
Sasuke Uchiha from Parallel World

In original world, suddenly a golden frame appeared. And also some important Naruto characters and future Team 7 are in a room. And they will be shown future. But here is a twist, they will also be shown an alternate timeline where Indra Reincarnate wins. Read to find out what happen. Alternate timeline is basically my story from the first story reborn as Sasuke. But not everything will be same.

Trevil_Lock · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

Konoha Crush

Orochimaru- "Madara-Sama! Don't worry. Now I am Sasuke-Kun's sensei. And I will teach him everything related to uchiha plus everything I know."

Madara- "Oh, is that so? Then I would like to see his improvement."

Orochimaru- "Ah, yes. I am sure it will be shown here."

Scene start-

[ After fight Lee tried to impress Sakura, but he was rejected so hard that even Sasuke felt it. During the exam's first stage, the participating genin are given a written test. Sasuke is unable to answer any of the questions, causing him to realize that the purpose of the first stage is to cheat without getting caught. He, therefore, uses his Sharingan to mimic the pencil movements of other examinees. Sakura, as a testament to her incredible intellect, answered all of the questions quickly. Naruto, who did not realise this, went into a traumatic state in which he felt that he would cause his entire team to be eliminated, as he did not know the answer to any of the questions. The last question was a do or die question: if one didn't answer, one's entire team failed the Chunin Exams, but if one answered incorrectly, one would remain a genin forever. Naruto showed that he was not a quitter when he exclaimed that he didn't care if he stayed a genin forever, and that, even if that came to pass, he would still become Hokage. The genin who chose to answer the question all passed the first part of the Chunin Exams — including Naruto, who didn't answer a single question on the written part of the exam.]

Scene ends!

Sakura- "WHAT! You wrote nothing and still pass?"

Naruto just grinned at that.

Adult Sasuke- "Seriously, how is the village still intact?"

Tsunade- "That's the question I have in mind from the start. How is the village in future?"

Naruto & Adult (with a pout)- "Hey! It's not my fault that I don't have a kekkei genkai or clan secret like you all!"

Adult Sasuke- "Your wife was ready to share the answers. You can't even copy them."

Adult Naruto- "It doesn't matter! I still pass, right?"

Adult Sasuke (with a sigh)- "Kakashi, was there really no other choice besides him?"

Adult Kakashi- "Now now Sasuke, you know how much Naruto want it. We can't do him like that. And as for your question, you were a choice but there was a mission which only you could perform."

Adult Naruto- "Hey!"

Adult Kakashi- "Naruto, do you know who holds the 1st place in the written exam?"

Adult Naruto- "Of course, My Dad."

Adult Kakashi- "And what place you hold?"

Adult Naruto- "..."

Adult Sakura- "He finally get it."

Adult Sasuke- "You should thank your Advisor when you get back. I bet he do the most of the work."

Adult Naruto- "Its not true!"

Adult Sasuke- "Do you even read the papers you sign or he read it for you & then just pass it all to you to sign?"

Adult Naruto- "... DAMN! Why are you like this, today? Insulting everything on sight."

Adult Sasuke (while gritting his teeth)- "Because this damn thing is invading my privacy! And I am seeing some faces, again!"


Adult Naruto (while grinning)- "Well, I guess I should thank Shikamaru."

Adult Sasuke- "Hn!"

Shikamaru (with widen eyes)- "WHAT! I am Hokage's advisor? What a drag! How did it happen?"

Asuma (with a smirk)- "I would also like to see what made it happened."

Scene starts-

[Team 7 continues to the second stage (proctored by Anko Mitarashi) which was a survival exam in the Forty-Fourth Training Ground (Forest of Death), where to pass they must obtain a pair of scrolls, one of which they are given at the start, the other of which they must take from another team. Soon after entering, Sasuke discovers that what appears to be Naruto is an Ame-nin, Oboro, in disguise. He drives Oboro off and locates the real Naruto. To prevent this from happening again, Sasuke comes up with a complicated password that they'll share to confirm their identities in case they get separated. They are immediately attacked and, when they regroup, Naruto correctly recites the password. Knowing Naruto could never have remembered the password, Sasuke attacks the impostor.]

Hashirama- "That was good move. See Tobirama, Academy time didn't go to waste. It's because of that he knows his teammates well."

Tobirama- "Sure, whatever."

Hashirama started sulking at the response.

Naruto- "WAIT! When did that happen?"

Sakura- "It happen when you went to the toilet. Where were you anyway?"

Naruto- "I was busy fighting a gaint snake summon. That ugly snake swallowed me!"

Kiba, Choji and some others started laughing.

Adult Naruto- "I was really an idiot back then. Now that I think of it, Sasuke you ignored everyone back then so how you know me so well?"

Adult Naruto (with a teasing smile)- "Is it possible you were actually watching me?"

Some started eavesdropping at their conversation that maybe something can be learned of future. After all, who would not want to know?

