
Samsara of Equilibrium

The Eternal Cycle has been disturbed. Balance has been lost. The Sword was broken, And The Shield was pierced… The Great Darkness that once carried The Burden was betrayed. Chased and Hunted by the cowards who saw them as a threat! Now, The Era of ‘Peace’ is coming to an end. Choices must be made. Because, Chaos is upon us! Now, Nathan must depart on a journey to recover what was Destroyed… To discover what was buried within History… And to Restore what was once lost…

Sethada · แฟนตาซี
52 Chs

Chapter 50

Nathan's eyes widened in shock! This person… looked exactly the same as his Father in his previous life!

"Fa…ther…" Nathan couldn't even speak properly! He should not have been discovered by The Royal Court! He had not done anything that would attract their attention! Yet he was found!

Prince Elric smiled wryly, "So you already know me… and it took me six years to finally find you…"

Sophie was also frozen in shock! This person was Nathan's Father!

Nathan suppressed his shock, as he tried to restart his mind,

"How… how did you find me…? I am pretty sure no one can recognize me… I don't look like anything close near a six year old…"

"Although I am not aware of the reason, we luckily managed to find you just before you suddenly grew up. We had already caught up to some suspicious activity within the slums and had sent agents to monitor the place, when they noticed two people barging into an underground facility, and coming out with more than 20 children. They investigated you, and found that you basically do not exist. No encounter with anyone outside the mansion, no parents, no relatives. Also, your eyes and hair are a straight giveaway. Your have inherited your hair from your Mother." Prince Elric explained.

He also turned to Sophie, "Pardon my words, Sophie. Know that I am eternally grateful for the actions of your Father, and the support of your Mother. I never doubted you for a second, but I wanted to see for myself who you are…"

Sophie frantically shook her hands, "No, no, no, no. Sir, you have every right to test me. I will leave the room to give you two some privacy."

Prince Elric waved his hand, "No need. You are not a stranger. I would feel more at ease if you also know of what happens here."

Nathan was not buying the excuse, however, "There is no way such a convenient coincidence exists. Even within the mansion, very few people even know my name. Tell me the truth."

Prince Elric looked at Nathan for a long moment, before he sighed helplessly, "Just like your Mother, nothing gets past you, does it?"

Nathan took off his mask at the mention of his Mother. He would never forget the sacrifices she made for him. The pains she endured for him, shielding him like a guardian angel. 

At this point, he was certain that his Mother was also the one of his previous life! Even though he didn't know, he wanted to believe!

Seeing Nathan grow emotional, sadness flashed across Prince Elric's eyes. He hated not being able to bring his family together! He hated seeing his Son and Wife being so sad and miserable!

He suppressed his emotions, and continued, "I was approached by a Twilight Guardian, named Morwag. He informed me of your whereabouts. He told me to meet you alone, and in secret." 

Nathan suddenly understood. It was Grandpa who set him up!

"Thank you for coming here, Father… you don't know how much it means to me…" Nathan spoke from the bottom of his heart.

Prince Elric felt indescribable bliss at being acknowledged as Father! He was truly afraid! Afraid that his own son would send him away, or even worse, look at him like a stranger! But thankfully, none of his fears came true.

Nathan took a deep breath, "How is Mother…?"

Prince Elric sighed once again, "Your Mother… She was devastated after you were taken away from us forcefully… she didn't eat or sleep for so long… that she passed out from exhaustion. She was unconscious for over a month, and when she woke up, it was around the time when our confinement was over, and we learned of what happened to those who took you."

"Your Mother almost went insane when she learned that everyone within that group of Emissaries were nothing but ashes. But she also found hope! That maybe… just maybe! That you were still alive. It was like holding onto a non-existent strand of hair. There was no real evidence for hope, but she still followed through blindly, not caring for herself at all…"

"She spent day and night searching for you… and it was not until your Sister was born, that she found any semblance of peace… she is still looking for you, you know? She still has not given up that non-existent hope, neither have I…"

Nathan was pained as he heard of his Mother's suffering. He felt like an unfilial Son who had disappointed their kind Mother… but something else grabbed his attention!

