
Sasuke Uchiha from Parallel World

In original world, suddenly a golden frame appeared. And also some important Naruto characters and future Team 7 are in a room. And they will be shown future. But here is a twist, they will also be shown an alternate timeline where Indra Reincarnate wins. Read to find out what happen. Alternate timeline is basically my story from the first story reborn as Sasuke. But not everything will be same.

Trevil_Lock · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
17 Chs

Itachi Uchiha

Scene starts-

[Sasuke arrives at a Dango Shop to meet Kakashi for lunch. Not only does he find that Kakashi has arrived uncharacteristically early, but Kakashi abruptly cancels soon afterwards. When Sasuke stops by Kakashi's home later that day he finds Kakashi is comatose. The assembled Jonin avoid divulging what happened to him until Aoba Yamashiro unwittingly reveals that Itachi has returned to Konoha in search of Naruto. Sasuke immediately starts tracking Naruto down so that he can, in turn, find Itachi. He stops by Ramen Ichiraku and is informed that Naruto has gone to Shukuba Town with Jiraiya.]

Shisui- "Damn Itachi! You didn't have to do Kakashi-San like that."

Itachi- "He was in the way, so I warned him."

Shisui- "Anyway, I would like to know how in the world you come up to use genjutsu against him?"

Kurenai (with a slight rise in voice)- "I didn't have any intel on him. So I used my best attack."

Shisui- "What! Are you kidding me? Itachi UCHIHA, the name itself is the intel."

Kurenai- "I have never fought an uchiha. And from what I see of Sasuke, he didn't use any genjutsu so I just tried my luck."

Everyone started looking at Sasuke.

Sasuke- "Hell! How did this become my fault?!"

Future Kakashi- "Did anyone notice that Itachi respected Guy and Guy remembers Itachi's name?"

Kakashi- "You are right future me."

Might Guy- "You are a traitor but still respects me?"

Itachi- "So what? I have my own kind of honor!"

Sasuke scoffed at that.

Guy started showing tears and says Itachi's youth flows in him.

Tobirama- "Enough of that. Real question in, how did he get inside without being detected."

Tobirama looked at Hiruzen for answers. Other Jounins also started looking at him for answers.

Hiruzen was struggling so Danzo decided to help him.

Danzo- "Sensei, he is very skilled. He can masked his chakra to such an extent that none can identify it."

Hiruzen- "He is right. Before his deflection, he was called second Madara for his skills."

Madara (with a slight interest)- "Oh, is that so? Then I would like a duel after this is over."

Itachi- "I am afraid we will not get the time for it."

Madara- "Hmm. Can we get some time for it host?"

Host- "Sure! It will be fun to watch."

Madara- "Now?"

Itachi just nodded because he has to keep up the act. Madara smirked while saying that he is looking forward to it.

Kisame- "Hehe, I will be rooting for you Itachi-San."

Scene starts-

[Sasuke locates the inn where Naruto is staying shortly after Itachi does the same. Itachi allows Sasuke an opportunity to demonstrate how much stronger he's become, which he does by attacking with Chidori. Itachi easily blocks the attack and breaks Sasuke's arm, but he is stopped from going further by the arrival of Jiraiya. When Jiraiya states his intention to defeat both Itachi and his partner, Kisame Hoshigaki, Sasuke demands that Itachi be left for him. Uninterested, Itachi kicks Sasuke away and uses Tsukuyomi to force him to experience their parents' murders over and over again. Before Sasuke passes out, Itachi informs him that he is still weak. Sasuke is hospitalized, comatose like Kakashi before him. It isn't until Naruto brings Tsunade to Konoha that the trauma to their minds is healed.]

Scene ends!

Madara (raged)- "Ok, he is not like me. I will rather like to die before doing that to my younger brother."

Those who don't know were shocked to hear this from Madara because they read that Madara snatched his brother's eyes.

Fugaku- "Didn't you stole your brother's eyes for Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan."

Hashirama & Madara- "What!? Tobirama!"

Tobirama- "I just wrote the history in books. It's not my fault they misinterpreted."

Madara- "I didn't do that. My brother was dying because of a deathly blow in battle. And his dying wish was that I took his eyes and lead the clan to victory."

