
Sans Reincarnated in Unordinary (english versión)

not knowing how or why he ended up dying but somehow his soul managed to find a way to bring him back to life, now he has to get used to this new life while the actions of the past still haunt him random updates

Sebastian0narvaez · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

Chapter 3

*after "awakening" his ability he dedicated himself to training more openly since before he could only do it at night after his parents went to sleep, which was after having a lot of fun at midnight so he didn't sleep very well*

G: You must be careful with karmic retribution, if it is too strong it can even kill someone

* Also after those years he finally managed to distinguish a part of the words that Gaster was saying so it was easier to communicate with him, even though only he could see it which made him look like a madman talking to himself *

Sans: yes, yes I already know

* Currently he was trying to make a Gaster Blaster shoot even though he was really small he wasn't more than 10 centimeters at least it was a start, besides looking pretty *

Sans: come on, come on

* He had to concentrate a lot to manage to move it in addition to making him charge the energy to shoot so his head was having a hard time *

G: your body is different from the first, while before you were only made up of magic and your soul, now you have meat involved and other things that make it more difficult for you to control it

Sans: oh, do you know something to help me or will you keep talking non-stop?

*He was sitting covered in sweat with two small Gaster Blasters flying around him*

G: try to improve your magic first and then we'll talk

Sans: not that my magic comes from my soul? How am I going to improve it?

G: first, what you said is true but to improve your magic you have to synchronize with your soul, release it

Sans: Release my soul

G: think of it like.... An onion, the outer layer is what makes sure almost nothing escapes from the inside, you have to get rid of that layer in order to better experience the inside

Sans: ...I understood only half of what you said, but I think I got it

*He sat cross-legged and began to concentrate on his soul which he barely managed to feel so it was a bit difficult for him*

G: make sure you don't push it too hard or you might damage your soul and trust me you don't want to experience that

*Sans I can notice out of the corner of my eye that Gaster trembled a bit as he said that assuming it's something delicate for him he won't ask him about it, for now*

*the minutes passed in the same position, the only thing that changed was the sky which slowly turned into a soft orange color at sunset while Sans continued pampering her face softened as she slowly connected with her soul feeling a small resistance in that *

G: (it's amazing how he was able to free his soul in one day, it even took me two days to do it)

*After several minutes a small aura left Sans's body enveloping him as he slowly opened his eyes quite tired*

Sans: did I make it?

*He said quite confused looking at the aura around him*

G: correct, although it is getting late so if you don't want to see fire come out of your mother you better run home

* He didn't even need to finish saying those words so that Sans run away, not wanting to see that again, since when he first saw the ability of his mother it was when he got angry with his father, unleashing literal hell in the house already that I end up setting it on fire *

Sans: don't even remind me!

* While he ran back to his house, he noticed in a small park a group of boys and girls harassing weaker ones again *

Sans: I feel that it is bad that I am used to seeing these situations

G: are you going to do something?

Sans: what do you think?

* He answered as he stopped running and now walked in the direction of where the boys were *

Asshole 1: come on do it again

*They were surrounding the boys with arrogant smiles on their faces while the boy had various injuries on his face and body*

Victim 1: n-no

Asshole 1: You dare to answer me!

* Just when he was about to hit the boy again they heard some steps approaching and when they returned they saw Sans walking towards them *

Sans: hey, don't you know that this is already abuse?

Asshole 2: what do you care!

Sans: eat cake!* He said with a smile on his face when he saw how the asshole got angry *

*He looked carefully at the group which was made up of two boys and a girl. The first boy had dark green hair and light blue eyes, the second had violet hair and yellow eyes while the girl's hair was light blue and his eyes were green*

Asshole 1: look boy if you leave right now we could forget what you said a moment ago, what do you think of the idea

* He said while activating his ability Together with the other boy and girl making his eyes shine, normally someone of the same age would hesitate but Sans already got used to this *

Sans: yes I think he won't be able to *activating his "ability" making his eyes glow a strong blue *

Girl: you asked for it!

*The three running in the direction of Sans who simply smiled at this*

Sans: heh, are you serious?

*Snaps his fingers and a couple of bones appear in the air behind him*

Sans: catch

*With a movement of his hand, the bones shot towards the group, which dodged them without any problems, although the bones kept coming, being thrown towards them constantly, managing to hit the violet-haired boy in one of the arms*

Asshole 2: Ahh! Damned!

*The girl brought her hand to the wound on the boy's arm and with a slight light began to heal him*

Sans: (mmm, so she has a healing ability he) *her smile widens as she looks at the guys*

Asshole 1: come here!

*His arm glowed from him in a green tone before launching himself at the one who tried to hit him even though all of his attacks were dodged without much difficulty*

Sans: mm?

*Studdenly he felt some pricks on her face, making slight scratches so he looked where it came from and saw the boy with violet hair with his hand outstretched and shiny shooting those things*

Sans: (Is that all they got?, fuck it)

* Just before the blow from the green hair hit him, a large bone came out of the ground violently hitting the boy's stomach, knocking the air out of him while he held his belly *

asshole 2: damn

Sans: yes yes I know, don't you really ask me to say something other than that?

*while looking at them with boredom, he snapped his fingers and other bones came out of the ground hitting the boy and girl*

Sans: come on, didn't you want to fight?!

*It's a strong movement 30 bones appeared behind him floating ready to finish off the boys who widened their eyes before bravely escaping leaving the girl behind*

Girl: W-hey, don't leave me!

*When she was about to run, several bones came out of the ground in front of her, scaring her, causing her to fall to see a shadow on her and when she turned around, she noticed Sans who had a big smile on his face as he looked at her with those 30 bones behind him making the girl treat saliva*

Sans: I hope you remember this in the future because I tell you something, I never give second chances

* His smile was at its maximum, showing his teeth while the girl, somewhat scared, looked at him as if he were a monster, something that she is not completely wrong about if he had been in the past *

Girl: Mgh

Sans: get out

*When she said those words, the girl got up from the ground and ran out of that place*

Sans: damn it looked like she had seen a ghost

G: yes it sure was a ghost

*The bones disappeared to which she realized that the boy they were teasing was too*

Sans: mm at least I was hoping for a thank you

*She sighed as she ran back to her house wishing she didn't get there to see hell in person, which with heaven's help didn't happen so she enjoyed a good dinner before going to sleep in her bed with a smile on her face*


Also, should I name the chapters?