
Sans Reincarnated in Unordinary (english versión)

not knowing how or why he ended up dying but somehow his soul managed to find a way to bring him back to life, now he has to get used to this new life while the actions of the past still haunt him random updates

Sebastian0narvaez · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
7 Chs

Chapter 2

*They had already arrived at their house which, when they took a look, was a quite nice two-story house with the lights off until they arrived. When they entered and turned them on, they noticed the entire interior furnished in a modern way with various comfortable-looking pieces of furniture.*

Gligen: well honey go with the baby you still need to rest, I'll make dinner

Lustia: how considerate of you, make sure you don't burn it this time

Gligen: Hey! it was only once

Lustia: and you almost burned down the whole house for that

*Both go their ways with their father apparently preparing things in the kitchen although more seemed to be preparing for war as he was while her mother or Lustia sat on the sofa with Sans in her arms*

Sans: (So this is my new home, it's cozy)

*Sans she was calmly looking around her while she heard things burning in the background and a fire extinguisher he didn't pay attention to her since she was still observing her surroundings*

Gligen: Hey, don't you think it's weird that I haven't cried up until now?

Lustia: well I don't know, we can only wait and see what will happen since even the doctor doesn't know for sure

Gligen: I just hope it's not bad.

*A while after ventilating the smoke, both adults ate while and/or could only drink from their mother's chest, it didn't totally bother him, it was either that or not eat, so he did it without objection and while he did it, he felt like sleep was enveloping him. falling asleep in the arms of his mother who just smiled and went to leave him in his crib to rest*

*Without anyone noticing how much a presence watched them in silence or rather watched the little baby sleeping in the crib*

???: (✌☹☞✋☠ ☹⚐ ☜☠👍⚐☠❄☼☜📪 ✈🕆☜ 💧🕆 ✌☹💣✌ ☹⚐☝☼⚐ ✞✋✌☺✌☼ 💧✋☠ 💧✋☠ 🏱☹⚐👌☹☜💣✌💧📪 🏱☜☼⚐ ✌U☠ ❄☜☠☝⚐ ✈🕆☜ 👍⚐💣🏱☼⚐👌✌☼☹⚐

* the strange being entered the room and approached the baby where in his dream everything suddenly turned black, remaining alone on a cold and hard surface *

Sans: (but what the f-)

???: 🏱✌☼☜👍☜ ✈🕆☜ ☜💧❄✌💧 👌✋☜☠

* A few meters from Gott a very strange figure appeared, it seemed to have a head free of skin or something, leaving only visible bone with several cracks on its face, one in its right eye that goes up through the skull and another in the left eye that goes down until his... mouth? In addition to wearing a huge black suit that covers his body only leaving his head and hands visible, which looked like a skeleton, although the most remarkable thing was the large hole in the middle of each of the hands *

Sans: (w-who are you?)

???: 💣💣💣📪 🏱✌☼☜👍☜ ❄🕆💧 💣☜💣⚐☼✋✌💧 ☠⚐ 🏱✌💧✌☼⚐☠ 👍⚐💣🏱☹☜❄✌💣☜☠❄☜ 📪 ☜💧⚐ 💧☜☼Á 🕆☠ 🏱☹⚐👌☹☜💣✌

*The stranger spoke a strange language quite distorted although for some reason y/n could understand it although he did not know it*

Sans: hey who are you?

* He said since apparently he didn't hear it the first time *

???: ⚐☟📪 ❄⚐👍✌☼ ❄⚐👍✌☼ 👎☜💧👎☜ ☜☹ ✋☠✋👍✋⚐📪 🕆☠ ☝🕆💧❄⚐ 💣☜ 🏱☼☜💧☜☠ ❄⚐ 💧⚐✡ 🕈✋☠👎✋☠☝💧 ☝✌💧❄☜☼ ⚐ Ú☠✋👍✌💣☜☠❄☜ ☝

Sans: (Gaster?)

