
Saving Gale Wicherton

After inheriting an unfinished novel from his late best friend, Sam is thrust into the pages as Gale Wicherton, a side character in a magical world. With a determined smile, Gale seeks to rewrite the political struggles, navigate two enigmatic princes, and discover the powers he's concealing—all to save his destiny and the fantastical realm Max left behind.

AtharvisAJ · แฟนตาซี
33 Chs

Ally and Ale

Gale sat on the rock outside the mine, under the shade of a tree shielding him from the harsh afternoon sunlight. He took out a cigarette from his pocket and lit it. He inhaled from it and then exhaled it out forming a small cloud. The quiet rustle of leaves and the distant calls of birds created a serene atmosphere as he contemplated the challenges ahead.

Inhaling deeply from the cigarette, Gale's mind danced between the intricacies of the mine and the lingering memory of his kiss with Viola. The warmth of the cigarette mirrored the warmth that had enveloped them during that shared moment, but Gale knew he needed to compartmentalize his emotions.

He pondered the best course of action for the mine. The discovery of mana crystals was a significant find, one that could potentially reshape the region's dynamics. Yet, the secrecy surrounding it was paramount. Viola, with her expertise and connections, crossed his mind as a potential ally, but Gale swiftly dismissed the idea. He did not yet fully trust Viola, she was after all the Guild Master of the Merchants Guild. Mixing business with pleasure was a dangerous game, and he preferred to keep the mine's potential hidden for now.

His thoughts shifted to Nicolas, the reliable receptionist of the guild who was currently nursing his injuries. Despite being wounded, Nicolas was still dedicated to restoring the guild to its former glory.

"I can trust Nicolas. He's been through a lot, and he's not one to gossip," Gale mused, exhaling a plume of smoke.

With newfound determination, Gale decided to seek Nicolas's assistance. As the guild master, Nicolas had both the knowledge and the authority to navigate the complexities of the situation. The prospect of uncovering the mysteries of the mana crystals appealed to Gale's adventurous spirit, and he believed that Nicolas could be a valuable ally in this endeavour.

"If he can't help directly, he will at least put me in touch with people who can," Gale said turning towards the audience.

He got up, crushed the glowing tip of his cigarette under his boot and set off towards the town. Flying through the air, cool air hitting his face against a raging sun cleared his mind from whatever Nina had said. This also reminded him that he needed to set up security around his mine.

As Gale approached the guild, he noticed that the repair work had taken a break for lunch. The lazy afternoon had put all of the workers in a state of dullness. He spotted Nicolas standing and looking around the repair work and decided to greet him.

"Hi, Nicolas," Gale called out, his voice echoing in the empty hall. "Had your lunch yet?"

Nicolas turned to face Gale, a slight frown on his face. "No, not yet," he replied.

"Let's go then," Gale said, dragging his burly frame out of the guild with some difficulty. "I'm starving."

"Wai-wait a minute," Nicolas protested, but to no avail. Gale was already pulling him towards the exit.

Gale led Nicolas to a decent pub nearby. As they entered, the waiter approached them with a welcoming smile.

"A private room, please," Gale requested, his voice gruff but polite.

The waiter nodded and led them to a secluded room with a single table and a few chairs. Gale and Nicolas settled in, and the waiter promptly took their orders.

"I'll have some ale and a hearty stew with bread," Gale declared, his stomach growling in anticipation.

Nicolas nodded in agreement. "Same for me," he said.

As they waited for their food, Gale glanced around the room, taking in the cosy atmosphere. The walls were adorned with rustic wooden panels, and the air was filled with the pleasant aroma of food and drink.

"This place looks nice," Nicolas commented, his frown slowly fading away.

"Yeah, it's one of my favourites," Gale replied. "The food is good, and the prices are reasonable."

Their food arrived soon after, and they both tucked in with gusto. The ale was cold and refreshing, and the stew was hearty and flavorful a bit heavier on the salt but that complemented the cold ale very nicely. Gale and Nicolas ate in silence for a while, savouring the taste of the food and the camaraderie.

Once they had finished, Gale wiped his mouth with a table napkin and leaned back in his chair, feeling satisfied.

"That was a great meal," he said, his voice relaxed. "Thanks for joining me, Nicolas."

"No problem," Nicolas replied, a smile on his face. "It was my pleasure."

Gale took a sip of his ale and then turned to Nicolas, his expression becoming more serious.

"I need your help with something," he said.

Nicolas raised an eyebrow. "What is it?" he asked.

Gale hesitated for a moment before speaking. "It's about the mine," he said. "I found something...significant."

Nicolas leaned forward, his curiosity piqued. "What did you find?" he asked.

Gale leaned forward, lowering his voice. "Mana crystals. Deep within the mine, there's a deposit of mana crystals. It's a significant find, and I need your help to keep it under wraps while we mine it."

Nicolas listened intently, his expression growing more solemn as Gale spoke. When Gale was finished, Nicolas sat back in his chair, his mind racing.

"This is...big," he said, his voice barely a whisper. "We need to be careful with this information."

Gale nodded in agreement. "That's why I came to you," he said. "I trust you to help me navigate this situation."

Nicolas met Gale's gaze, his eyes filled with determination. "I'm with you," he said. "We'll figure this out together."

"Thanks Nicolas. I knew I could count on you," replied Gale his emerald green eyes smiling.

"But I know you are busy 'Guild Master'," Gale continued with a slight smile on his lips, "if you can't help directly, please put me in contact with some workers. I need some miners. And for the security, I will write to my father. It has been a long time but he would like it if I ask for help."

Nicolas nodded in understanding. "I will do my best to find you some reliable miners," he said.

Gale smiled. "Thanks again, Nicolas," he said. "I appreciate your help."

"No problem," Nicolas replied. "I'm always happy to help a friend."

With that, Gale and Nicolas left the pub. Gale headed towards the Southern Mansion while Nicolas headed back to the guild. Gale had a lot to do, but he was confident that with Nicolas's help, he could overcome any challenges that came his way.

As Gale arrived at his estate, his butler, Wayne, greeted him at the door. "Welcome Master Gale."

"Oh, Wayne," Gale said, "come to the study in a bit. I have some news. Bring some tea will you?"

Wayne nodded and bowed. "Very good, sir," he said.

As Wayne entered the study with tea and some refreshments, Gale spoke in a voice barely able to contain excitement, "You won't believe what I found at the mine today Wayne.

"What! Oh my goodness!" Exclaimed Wayne after hearing about the mana crystals. "You truly are extraordinary Master Gale."

"I have to write a letter to father now. You go and contact the Guild Master of the Adventurer's guild. He will put you in contact with some miners for the mine." Said Gale with a wide smile.

"At once, Master Gale," Wayne, turned on his heel and left the study closing the door behind him.

Gale stood up and walked towards the window overlooking the beautiful garden. He looked at the audience, "Now this might be the end of my stay here in the Southern Province."

He stared out of the window once again. The gentle breeze hit his face a nice smile playing on it.

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