Now this was news for many.

Hashirama- "I remember. Little Sasuke looked a lot like your brother. That's why you are so interested in him."

Madara- "Shup up! You talk too much sometimes."

Many chuckled after hearing this.

Sasuke- "Wait? What's this about? What is Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan?"

Fugaku explained Sasuke about them.

Sasuke (with voice filled with angered)- "YOU! So that's why you left me huh? Just when I thought you can't go any lower you always surprise me!"

Itachi- "Foolish little brother, finally you understand."

Future Sasuke (in a low voice so only future ones can hear)- "He really was good at acting."

Those who know the truth nod with understanding and those who didn't nod with misunderstanding.

Naruto (with his normal shouting voice)- "Sasuke! Did you see how your brother ran away after seeing Pervy Sage? You can train here, come back!"

Sasuke- "Are you stupid? Orochimaru is considered as the strongest Sannin. And Itachi defeated Orochimaru in less than 5 seconds."

Orochimaru- "Now Sasuke-Kun, It was not like that."

Kisame- "Oh really? Itachi-San is here, we could run it again."

Orochimaru started sweating and Jiraiya started laughing seeing him.

Orochimaru- "Shup up, Jiraiya. You are acting like you could do any better against his attacks."

Naruto- "Then why are you with him?! You can do the same thing in the village or Kakashi-Sensei can train you."

Sasuke- "Because Kakashi denied."

Kakashi & Future Kakashi- "WHAT?! HOW? WHEN?"

Future Sasuke raised his eyebrow slightly and asked, "You are really telling them?"

Sasuke (with indifferent look)- "Well they are already going to see everything so why not shut up this loser now before he make be deaf by shouting."

Kakashi (with a little anger)- "Sasuke, don't put this on me. How is this my fault?"

Sasuke- "Remember when you tied me and confront me about using Chidori on Naruto? what did you tell me that time?"

Kakashi- "To forgot revenge."

Sasuke- "Yes. But you could have told me that don't worry Sasuke, I will train you and when the time comes I will be there to stop Naruto and Sakura while you fight your brother and do justice. But NO you tell me to forgot about it!"

Kakashi & Future Kakashi- "..."

Sasuke- "And guess who told me that he will train me? Orochimaru."

Was it really my fault? DID somehow I also become part of this?

Kakashi- "Then I accept my fault. Come back and I will do everything to make it possible."

Sasuke- "You don't understand, do you? I will not come back because I am the only one who can kill Itachi. I am the only one who can do it because I am the only one who cares!"

Kakashi- "What are you talking about? We care!"

Sasuke- "No no one care. 5 years Kakashi. Third Hokage promised me that they will capture him. But its more than 5 years and not even a single team was ever dispatched for it. Not even a word about his movement was told. I lived and slowly saw that they forgot about the clan as if they never existed. They act as if there existence & disappearance never make a difference in their life. No one remember that there was a police force led by the uchiha. I STILL REMEMBER I WAS AT THERE FUNERAL AND GUESS WHAT? NO ONE WAS THERE. I WAS THERE ALONE. NO ONE CAME. AS IF IT DIDN'T AFFECT ANYONE IN THE SLIGHTEST! So I train myself hard day and night because I learned that only I cared. And I was making progress towards it but then YOU told me to forgot about them? You wield a sharingan yourself but when the time comes to pay respect towards it you back off. AND then SAKURA says that don't go she will give me the happiness, well I don't want that! After that this LOSER comes and says he will take me forcefully back even if he has to break my hands and legs, even if I never be able to move my entire life! How dare he! What right does he HAVE! AS IF MY OPINION DOESNT MATTER! HE says he doesn't want to lose his bond with me. Well guess what? HOW DOES HIS BOND OF JUST FEW MONTHS BECOME GREATER THAN MY WHOLE LIFE! YOU ALL HAVE NO RIGHT TO SAY IN THIS MATTER! And then Orochimaru comes and says he will gives me power to kill him but there is a price to pay. So I agrees, after all there is always a price to pay. So I decided to do it my way."


Obito- "I didn't expect this from you Kakashi. If you are like this then you have no right to use my sharingan."