G: 👍⚐☼☼☜👍❄⚐📪 ✌🕆☠✈🕆☜ ✈🕆☜ ☠⚐ 💣☜ ☼☜👍🕆☜☼👎✌💧 ✌☠❄☜💧 ☜☠ ❄🕆 ✌☠ ❄☜☼✋⚐☼ ✞✋👎✌ HE☼✌💣⚐💧 👌✌💧❄✌☠❄☜ 🕆☠✋👎⚐💧

Sans: (in my previous life? But if it was just someone normal I never even met someone with your name)

G: ⚐☟ ☠⚐📪 ☟✌👌☹⚐ 👎☜ ❄🕆 🏱☼✋💣☜☼✌ ✞✋👎✌

Sans: (first life? Then I've died before! If it is because I don't remember)

G: ☜💧⚐ ☜💧 ✌ ✈🕆☜ ⚐☹✞✋👎✌👌✌💧 ❄⚐👎⚐ 👍✌👎✌ ✞☜☪ ✞⚐☹✞í✌💧 ✌ ☠✌ 👍☜☼📪 ☟✌💧❄✌ ☹⚐☝☼ ☹⚐☝☼ ✋☠❄☜☼✞☜☠✋☼ ☹🕆☜☝⚐ 👎☜ 💣🕆👍☟⚐ ❄✋☜📬🏱⚐ ✡ ☹⚐☝☼ ✌☼ ✈🕆☜ ❄🕆 💣☜💣⚐☼✋✌ ✌ ☹✌ ✞☜☪ 👎☜ 🏱⚐👎í✌ 🏱⚐☠☜☼💣☜ ☜☠ 👍⚐☠❄✌👍❄⚐ 👍⚐☠❄✋☝⚐

Sans: (but then who am I?)

G: ☜💧 💣☜☺⚐☼ ☠⚐ ☼☜👍🕆☜☼👎☜💧 ☜💧⚐📪 👍☼é☜💣☜ ☹✌ 🏱✌💧✌💧❄☜ 💣✌☹ ☜☠ ☜💧⚐ 💧 ❄✋☜💣🏱⚐💧📪🏱☜☼⚐ ☠☜👍☜💧✋❄✌☼✌💧 ✌✡🕆👎✌ 🏱✌☼✌ 🏱⚐👎☜☼ ✞✋✞✋☼ 👍ó 💣⚐👎✌💣☜☠❄☜ ☜☠ ☜💧❄☜ 💣🕆☠👎⚐

Sans: (why am I going to need help, it's not like demons are going to fall from the sky, right?)

G: ☠⚐📪 🏱⚐☼ ☜☠ ☜💧❄☜ 💣☜☠💧✌☺☜ ☠⚐ ☹⚐💧 ☟🕆💣✌☠⚐💧 ❄✋☜☠☜ ✂☟✌👌✋ ☹✋👎✌👎☜💧✂ 🏱⚐☼ 👍🕆✌☹ ❄☜ 💧☜☼ 💧☜☼ 👎☜ ✌✡🕆👎✌ ❄🕆💧 ✌☠❄✋☝🕆✌💧 ☟✌👌✋☹✋👎✌👎 ☜💧

Sans: (oh I see, that sounds great so can I use all of them?)

G: ☠⚐📪 ❄🕆 ☜💧 👎☜💣✌💧✋✌👎⚐ ☺⚐✞☜☠ ✡ 👎é👌✋☹ 🏱✌☼✌ 🏱⚐👎☜☼ 🕆💧✌☼☹✌ 💧📪 ✌👎☜💣á💧 👎☜💧🏱☜☼❄✌☼í 💧⚐💧🏱☜👍☟✌💧 ☜☹ ✈🕆☜ 🏱🕆👎✋☜☼✌💧 🕆💧✌☼ 🕆💧✌☼ ☟ ✌👌✋☹✋👎✌👎☜💧 ❄✌☠ ❄☜💣🏱☼✌☠⚐

Sans: (oh, so I'll have to wait to be able to use them in addition to training my body)

G: 👍⚐☼☼☜👍❄⚐📪 ☎✌👎☜💣✌💧 ✈🕆☜ 💧☜☼✞✋☼✌ 🏱✌☼✌ ✈🕆☜ ☠⚐ 💧☜✌ ❄✌☠ ✞✌☝⚐ 👍 ⚐💣⚐ ✌☠❄☜💧✆

Sans: (I agree but until then what will I do?)

