
Chapter 6: Meeting Tian Xin

Tian Xin has just finished shopping with Hu Yei. They went to Golden Pavilion Restaurant for a meal. She then told her friend she was going to the gamers lobby.

"You can go home if I'm too long. I'll go home myself."

She then walked to the lobby to play The Universe of Savard.


Dao Feng parked his car on the parking lot of the restaurant then walked to the lobby. 'What lobby is it where grandma's birthday is held?' he thought. He checked the message his dad sent to the chat group. 'Lobby 344,' He mused to himself. But a melodious voice, better than the voice of the Class President, interrupted his thoughts.

"You can go home if I'm too long. I'll go home myself."

He looked at the speaker. A female, beautiful, sexy, feminine and wearing a rosy dress enough to make men fall. He was not a womanizer, so he didn't drool, like others would do. 'If she was my girlfriend, that is enough for men to envy me,' he thought. But he didn't keep on thinking and went to the lobby. There was the design for a birthday, and the banner "Happy 76th Birthday Grandma!" He went outside to meet his brother.

"Dao Jiao, isn't the design too beautiful?"

"It is. Grandma would sure be happy."


She was walking to the lobby to play when two handsome teenagers talked in the front of her.

"Dao Jiao, isn't the design too beautiful?"

"It is. Grandma would sure be happy."

She was attracted to the first speaker. He was wearing a blue polo shirt, grey pants and wearing shades. Handsome, tall, attractive. But she didn't keep on thinking and kept on walking. She wished she heard his name.

"Dao Feng, wait! You forgot to pay dad on his Lock Man Door!"

She looked around, and saw him again. 'I'll remember his face and search him on Facebook,' she thought. Dao Feng, she remembered it. 'Wait!' she thought, 'Isn't he the highest leveled player? Amazing!'


Dao Jiao called him again,

"Dao Feng, wait! You forgot to pay dad on his Lock Man Door!"

He looked at Dao Jiao and nodded. He then walked into the lobby, to wait for his relatives. The first family to arrive was the Cheng Family. The father, Cheng Tai, greeted his Dad. Then his cousin, Cheng Sho, ran to him and said,

"You are the highest ranked player again! Amazing!"

"Thanks! I'll send you something you'll be happy on!"

"You're welcome!"

Then the lobby started becoming lively when the Hai Family entered, then Grandma entered. Her name was Wei Ai, and the greetings were presented. She cried tears of joy. She was happy. She told everybody that she had the best birthday ever, since Grandpa, or Dao Gui died. He then walked to the gaming lobby to play privately. While he was walking there he was musing about how to leveling up, When somebody tripped over his foot.


'Her?' he thought. He kneeled in an instant and performed a horse stance. She landed on his hands. She looked into his eyes and blushed. 'She looks very cute,' he thought. She stuttered a word,


"You're welcome. Just be careful."

He smiled at her. He then walked to the lobby. She also followed. And they entered the lobby.


She was caught by Dao Feng when she was falling. She could only stutter one word.


He replied,

"You're welcome. Just be careful."

He walked away. She followed in the lobby. She sat down. She looked at him and said,

"You're Dao Feng right? Son of the CEO of Fang Business Group, right? And the highest ranked player? My name is Tian Xin."

"Daughter of the ambassador of China, Tian Wui. Right?"


Soon they entered into a conversation. They talked like it seemed like it was a onetime opportunity talk.


Dao Feng forgot to play. They talked about gaming topics gamers talk about. It was rare he talked to strangers. 10 min. later she told him,

"I need to leave. Maybe, I'll see you around, I guess?"

"Yea, see you around."

He then went back to the lobby to talk with his cousins and friends. He only sees his cousins four or five times every year. It's rare for them to meet all at once. He remembered her again. Maybe it'll be a long time when they will meet again. Or maybe, in the game, they can.

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