
Chapter 161

(AN: Leave a comment and a review, your feedback helps me a lot.)

If you want to support me and read ahead!


Sup Guys! Here's the new chapter!


"So let's start," I said, holding my wand and taking a deep breath.

I'm currently in the Room of Requirement trying to recreate the Unsupported flight, and so far the only thing I've gotten is a dizzy feeling every time I try to fly.

Unsupported flight is a spell I really want to learn, but it's hard to create a spell I don't even know how to use.

I knew I might discover some new things about this form of flight if I talked to Riddle in the diary, but even I'm not that dumb.

I have confidence in my Occlumency and my mind, but not to the point of trying to talk to a Horcrux that will try to consume my soul to strengthen itself.

Another option to solve this problem of mine would be if I created a flight spell from scratch, and I really find this easier than trying to recreate an existing spell. But I'm already trying to create a lot of spells, so I'd rather at least get the outline of what I know about Voldemort's Unsupported flight before trying to create my own spell.

As I held my wand, I passed my magic through my body, and when it got to my feet I began to use magic to create a puff of smoke that along with its wind began to slowly lift me off the ground.

I learned a while ago that I didn't necessarily need to do magic just using my hands or a wand, and I don't know if Voldemort realized the same thing as me and used it to created his way of flying, but I know that this is the fastest and easiest way I can think of to create my spell.

'Sigh, Riddle is really a genius when it comes to magic' I thought.

With smoke leaking down my legs, I started to control the air so it wouldn't lose control.

Little by little the smoke started to lift me higher and higher, but that was my limit, as I couldn't move in the air yet, as I easily lost control of the spell when I tried to move it too roughly.

I knew that even if I could fly using this form of flight, this spell would still be incomplete, as I wanted to turn my body into smoke, and that requires a great understanding of both Transfiguration and Charms.

Landing slowly on the ground, I stumbled forward a little, but managed to regain my balance quickly.

"Damn, I still have to figure out how to stop this dizziness every time I use this spell," I grumbled to myself.

After standing for a while, waiting for the dizzy feeling to pass, I went to my spell journal that was on a table and jotted down the details of my last test.

"Well, even with my Unsupported flight being incomplete and imperfect, I can say that I'm moving forward with it at an acceptable speed," I said, looking at a stack of notes on all the forms of flight and levitation I could find.

In that pile of notes was even a parchment with information on how to make and enchant a broom.

"Sigh... That's a lot of work for one person," I muttered.

I then shrugged and walked back to the middle of the room.

"Well, I still have a lot of free time, so I better not waste it," I said, a bit of smoke leaking from my feet.



After leaving the Room of Requirement I went to get something to eat in the kitchens, and when I got there I saw that the kitchens had an extra elf, and that elf is obviously Dobby, who decided to spend his time helping the other elves at Hogwarts.

I wasn't surprised that he was at Hogwarts, as I knew the emotions and magic at school were very good for him, not to mention that he could be close to his great Sir Harry Potter.

After eating a small snack in the kitchens I went to meet my friends who were on the central courtyard.

"Hey" I said, seeing that they were sitting in a circle talking, along with some of our friends from the other houses.

"Hi Ethan" Susan answered me, with me sitting next to her.

"What are they arguing about?" I asked nodding to Stephen and Megan.

"Something about soccer being better than Quidditch and vice versa" Susan shrugged.

I nodded, and then decided to ignore they, as I've seen Megan arguing with someone about something, and I know how persistent she can be.

"And you? Where were you?" Susan asked me.

"I was visiting the elves in the kitchens," I replied.

"Do you know where the kitchens are?" Susan asked a little surprised.

"Yeah, it's not like the kitchen is an inaccessible, mysterious place" I shrugged.

"Well, it's just that from what I've heard from the older students at my house, not many people know where it is or how to get into the kitchens"

"Well, it turns out that I'm a very good mystery-solver... I could even work with Mystery Inc." I said, getting a confused look from Susan, "Sigh... It's a muggle reference."

"Hello friends," Luna, who had reached our group, said, sitting down on Susan's other side, "A little bird told me that Professor Lockhart was caught in a prank while passing Professor Vector's office, and now Filch and the Professor Flitwick are trying to unglue him from the wall"

As soon as Luna finished speaking, those who weren't so focused on Megan and Stephen's discussion turned to her, with the boys having a gleeful and cruel look while some of the girls had shocked looks.

"Man... how many pranks has Professor Lockhart been caught in so far?" Terry asked.

"""Not enough""" Michael, Justin, and I said, and then looked at each other in surprise.

"Is he still trying to flirt with Professor Vector?" Lisa asked with a frown.

"Sigh... For once I think he deserved to be caught in a prank" Susan said.

'Hmm, I didn't know the twins invented a glue prank' I thought.

"You know, I don't think it was a prank that hit him... I think it was Professor Vector who got tired of him chasing her and decided to 'solve' the problem, and he said it was a prank because it's less humiliating" Luna whispered, approaching us, but we all heard.

For some reason, no one doubted Luna's words this time.


"You know Professor Lockhart, you've been getting caught up in a lot of pranks lately. If you want I can teach you some spells so you can defend yourself" Professor Flitwick said to Lockhart with a 'friendly' smile on his face, "It'll be just like before, when you were a student of Hogwarts in my house and I had to teach you some spells so you could protect yourself from the older students"

"Haha, nah... I'm just letting the kids have fun. They're probably excited to play a prank on me, Gilderoy Lockhart," he said with a big smile that sparkled.

"Yes... Surely that's the reason" Professor Flitwick agreed with a sarcastic smile.

"Well now if you'll excuse me, I need to answer some fan mail in my office" Lockhart said, turning to leave, "Hmm, why am I getting cold" he asked aloud as he walked away from the corridor, waving to some students who were looking at him with shocked eyes.

"Shouldn't we warn him that we had to rip the back of his clothes off to get him off the wall?" Filch asked, in an incredible show of empathy, looking down at the lavender underwear with blue flowers that Lockhart was wearing.

"Nah, he's a great wizard... He'll figure it out at some point" Professor Flitwick said scornfully.



(End AN: In these days I've been renovating my new bedroom, and now I feel a great respect for all the people who have already renovated a room in their house.

I thought it would be something simple and easy, but now I'm wishing for a visit from Truck-Sama.

The world would be much more peaceful if every house had a single room.)