Adult Sasuke (irritated)- "Who said you are not an idiot anymore?"

Adult Naruto (a little offended)- "I am not!"

Adult Sasuke- "Really? Then tell me what's the password which was showed?"

Adult Naruto- "..."

Adult Hinata- "Don't worry Naruto. I think you are very smart and hard working."

Adult Naruto- "Thank you Hinata!"

Scene starts-

[The impostor, Orochimaru, is far too strong for them to contend with and may very well kill them. Sasuke tries to forfeit their scroll in exchange for their lives, but Naruto, upon locating them, stops him, believing Sasuke may also be an enemy ninja in disguise because the Sasuke he knows would never surrender. Naruto engages Orochimaru in combat, defeats his snake, and calls Sasuke a scaredy-cat before Orochimaru finally renders him unconscious with the Five Elements Seal. Amazed by Naruto's performance and encouraged by Sakura, Sasuke picks up where he left off by pinning Orochimaru down and attacking him with the Dragon Fire Technique. Orochimaru is impressed by Sasuke and brands him with a Cursed Seal of Heaven to reward him before leaving. The pain of the cursed seal overwhelms Sasuke and he passes out. When Sasuke regains consciousness, he finds Sakura badly injured, Rock Lee defeated in battle, and Team 10 defending them from Team Dosu, an Oto-team. Sasuke questions Sakura on the identity of who hurt her, which Zaku Abumi takes credit for. Under the cursed seal's influence, Sasuke attacks Zaku and breaks both of his arms. He prepares to do the same to Zaku's teammates, but Sakura's pleas for him to stop bring him back to his senses and the cursed seal recedes. The genin teams go their separate ways and Team 7 spends several days recuperating from their ordeals. On the last day of the second stage, they go looking for the second scroll that they still need. They are found by Team Oboro, who Naruto distracts while the rest of Team 7 sneaks up behind and knocks out.]

Scene ends.

Tobirama- "I have to say your son have amazing chakra reserves at that age lord fourth, even after 5 elemental seal."

Minato- "Thanks lord Second."

Fugaku- "Why is Sasuke's sharingan progressing so slow? With his battle against Haku, he got two tomoe in only one eye. And now he got 2 tomoe in other eye."

Shisui (while looking at Itachi)- "Hmm, its like someone is sealing his power or holding him back."

Itachi (with emotionless face)- "It wasn't me. The more his sharingan evolve, the more benefit for me."

Ashura- "Do you know anything big brother?"

Indra (while looking at Hagoromo)- "Was it you?"

Hagoromo just ignored him.

Adult Naruto- "Sasuke, do you feel anything now?"

Adult Sasuke (with a sigh)- "My left eye power is slowly diminishing."

Indra- "It may be because of either of these two. Either you are lacking 6 paths chakra mainly Ashura chakra for using the eye or you have a seal which limit you power. Or maybe both."

Adult Naruto- "Kurama says you should take that arm."

Adult Sasuke- "We have been over this. I will not."

Adult Naruto- "Kurama says then you should transplant it on chest like Madara did. Because it may be possible that your eye fully lose its power when you are in another dimension & get trapped."

Adult Sasuke- "We will take after going home."

Adult Naruto- "No! Either tis or you are taking the arm"

Adult Sasuke (irritated)- "Fine!"

Scene starts-

[With two scrolls, Team 7 is able to advance to the preliminary round. Sasuke is paired against Yoroi Akadō for the first match. Before the fight starts, Kakashi warns Sasuke that use of the cursed seal will disqualify him. Because he can't use chakra without the cursed seal activating, Sasuke is forced to only use taijutsu, something that proves difficult when Yoroi absorbs his chakra whenever he gets close. Sasuke ends up mimicking the portion of Rock Lee's Front Lotus that he saw a few days earlier, inventing the Lion Combo to defeat Yoroi. Afterwards, Kakashi takes Sasuke aside and uses the Evil Sealing Method on his cursed seal so that it won't flare up as often. Sasuke loses consciousness from the application and by the time he wakes up the preliminaries are already over.]

Scene ends.

Mikoto- "Congratulations Sasuke!"

Sasuke just muttered a Thank You.

Fugaku gave a grateful nod to Kakashi which Kakashi returned with an eye smile.

Naruto- "Hey! Where is my fight?"

Kakashi- "Naruto it is sowing things according to Sasuke's perspective."

Naruto (with a pout)- "Not fair."

Minato- "I didn't know you will get attached to your students so much that you will give Orochimaru a death threat."

Orochimaru- "I was also very amused with that. But now that I see how you act after I leave from there, it was purely out of instincts."

Kakashi just laugh nervously.

Adult Kakashi thought to say something to his Sasuke but didn't because of his mood.

Adult Sasuke- "You were about to piss your pants at that time Kakashi."

Adult Naruto- "Hey! He didn't even say anything."