G: ✞☜☠👎☼é 👎☜ ✞☜☪ 👍🕆✌☠👎⚐ ✡✌ ✈🕆☜ ✌🕆☠ ☠☜👍☜💧✋❄✌💣⚐💧 ☟✌👌☹✌☼ 👎☜ 💣✌ 💧 👍⚐💧✌💧 ☟✌💧❄✌ ☜☠❄⚐☠👍☜💧 ❄☜☠ 🕆☠✌ ✞✋👎✌ ☠⚐☼💣✌☹

*Right after those words, the dream ended and the sunlight entered through the window, hitting the child's eyes directly, who began to cry out of inertia, calling his father *

Lustia: yeah yeah

*Lustia carried him to calm down while Gligen closed the curtains*

Gligen: well we could eat since it's still morning

Lustia: your charge to Sans I'll make dinner I don't want something to happen to him from inhaling too much smoke

*Gligen felt bad though he did what he said while he was carrying the baby*

Sans: (shit I forgot to ask you at what age you could use the abilities, I'll have to ask him next time)

* The already calm boy hugged his father who also did it with a smile while without waiting for the smoke he left the kitchen again *

Gligen: you know little one I feel like none of us know how to make food right

*Gligen laughed a little loud receiving a ladle on the head although that only stimulated his laughter*

* In the end they managed to prepare something and ate with Gott drinking his milk while he thought about what he would have to do to have a peaceful life in the future or the next few years *

*And it's been like 8 years passed in which I talked whenever I could with Gaster, asking him questions while he taught him in his dreams how to control his "ability" for when he woke her up, although according to him he couldn't do it until he was 8 years old and when he is in a difficult situation, which didn't take long since as more of his companions awakened his ability they began to take advantage of him by hitting him from time to time*

Sans: I wonder if it will be a good time yet

* Just when I was going to eat a couple of brats came and they kindly asked him for his money and food to get rid of these, well currently Sans is on the floor with the brats around *

Brat 1: We told you that you couldn't do anything

Brat 2: just give up and give us your bears we can let it go for today

Sans: fuck you fucking brat

Brat 2: NOW YOU'RE LOST *those words clearly made him angry and he was going to take it out on him*

Sans: (you know why not totally is a good time)

*While the brat threw a blow at him with his activated shit ability and/or quickly stepped aside at a safe distance, the brat continued to chase him, throwing more attacks at him again and again*

Sans: you won't catch me-

*Without prior warning, another brat rammed him, knocking him to the ground*

Brat 3: you should have been more careful

*Before they could give him another blow and/or he got up with his eyes shining an intense blue giving indications that he finally awakened his ability*

Gott: oh hahaha! What do you have to say this time?

* He stretched out his hand and a bone of about 30 CM was thrown quickly against the brat although he smiled and activated his ability hardening his arms which he crossed to stop the attack *

Brat 1: Aaahgg!

* The bone hit him and instead of breaking, apparently he was not affected by the hardness and managed to send the boy flying more than 5 meters *

Sans: What do you want me to give you too!

*The other boys just picked up their partner and left there while they looked badly at Sans who only smiled calmly*

Sans: Mmmmm~ it feels so good to see them suffer the consequences of their actions

* He went to his house with a smile and when he arrived he was received by his parents who congratulated him for awakening his ability *


☜☠💧☜☼✋⚐ ❄☜ ❄⚐💣✌💧❄☜ ☜☹ ❄✋☜💣🏱⚐ 🏱✌☼✌ ❄☼✌👎🕆👍✋☼ ❄⚐👎⚐ ☹⚐ ✈🕆☜ 👎✋☺⚐ ☝✌💧❄☜☼✍📪 ❄☜☠☝⚐ ✈🕆☜ ✌🏱☹✌🕆👎✋☼❄☜ 🏱⚐☼ ☜💧⚐📪 ✌🕆☠✈🕆☜ 💧✌👌☜💧 ✈🕆☜ ☞🕆☜ 🕆☠✌ ☜💧❄🕆🏱✋👎☜☪ ❄⚐❄✌☹