"Sister? I have not heard of such news, and I have people monitoring The Royal Palace…"

"Yes, your cute little Sister… she will soon turn 4 years old. Her name is Kayla. We kept her a complete secret from everyone, fearing that what happened to you, would be repeated. She has actually visited The House of Henosis a few times."

"Eh? What? I would have known if- hah! So even Headmaster Tallis is in on this…" Nathan was defeated. He actually missed such an important detail!

Prince Elric nodded, "Yes. He volunteered for the task. He is one of my most trusted men. So you can also trust him. He informed me of your attack on The Cultists."

"Does Mother know?" Nathan asked the one question he had been avoiding till now.

"No. For your safety, she should not know, for now. If her behavior changes too much, it would attract attention. But not for long. I will make sure of it."

Nathan nodded with a heavy heart. He knew that his Mother was suffering every waking moment, but unfortunately, there was no immediate solution to the problem…

"Tell me, What are your plans for the future?" Prince Elric inquired.

"Besides the boring details, I will go to war with many forces in the Universe in two years, at The Awakening Ceremony. The Church is my biggest obstacle. It is also the very reason we are separated. My identity as The Crown Prince of Darkness carries a heavy burden. One which I accepted to shoulder, and I will do so to the best of my abilities."

Prince Elric went deep in thought. He now knew why Nathan's birth caused such a phenomenon as he had knowledge about the forces Nathan spoke of. Thanks to the deep legacy of The Netherstar Royal Family. He was now determined to be a true Father for Nathan. A Spatial Ring appeared as he pushed it to Nathan.

"This ring contains all the belongings on that prisoner, and many resources that I put for you to use, personally." Prince Elric stared directly into Nathan's eyes with burning determination.

"One year." He said.

"In one year, I promise to become a pillar strong enough to support our family, as a true Father should. That is a promise."

Nathan nodded. He did not doubt his Father. If said he will do it, then he would do it, no matter the cost!

Prince Elric turned to Sophie, "I leave him in your care. He is just like his Mother, keeping everything to himself. Feel free to knock some sense into him from time to time."

Sophie nodded vigorously, "Leave it to me! I will beat him up if does something stupid! And have Grandpa seal him if he resists!"

"I feel like she completely ignored the first half of your request…" Nathan pointed out with hesitation.

"No, it must be your imagination." Prince Elric pretended he heard Nothing.

'I'm pretty sure it was not…' Nathan could already see Sophie abusing her authority…

"Also, if you need to contact me, tell your Shadow. He will be instructed on how to do so by my Agents. I will also relay everything we squeeze out of that prisoner to him."

Prince Elric stood up, "I'm very proud of you, my Son, and your Mother is too. You have become someone extraordinary, and will achieve great things. But don't lose sight of what is important to you in the process."

"Thank you, Father. Please, take care of Mother in my stead. I have been an unfilial Son, but I will make up for my shortcomings. Also, tell little Kayla, that her Big Brother said if anyone bullies her, I will beat them up for her!" Nathan cracked his knuckles as he said.

Prince Elric chuckled, "With such a scary Big Brother, who would dare upset her."

Sophie also stepped forward, "I will watch over him, and stand by his side no matter the foe, so rest assured, Prince Elric. If there is anything I can do to help Nate's Mother or Sister, please do not hesitate to tell me."

Prince Elric nodded in appreciation, "Thank you Sophie. I will keep that in mind. Knowing that you are with him is enough for me to be assured that at least, he won't be left alone, so no need to stand on ceremony. You can call me Uncle instead."

'I believe you are gravely overestimating how reliable she is…' Nathan grumbled inwardly.

Prince Elric put his mask on and turned to leave, "Oh one more thing,"

"I am not Prince Elric. It is King Elric now…"