Future Naruto "He is acting like he was not there. Kakashi sensei realized his mistake but he is making it worst. I will stop him!"

Adult Naruto was moving towards him but Adult Sasuke stopped him.

Adult Sasuke- "STOP Naruto!"

Adult Sasuke felt a little dizzy and losses his balance but Adult Sakura and Hinata caught him.

Future Kakashi- "Sasuke! Are you alright?"

Adult Sasuke- "Yes. And stop Naruto. We have to be careful. Changes are being made. I can feel it. My powers- mostly eye powers are fluctuating."

All future one got alert even Indra and Ashura. That means this phenomena has started making changes which they have to fix afterwards.

Adult Kakashi- "And Sasuke, I know its too late but-"

Adult Sasuke- "Don't worry about it. I have already learned from Itachi and Naruto about it. Choice doesn't matter because there was already a prepared one for me which I have to take no matter what. Either one way or another."

They were silent. They know Sasuke understand but why does it fell wrong to hear it like Sasuke is mocking them. A little later they caught on the meaning but couldn't say anything because they didn't have anything to say.

Kakashi- "Sorry Sasuke. I apologize."

Sasuke- "Now its too late Kakashi. I have made my choice. And it will stop with Itachi's death."

Madara looked at Hashirama with a look that says 'told you so' and Hashirama only sighs because perhaps he should have done something when Madara pointed it out.

3rd Hokage couldn't help but feel like he also become part of it and couldn't keep his promise to Itachi. He looked towards Itachi with an apologetic look. Itachi ignored him and continued to look towards Sasuke- his light.

Fugaku and Mikoto looked at each other.

Mikoto- "Looks like Sasuke left the village."

Fugaku- "Looks like it."

Mikoto- "I know it was always this way but to think no one even came to the our funeral..."

Fugaku- "Perhaps I should have tried other way... Anyway it doesn't matter now."

Mikoto- "Yeah. I wish for Itachi and Sasuke's wellbeing. And hope other Sasuke we will be shown has good life."

Scene starts-

[While recuperating, Sasuke reflects on his encounter with Itachi and is upset that, after all this time, Itachi is still so much stronger than he is. He is also jealous of Naruto who, despite being the worst student in their Academy class, has seemingly surpassed Sasuke, evidenced by his defeat of Gaara. Determined to prove himself superior, Sasuke challenges Naruto to a fight when he comes to visit him in the hospital. At first, Naruto refuses because Sasuke is still in no condition to fight, but Sasuke persists and Naruto agrees. The fight escalates quickly, culminating with Naruto using Rasengan and Sasuke using Chidori. Kakashi arrives and deflects their attacks into opposing water towers before they can clash. Sasuke initially believes his Chidori was at least stronger based on the damage to their respective water towers, but on closer examination finds that Naruto's water tower is destroyed. Sasuke leaves, jealous of Naruto's development. Kakashi tracks Sasuke down afterwards and lectures him; the Chidori is supposed to be used to protect friends, not attack them. Kakashi leaves him to think over what he said, and Sasuke becomes conflicted between his desire for revenge and his friendship with Naruto and Sakura.]

Minato (with a frown)- "Kakashi, I do not want to make the matter worst but why did you lecture Sasuke when it was Naruto who launched a Rasengan first and Sasuke used Chidori to counter it."

Kushina- "Yes Kakashi. We do not want you to treat Naruto differently because he is our son."

Sasuke- "Looks like we have another one of your mistakes."

Kakashi- "..."

Obito- "Forgive me but did you say 'Chidori is supposed to be used to protect friends, not attack them.', huh?"

Kakashi turned pale after thinking that Obito knows of Rin.

Rin (while glaring at Obito)- "Obito! Sorry Kakashi. He is just a little angry from before."

Obito- "Fine! I didn't mean that Kakashi."

Kakashi- "Hmm."

Adult Sasuke- "And you both think I was Kakashi's favourite."

Adult Naruto and Adult Sakura started laughing nervously. And Adult Hinata just giggled seeing them. And well for both Kakashi it because another thing to think about.

(DONE! Have a great Day/Night!)