
Savage Beasts( discontinued )

Black Scaled Corrosive Serpent, Flame Mane Lion, Arctic Demon Fox, Chaos Mist Spider, Mammoth Beast, Demon Panda, Devil Tail Stingray, Jade Scythe Mantis are just some of the creatures that humans called savage beasts. A world where humans tame savage beasts, and become " Beast Contractors ", reach the pinnacle of strength by defeating every enemy you face, taming and training your savage beasts. A lot has fallen with their dreams broken, they went on a journey full of uncertainties, that's what makes it interesting, danger makes their blood boil. Kali who doesn't have any idea about his parents identity will go on an adventure to search for answers, and surpass the limits of strength that the humanity has reached.

VIZCO · แฟนตาซี
35 Chs

Chapter 8: Moon Tiger Vs. Blood Horn Rhinoceros

The Blood horn rhinoceros was madly charging at the village chief and the Moon tiger, the village chief shifted his attention from Ash and Ban to the angry rhinoceros who is madly charging at him.

" We will talk about this later " said the village chief to Asu and Ban. 

The village chief commands his Moon tiger to get ready to meet the rhinoceros' attack, it lowered it's front limbs, making a pouncing position, when the blood horn rhinoceros is only a few meters away it pounced towards the blood horn rhinoceros and used its claws to meet the rhinoceros' horn, it sounded like two sharp sword meet, the Moon tiger retreated and so is the blood horn rhinoceros because of the impact that the collision of their attack.

The two savage beasts glared furiously at each other, the Moon tiger growled at the  blood horn rhinoceros. The rhinoceros dashed toward the tiger and used its muscular front limbs to stomp the Moon tiger, it evaded the stomp and used dark slash, black, arc like light appeared and slashed towards the blood horn rhinoceros, it used metal armor, gray light covered the rhinoceros' body and it blocked the Moon tiger's dark slash, it then used iron horn and attack the Moon tiger, it's horn shone gray light and it appeared like an unsheathed blade that was about to stab to the Moon tiger, the tiger used shadow dash to dodge the blade like horn of the rhinoceros but it's hind leg was hit by the horn, and there was long bloody wound on the Moon tiger's hind leg, it growled and tried to stand straight.

The village chief got worried when the tiger was hit.

" are you okay?" Asked the village chief worriedly.

The Moon tiger looked over the village chief and then nodded.

" use moon beam! " the village chief commanded.

The Moon tiger opened its mouth and dark light gathered and when the light was as big as a person's head, a black beam went straight towards the blood horn rhinoceros' position, it didn't have much time to evade the Moon tiger's attack because it is a dark attribute attack which excels at speed and unpredictability, so the rhinoceros used it metal armor but it was a step too late and most of the black colored Moon beam hit it, the blood horn rhinoceros was thrown back by the Moon beam destroying the trees its body hit, when it stopped the blood horn rhinoceros is already out of strength and energy, using metal armor used up its remaining energy and the Moon tiger's attack hurt it badly losing its ability to fight anymore, the Moon tiger is not in a good condition either, it lost a lot blood from the wound on its hind leg, and using the Moon beam exhausted its remaining energy similar to the blood horn rhinoceros.

Seeing the Moon tiger's condition, the village chief ran hurriedly towards his Moon tiger and he immediately used a wound healing medicine to speed up the wound's healing, after treating the tiger's injuries the village chief recalled the Moon tiger to his beast ring to let it rest and recover.

The village chief approached the blood horn rhinoceros who is still lying on the ground, he put a medicine in front of it.

" that is a medicine that will help you heal your wounds and recover your energy, I'm am sorry that one of these youngsters entered your territory, we will now leave so you don't have to worry" 

After saying those words, the village chief turned around and looked at the guard captains  and then the participants.

" half a month had already passed, we will now escort you out of the forest, and return to the village and register you guys as a full pledged Beast Contractors " said the village chief.

Everyone cheered happily.

" Asu, Ban!, you two will be punished after the ceremony is over "

The smile on Asu and Ban's face faded after hearing what the village chief said.

The village chief and the guards used their beast rings to summon their savage beasts that can be used in traveling.

The village chief summoned a Gale wolf, while the guard captains summoned the same horse like savage beasts.

-Wind riding Colt - beast type - horse race - wind attribute.

Skills: stomp, wind dash, wind kick.

- fast savage beasts with great endurance, it is much bigger and more muscular that a normal horse, but it has a limited offensive capabilities that is why it is mostly used by Beast Contractors as a means of transportation.

" now everyone follow me, do not leave the group "

Just like how they arrived at the forest they are still going by foot to return to the village because the savage beasts they tamed are either small, slow, weak, or  incable of carrying them.

 After hours of running they returned to the village where the other villagers are waiting for their return, when they entered the village everyone cheered and congratulated them. 

They arrived at the village square where they again lined up like how they used to before the ceremony, the village chief stood on the platform.

" everyone has worked hard these past half a month living in the forest and facing dangers everyday, but now seeing you with your tamed savage beasts I'm sure that those hardships are with it , so I would like to congratulate everyone, now that you have a contracted  savage beast you can now  call yourselves as Beast Contractors " 

Everyone shouted and cheered while the other participants started to tear up and cried because of happiness.

Kali petted black serpents head while looking up at the sky.

" I made it, now I'm a Beast Contractor "

He congratulated  the other participants and came back to his position and looked over at village chief, who is also looking at him, lightly nodded and the village chief smiled at him.

The village chief is his guardian and is the closest existence to a parent to Kali, even though they are not that close the village chief is the one who gave him his house, clothes and food to eat, so he is thankful to the village chief for providing his needs all these years.

The village chief clapped three times calling everyone's attention.

" now it is time for the rewards that everyone participant will receive " 

After hearing about the rewards, the participants cheered loudly, extremely happy about the reward, because before the ceremony the rewards are not mentioned.

" you guys must be confused why I didn't tell you about the reward, before the ceremony starts, it is because I don't want you to compete with each other, it is not a competition it is a ceremony and a test your knowledge and ability about taming savage beasts " 

" chief what are the rewards? " someone asked.

Kali was also curious what about the rewards that the village chief prepared.

" the first reward, a beginner beast ring, it can store two savage beast " 

Beast rings are expensive but it is a must for every beast contractors, the higher the stage the beast ring the more expensive it will be, that is why Kali was shocked about the first reward, if the first reward is already impressive what more can the village chief reward them with.

" the second reward, a Beast crystal,  and the final reward is Beast Contractor skill book: Bind!"

Kali's eyes widened because of the final reward.