the recoil to lessen enough for his bones to shatter.

They are all dumbstruck seeing the rift in the ocean while Allmight felt proud that his successor was better than he anticipated. In his first time using One For All everything became natural and the strike he made was a lot weaker than Izuku struck.

"Hahaha, my boy you'll surely surpass me in the future!"

"Holy crap, he split the ocean in half!?"(Jiro)

"That first could be equal to a hundred or more Dynamite!" (Momo)

"Good! I thought you would be weaker but this just making fucking hype!" (Bakugou)

"Izu-san! How do you feel?"

Itsuka went closer knowing that the backlash would be devastating when the outward force could split the ocean. Izumi turns, giving a reassuring smile while wincing from the pain. 

"I'm fine but a bit sore. It was still too much for my body."

He struggled to clench his hand but thanks to the high-speed healing factor easily repaired the damaged tissue that grew stronger replacing the cells with something else. Before long Allmight returned to his skinny form.

"Now that you've gotten a grasp, I think it's the right time for me to tell you're training and also I hadn't gotten the opportunity but can I talk to your parents, Young Midoriya?"

"Sure thing but why?"

"Well now that I have chosen you as my successor then it would be fair to let your mother know. To get her consent if you will. Though I won't tell who I am, I think it's best to at least tell her that I've chosen you."

Allmight doesn't want to just take their kid training him without the parent's consent. He isn't irresponsible enough to not let the parent know why their children suddenly got injured. Perhaps another timeline forgot to think about the side of the parent.

He also realized that no one would associate him, Toshinori Yagi, to Allmight even when he was walking around no one recognized him. 

'I should ask her before giving my quirk to young midoriya….I'm getting really old.'

Allmight inwardly thought before turning his attention back to his students.

"I understand and I think my mom won't mind. Now that you mention it, why don't we head there once we finish training? I think you would love her food!"

"Alright, now as for your training…"

In the end, everyone ignores AllMight as he was terrible at teaching, causing him to sulk in the corner while muttering to himself. 

Izuku used his Speed Force in tandem with One For All experimenting while trying to integrate the quirk into his body. It took him a while to reach the output of 70% and find that his high-speed healing factor is reaching its limits. 

Though it was yet 100% could still be devastating by applying his speed force striking at the literal bomb. He decided to focus more on his speed force to increase his healing and adaptability which would let it catch up.

He zoomed through the ocean in a white streak accompanied by golden lightning running above the water. Izuku pushed his max speed for several folds generating more speed force than shattering the sound barrier reaching mach 7.

'What if I add One for all?'

A single thought his mind increasing his max speed using the amplifying property of the OFA into his body shrouded himself in additional purplish lightning reaching mach 205 or the same speed as a lightning bolt. 

'I'm using 20% one for all with maximum Speed Force Capacity. Let's try amplifying it even further.'

Izuku's eyes flicker in white lightning as the surroundings appear different turning everything into a blur but fortunately, he was able to process everything. 

This made him stop for the time being as didn't want to get lost and instantly stopped before turning around producing a sonic boom.

It didn't take long for him to arrive back at Dagonah Beach where everyone was training. Allmight thought he had created a monster seeing how powerful and quick he had traveled. Or perhaps a god.

For several hours they continued training and experimenting with their quirk while cleaning up the beach. 

"Woah, I'm beat! I think we should do it for today. Why don't we head to my mom's restaurant?"

"Sure and Jiro-san you've improved a lot more than I expected! Keep it up."

"Thanks, Kendo-san. I agree with Izuku, my body is already sore and I'm craving for your Aunt Inko's pasta."(Jiro)

"Me too. I can't wait to taste Aunt Inko's food again."(Momo)

"Alright let's fucking go! I ain't wasting time chatting." (Bakugou)

"Come on now, AllMight! I think you'll love my mom's cooking!"

"...thank you, Midoriya-shounen!"

Allmight ended his sulking from the corner rejoicing hearing his successor hadn't forgotten about him. 

It didn't take them long to arrive where the restaurant was entering a western-style restaurant. Allmight feel welcome inside and smell the aroma of food in the distance.

"Mom, are you here?"

Izuku went to the counter yelling for his mother who was busily cooking but heard his voice.

"Izuku! Finish training today? Oh you brought another guest. Welcome."

AllMight froze in shock seeing the woman in front of him. It made him wonder if he's seeing a ghost but the woman appeared exactly like a person that he held dear.


Nana Shimura, the previous user of One For all and the master of Allmight who had died fighting the same person that made him into such a weakened state. She had the same appearance as her with only few different namely her figure and hair color. 

"Excuse me?"

Inko was confused hearing the skinny man slightly worried at his appearance as it made him look malnourished, especially his sunken eyes. Allmight of the words made the children confused and curious.

"Ah sorry you just look like someone close to me."

Allmight shook his head, still burdened by the death of his master. He knew that his master had already passed long ago and the woman before was a completely different person.

"Is that so? Well let me introduce myself, I am Inko Midoriya, mother of Izuku, it's nice to meet you, Mr?"

"Toshinori Yagi, Mrs.-"

"Just miss, Mister Yagi."

He paused, nodding vaguely understanding the situation and made mildly infuriated how Quirkless people are discriminated against.

'This should be addressed. If quirkless or people with villain quirk were to be discriminated then…'

Allmight decide to do something other than just fighting villains as he didn't want to neglect his hero work for quirk people but toward everyone.

"Ms. Midoriya. I would like to discuss something regarding your son's future."

"My son's future? May I ask who you are, Mr. yagi?"

"I think it's best to speak about this more privately."

"I understand, Izuku brings them to the second floor while I prepare your meals."

He nodded, taking them above the second floor. Everyone entered a small room as they finally sat down to relax. 

"Alright if you don't mind me asking but what was that about 'Master' thing?"

"Ah well, your mother looks exactly like my master, the previous user of One for All."

"Your master? Can you tell me more about her?? I'm interested more about the quirk I have."

Allmight nodded but thought it was not the right time to tell him about that man as he didn't want him to think it was his responsibility.