
Sasuke Uchiha from Parallel World

In original world, suddenly a golden frame appeared. And also some important Naruto characters and future Team 7 are in a room. And they will be shown future. But here is a twist, they will also be shown an alternate timeline where Indra Reincarnate wins. Read to find out what happen. Alternate timeline is basically my story from the first story reborn as Sasuke. But not everything will be same.

Trevil_Lock · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
17 Chs

Chunin Exams!

Ino- "I remember you told me about the mission, Sakura. But I didn't know it was that bad."

Shikamaru- "Yeah. I remember how you were going on for days about how cool Sasuke was."

Ino- "But imagine what would have happened if it was our team?"

Asuma started thinking about the scenario. Team 10 is not stupid. They know one of them has definitely died.

Shikamaru (lightening the mood)- "Asuma-Sensei would have handled Zabuza."

Neji- "If it was our team, Guy-sensei would have handled Zabuza. And we could have dealt with Haku."

Kiba (while smiling)- "What if it was our team?"

Kurenai already knew the result. She looked at her team. They would have been massacred. At most, only she could have gotten out heavily injured.

Shino smacked Kiba behind the head.

Hinata- "L-Look! It's s-starting."

The screen starts-

[Team 7 resumes its series of unremarkable missions. For their performance in the Land of Waves, however, Kakashi decides to enter them in the Chunin Exams taking place in Konoha. Because they've only recently graduated from the Academy, the three feel they must give strong showings to prove themselves. When they arrive at the exam hall, Sasuke first uses his Sharingan to dispel a genjutsu intended to discourage unqualified genin and then agrees to spar with Rock Lee. Lee's speed and taijutsu skills impress Sasuke enough to use his Sharingan in their fight. Although he is able to see Lee's movements better, Sasuke can't physically keep up, and Lee nearly performs the Front Lotus on him. Lee is stopped by his teacher, Might Guy, whose emotional method of punishing Lee disturbs Sasuke, Naruto, and Sakura.]

Scene pauses.

Madara- "What is this? You were defeated by someone who can't use ninjutsu! Such shame!"

Sasuke couldn't answer due to embarrassment.

Shisui- "It's not a shame! He could still see the attacks. It's just that his body was not trained for the Sharingan."

Madara- "Ok, reasonable. But why didn't he use genjutsu? He could have won easily. In the Land of Waves, genjutsu would have been useful."

Shisui didn't say anything. Madara was right. He turned to look at Sasuke.

Sasuke (embarrassed)- "At that time, I didn't know how to use genjutsu."

Madara, Shisui & Fugaku- "WHAT!"

Shisui- "Sasuke, I am not comparing. But how? You are Itachi's brother, one who has been blessed by Goddess Tsukuyomi's power!"

Madara (angry)- "You don't know genjutsu? You don't know how to use it? Since when do Uchihas have to learn to use genjutsu? It comes with the Sharingan!"

Hashirama- "Madara, calm down."

Madara- "CALM DOWN! HOW? Did you not just see what is happening here? One Uchiha died obsessing over a girl, one Uchiha committed suicide and died by his own stupidity, one Uchiha dared to go against the ones who gave them birth; Senju clan is nearly extinct but Uchiha clan was alive even after so many wars because they were together. But when they got a traitor among them, this was bound to happen. The rest of the Uchihas are dead, and the last remaining Uchiha doesn't look beyond revenge. He doesn't even know what to do after killing the traitor. He doesn't understand that he has the burden of the whole clan and he doesn't even know any Uchiha techniques and doesn't know how to be an Uchiha."

Tobirama- "Madara, it's your own clan's fault."

Madara (smirking)- "Oh really?"

Adult Naruto- "This is getting out of hand. This is not your fault!"

Adult Sasuke- "Stop, Naruto! It is my fault."

Future Kakashi was thinking that maybe it was his fault.

Hashirama (glaring at Tobirama)- "Be quiet for a moment, Tobirama. Madara, I unders-"

Madara- "No, Hashirama. You don't understand. And you don't want to admit your fault. Was it for this day that my brother died to see the clan down to a few members? Was it for this day my brother gave me his eyes? Was it for this day I deflected Konoha purposely so I can teach the clan that as long as they are together, they will live? And come to think of it, wasn't the Uchiha clan under the protection of YOUR village? WHY ARE THEY DEAD NOW?"

Danzo- "You have no right to talk to Lord First like that, Madara Uchiha. TRAITORS don't get a say in village affairs."

Some noticed he said traitor in plural and to Uchihas.

Madara (releasing his killing intent and chakra)- "WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE? Be in your limit! And don't think me and Hashirama didn't notice the Senju and Uchiha chakra. Now, answer me Hashirama, how are they dead if they were under your village protection."

Hashirama- "Madara, it's also your village. And if you are referring to the time when I said it's my village; it was because you were trying to destroy it. It's also your village."

Madara- "Fine! I will prove it to you- Hey pink-haired girl! You have the most theoretical knowledge right?"


Madara (while looking at Hashirama)- "Who named the village?"

Sakura- "A-Ah, I don't know. Maybe Daimyo did. It's not mentioned anywhere."

Madara- "How was the village formed?"

Sakura- "The 4 noble clans and some other clans came together with the Senju clan to form the village."

Madara- "What do you know about Madara Uchiha?"

Sakura- "He was a rogue ninja who rivaled the 1st Hokage. 1st Hokage defeated him when he tried to destroy the village."

Madara- "Now Hatake, you answer the same question I asked."

Kakashi- "The founding clans named the village. Senju and Uchiha clans decided to make the village and completed it with the help of other clans who wanted to join the village. And Madara Uchiha & Hashirama Senju decided to create the village and he was the rival of 1st Hokage."

Madara- " Now you see, how information is changing from generation to generation."

Hashirama (with a pale face)- "Tobirama, why is that?!"

Tobirama- "I don't know, elder brother. Hiruzen & Danzo, why is that?!"

Hiruzen (sweating)- "We didn't want the generation to know that a founding member became a traitor. They could have become wary of Uchihas. So we decided to hide about Uchiha Madara. But they still know because of the parents."

Hashirama- "Then why hide the good deeds?!"

Hiruzen- "We didn't want to hide it. We thought that it would be good for maintaining the village unity if we include other members."

Hashirama- "Then why not hide deeds of the Senju clan also?!"

Danzo- "Because they were Hokages unlike Uchiha clans."

Hashirama- "Tobirama, why is there no Uchiha Hokage as the 3rd Hokage? I specifically told you to make one."

Tobirama- ''Brother, I thought of making Kagami Uchiha the Hokage. But the test I took for the Hokage was passed by Hiruzen."

Hashirama- "Then why not after him? No offense, Lord 4th."

Minato- "None taken, Lord First. I understand."

Danzo- "Because the council didn't find them worthy. Minato was found more worthy."

Fugaku gritted his teeth and formed a fist after hearing this but stayed quiet.

Adult Sasuke (speaking softly)- "Hahaha... Whenever I thought this village can't go any lower in my eyes, they always find a way."

All the future ones started looking at him, even Indra & Ashura.

Adult Naruto- "Sasuke..."

(DONE! I wanted to finish Chunin Exams Arc in one chapter but it took more than expected. Have a Great Day/Night!)