Adult Sasuke- "He did not say it but he do think about it."

Adult Naruto- "Tsk! Not Fair!"

Scene starts-

[For the final matches taking place in a month, Sasuke was to face Gaara of Sunagakure in the first round. He stayed 2 weeks in Hospital. In order to prepare him for this fight, and to give him an alternative to the cursed seal's power, Kakashi teaches him how to use the Chidori and helps him further emulate Lee's speed and fighting style. Their training runs long and Sasuke in fact arrives late for his match, but he finds that they waited for him because the audience has anticipated the fight so much. Sasuke uses his speed to attack Gaara from multiple angles in a short time, leaving his Shield of Sand unable to block everything. Gaara surrounds himself with his sand so that Sasuke won't bother him while he prepares for the fight. Unable to get through the shield with physical attacks, Sasuke pierces it with Chidori. Gaara's arm is wounded and his shield dissolves, but not before Sasuke briefly senses Shukaku within him. Before the fight can continue, however, a genjutsu descends on the stadium.]

Madara- "Ok, he has a little talent. He mastered that much in 2 weeks."

Tobirama- "I never thought an uchiha would master any other element except fire."

Hashirama- "See! I told you. It's just a matter of time."

Minato- "Wait! Why does the last scene look like an attack?"

Kakashi- "It was an attack by Sand and sound village."

Minato- "Sand betrayed us!"

Kakashi- "It's a long story. I am sure you will understand after seeing more."

Adult Naruto- "Actually, I want to ask for some time, why were you late?"

Adult Sasuke- "Kakashi want to do a cool entry."

Naruto, Sakura & Shikamaru- "WHAT!!"

Naruto- "We tried everything to stop them from disqualifying Sasuke!"

Sakura- "And you are telling us that Sensei & Sasuke-kun were there the whole time waiting for their 'cool entry'!!"

Shikamaru- "What a drag..."

kakashi- "Well... you all did a good job! That's what we call a team work. I am impressed."

Sasuke- "Ngn."

Naruto & Sakura just gritted their teeth in frustration.

Scene starts-

[The invasion of Konoha begins, forcing the cancellation of the Chunin Exams. As Konoha-nin in the stadium start engaging the invading Suna and Oto forces, the exam proctor, Genma Shiranui, sends Sasuke after the escaping Gaara. Kakuro attempts to delay Sasuke, but Shino Aburame appears to fight Kakuro in Sasuke's place. By the time Sasuke catches up with him, Gaara is already in the process of transforming into Shukaku. Gaara attacks with increased speed and strength, which Sasuke is only narrowly able to avoid. He counters with Chidori and succeeds in injuring Gaara yet again, but Gaara is still able to continue fighting; Sasuke, who has already reached his limit of using Chidori twice a day, is low on options. He is able to use a third Chidori by using his cursed seal, but is left paralyzed afterwards and at Gaara's mercy.

Sasuke is saved by the timely arrival of Naruto and Sakura, sent by Kakashi to provide assistance. Sakura is quickly captured and Naruto initially struggles against Gaara. Sasuke volunteers to use what little strength he still has to distract Gaara while Naruto escapes with Sakura, but Naruto is unwilling to do so. Instead, Naruto taps into nine tails chakra source, creates a thousand shadow clones, and soon afterwards summons Gamabunta, each of which amazes Sasuke. Naruto ultimately defeats Gaara, but he's not able to move. Sasuke collects him and takes him back to Konoha with Sakura. A few days later, Team 7 attends the Third Hokage's funeral.]

Kushina- "My Naruto has become so strong. Dattebane!"

Jiraiya- "I didn't know what happened to your hands but now that I see it, you got what you deserve Orochimaru."

Orochimaru- "It's only a matter of time Jiraiya. After that I don't need them, my eyes will be enough!"

Jiraiya- "I will still stop you!"

Naruto- "Sasuke! Don't you here Orochimaru, he is only using you for his personal gain!"

Sasuke just ignored him.

Fugaku & Mikoto looked at Sasuke confused.

Fugaku- "Are we missing something here?"

Kakashi- "I am sure it will be shown."

Adult Naruto- "You were really difficult at that time Sasuke. Anyway, did you see how cool I was. And I see the way your past self was in shock. Haha!"

Adult Kakashi- "Naruto, when will you learn? It's not a good time now."

Adult Sasuke- "I am sure your mother would also be shocked if I tell him your battle against Kiba."

Adult Naruto- "What!"

Adult Sasuke- "And she would also be ashamed that her best friend is also witnessing it."

Adult Naruto- "Haha. Sasuke! You are like my brother, my best friend. I don't know you could joke. Hehe!"

Adult Naruto started laughing nervously.

Adult Sasuke- "Hn!"

Indra (with a smirk)- "You know little brother, he is starting to become my favourite incarnation."

Ashura (with a sigh)- "And Naruto is becoming my least favourite."

(Done! Have a great Day/Night!)