
Chapter 5: Sneak Attacking a Dragon

5/17/28 or May 17, 2028

3 days later… Dao Feng had stayed long enough with the Fu Family. Fu Long started playing Empire Domains after seeing amazing things. For three days he trained Fu Long on Empire Domains. He was energetic as a child. Very irritating. He left for home early morning. On the train, he was thinking how unlucky he was today. He told Warren,

"Warren, Check my base situation."


[Base] Level 8

Active Barrier: Destroyed

Situation: Destroyed

Destroyer: Fire Dragon Emperor

None left standing



A few hours earlier…

"Emperor, there is one subject out of the empire, who doesn't join in our empire's activities. And he doesn't join our sacrifices either!"

"Humph. He doesn't? I'll teach him a lesson he'll never forget. Send for an artillery battalion. I'm going personally."

'It's okay,' thought the Emperor, 'at least I still have 9 more lives if I die.' All emperors have ten lives. But is limited. But lives can increase based on the level.


A few hours later… Dao Feng teleported to his base, and as Warren said, it was wrecked to the ground. And the culprit? Drago… no, Fire Dragon Emperor. He was really angry. He jumped from the teleporter and activated Lava Slash, a technique that can wound a Level 17 player, probably kill a Level 14 Dragon Emperor. And his guess was correct. He was beheaded. Fire and Lava aren't the same. The battalion was shocked, and because he was wearing a Disguise Robe, one used for disguise, and more, so what they saw was Level 20. They ran away. But Dao Feng won't let them run away.

Serpent Slither Slash!

He slithered up to them and cut their bodies in half. All dead. It was easy to rebuild his base back to normal, but it would need EXP. He build it again, with his base leveling down from 8 to 7. 'I made an enemy of an Emperor,' he thought, 'and when I have an Empire, he'll be my first enemy.' He teleported back to the train when he bumped his head into a window. The train was overturned. 'F**k,' he thought. He called Warren to check the surroundings and the culprit was a Red Demon. He checked the Demon's info, and it was Level 5. So he checked his info.

Game Info: [Dao Feng] Titles: None /Level 10

Age: 16

Health Condition: Perfect

Element: Fire, Rock, Lava

Pet: Rock Golem/Eagle

Spirits: Eagle, Tiger, Serpent, Rock Golem, Shark, Lion, Dragon

Weapons: Tiger Blade, Serpent Dagger, Rock Golem Armor, Air-Breaking Shark

Bow, Lion Claw Arrow, Fire Dragon Spear

Techniques, Sutras and Skills: Lava Slash, The Rock Technique Set: Rock Smash, The Rock Technique Set: Rock Cutter, Several Fire Slashes, A Golem's Story: 30 Rock Destroyer Punches, Tiger Disguise, Serpent Slither Cut, Air Breaking Shot, Pet Summon, Eagle Shapeshifting, Lion Claw Spinning Slash, Mad Tiger Shapeshift, an awakened skill, Intimidating Dragon Roar, The Path of the Dragon: Ten Dragon Slashes

Guild: None

Empire: None

He saw he awakened a skill! Plus, one new weapon and two more techniques! He got it from the Emperor. So, he tested one, on the demon.

Mad Tiger Shapeshift!

He swiped a claw at the Demon, and the demon's face turned to pulp. Splash! The blood splashed on his face. Very strong! He should've used his fist instead. And then, he knocked everybody unconscious and then fixed the train.

"Warren, you have a reversal skill, right?"

"Yes. I'll activate it."

Time Reversal!

Warren's hand appeared and a reversal disk, like Doctor Strange magic, appeared.

"I'll call you Doctor Strange! I'll buy a Doctor Strange Cloak!"

"Don't flatter me!"

"Wait! Don't let the demon live again!"


Everything was reversed. The wounds were gone from the people and the train to its normal state. And the train moved again. The people started muttering,

"What? I thought I was dead!"

"Me too!"

So people moved, like nothing happened.


He arrived at home, with his father welcoming him.

"Hello son! Don't you remember anything what's going to happen today?"

He said to Warren,


"Your Grandma's birthday."

"Dad I remember! Grandma's birthday!"

"Good! We're going to Golden Pavilion Restaurant!"

"Oh yes! Oh dad, let me go to the gamers lobby!"

"Of course you can."

"And son, school is coming, so we must go shopping."

"What date is it?"

"May 17."

"Two weeks until school!"

"Yes son. Let's go. Do you want to ride with us or do you want to bring your car?"

"I'll bring my own car. Say, what Car you are going to bring, dad?"

"The Audi G7. And you?"

"Oh I want to try my new Ferrari Leon 5! I just bought it last week. Oh, it's also a hover car, but it has wheels."

"Oh did you? Then son, change into anything you like."

"Not anything fancy, dad!"

Dao Feng entered the compound and went to his house, next to the big mansion, and changed into his new set of clothes which he bought from UNIQLO. He then looked for the keys of his car. He then went to his garage to get car and went outside to wait for his family. His sister Dao Ya brought along her Ford Wolf A3, a sports car. He checked if she brought Chai, her pet Chihuahua. His brother Dao Jiao brought along his Ranger Rover S5+, a newly released car. Then they roared their cars on the road.