
Saving Gale Wicherton

After inheriting an unfinished novel from his late best friend, Sam is thrust into the pages as Gale Wicherton, a side character in a magical world. With a determined smile, Gale seeks to rewrite the political struggles, navigate two enigmatic princes, and discover the powers he's concealing—all to save his destiny and the fantastical realm Max left behind.

AtharvisAJ · Fantasy
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33 Chs

Crystal and Sandwich

Gale exited the mine, the cool and damp air giving way to the warmth of the forest outside. His eyes were blinded by the sudden light of the day. However, just as he stepped beyond the mine's entrance, a realization struck him. He paused and turned, looking directly at the audience.

"Wait a minute, why am I leaving? I need to check the important thing first," he said with a quizzical expression. Without further hesitation, he turned on his heel and headed back inside the mine.

"In the novel, the mine was found by the Third Prince Adrian. It was as dry as it is now but, with his wizards, he found out how to revive it to uncover where the real treasure was," Gale said turning towards the audience, "Let me show you."

He reached the ice-like crystal once more, the crystal was still humming. Gale decided to ignore it. He walked a bit further looking for something. The mine was very dimly lit with the sole light being the faint light emitted by the ice-like crystal. He conjured up a light orb and the mine lit up in its white light. He was in the middle of the mine now, paths leading further branched from here. He bent down and placed his hands on the ground.

"Now How do I do this?" He muttered. Thinking of an echolocation device, he sent mana pulses down the mine. He waited with bated breath. Then it happened. His mana pulses came back, hitting his palms. "BINGO!!" Gale shouted.

He looked at the audience once again, "Let me explain. This mine was never an emerald mine, to begin with. It was at one point but it dried up. The main treasure in this mine is the mana crystals that lie deep down. I think I just found them"

Gale stood in the dimly lit mine, his eyes fixed on the spot he had identified using mana pulses. Taking a deep breath, he focused his magical energy, and the earth beneath his fingertips responded. With a combination of concentration and the power of his earth magic, he gained a visual insight into the depths of the mine.

The mana crystals lay far below, their luminescent glow a testament to their hidden potential. However, as Gale delved deeper with the help of his magical vision, he realized that the crystals were beyond his current reach. They rested in the earth, tantalizingly distant, promising untold power but resisting easy acquisition.

His mind raced with possibilities. How could he retrieve these precious mana crystals? It was then that he decided to leave the mine temporarily, his mind strategizing on the best course of action.

As he stepped out into the forest, the natural surroundings offered him a sense of clarity. However, his sharp instincts alerted him to a presence nearby. Suspicion in the air, Gale's eyes scanned the surroundings until he spotted movement in the bushes.

Swift as the wind, Gale moved towards the hidden figure, employing his wind magic to enhance his speed. In a matter of seconds, he closed the gap and, with a flourish, seized the intruder by the scruff of their neck.

To his surprise, he found himself holding a child—a girl with big, bushy hair wearing oversized worker's clothes. Her brown eyes widened with fear, and she stammered, "Don't hurt me, please. I won't tell anyone."

Gale, maintaining his firm grip, snapped, "What? Shut up!" The command silenced her immediately. His emerald-green eyes bore into hers as he demanded, "Who are you?"

The girl, now identified as Nina, hesitated for a moment before answering, "I am Nina."

Gale, unimpressed, clarified, "Not your name. Who are you, and what are you doing here?"

Nina, still visibly frightened, began to speak, "I... I'm an orphan. I saw you going into the mine, and I followed you. I didn't mean any harm, I promise."

Gale's expression remained stern as he assessed the situation. "An orphan, huh?" he mused. "Why were you following me?"

Nina shifted nervously, her eyes darting around. "I heard people talk about mine. My uncle used to work there, I used to help him and get money and get some food."

Gale loosened his grip slightly but maintained a watchful demeanour. "Where is your uncle now? In the mine?"

Nina nodded, her fear turning into a mix of embarrassment and defiance. "I don't know I haven't seen him in three days."

Gale could hear a growling noise from her stomach. He sighed.

Gale released her, stepping back but keeping a wary eye on the girl. "You're lucky I caught you and not someone else. This place is dangerous, especially for a child. Now, scram. Get out of here before someone less forgiving than me finds you."

Nina nodded vigorously, her eyes wide with gratitude and fear. Without wasting a moment, she turned and fled into the forest, disappearing into the foliage.

"Hey, Nina wait come here," Gale called after her.

Nina stopped and turned, looking at Gale with a mix of surprise and curiosity as he called out to her. Slowly, she approached him, her brown eyes avoiding direct contact. He pulled out a sandwich from his satchel and handed it to her.

"Eat it here, take this water bottle as well," Gale instructed, offering her both the food and water.

Nina, her hunger overcoming any hesitations, took the food eagerly. She sat down and devoured the sandwich hungrily, the occasional gasp for breath between bites. The hunger seemed to have clouded any worries she might have had.

Once the sandwich was finished, Nina took a deep gulp from the water bottle, her eyes expressing gratitude. "Thank you," she said, her voice soft and filled with appreciation.

Gale, while maintaining his usual stoic demeanour, replied, "Don't mention it. Also, tell me more about your uncle and what he used to do."

Nina, on the verge of tears, managed to control herself as she spoke, "He was not my real uncle. He was someone who took care of me. He used to work in this mine. I don't know anything else."

Gale, sensing her reluctance to share more, nodded understandingly. "It's okay. I will find out something. Now scram and be careful."

Nina hurried away from there, a small bow expressing her gratitude before disappearing into the forest. Gale watched her retreating figure, a thoughtful expression on his face. The encounter with the orphan had added another layer of complexity to his day, and he couldn't help but ponder the mysteries surrounding the mine and the people connected to it.

Seating himself on a nearby rock, Gale contemplated the newfound revelations. The mine initially believed to be solely about emeralds, now held the promise of mana crystals. Nina's story hinted at a broader narrative, one that reached beyond mere treasure hunting. As he gazed into the distance, the forest whispered with secrets, and Gale couldn't shake the feeling that he was on the cusp of unravelling a much larger tale.