
Samsara of Equilibrium

The Eternal Cycle has been disturbed. Balance has been lost. The Sword was broken, And The Shield was pierced… The Great Darkness that once carried The Burden was betrayed. Chased and Hunted by the cowards who saw them as a threat! Now, The Era of ‘Peace’ is coming to an end. Choices must be made. Because, Chaos is upon us! Now, Nathan must depart on a journey to recover what was Destroyed… To discover what was buried within History… And to Restore what was once lost…

Sethada · แฟนตาซี
52 Chs

Chapter 25

After the events of the last night, Nathan and Sophie still returned to their daily training, but the six men were too weak to help them train anymore, so Grandpa took it upon himself to personally train them. This way, it was also easier to conceal their abnormal growth.

Sophie also received a quest that Nathan surprisingly didn't have.

[Quest: (To Become an Expert) Last 30 minute on the plank without falling.]

[Difficulty: Normal]

[Reward: Level +4, Stat Points +30, Skill Points +5]

Nathan was very happy with this occasion, as with this, Sophie would catch up with him and evolve.

Currently, they were both undergoing Grandpa's hellish training. The old man didn't care that they were kids and trained them ruthlessly. Nevertheless, Grandpa kept the difficulty at the same level for both of them, so Nathan's Royal Dragonborn bloodline was of no use, and he was forced to improve his instincts, which was really paying off. Nathan theorized that the evolution has already enhanced his senses and instinct by a tremendous degree, all he had to do was train them and get used to them, hence the fast progress.

Sophie also invested many Stat Points into Agility which was helping her a lot. Right now, Grandpa was firing invisible Energy Bullets from any angle imaginable as he sat in the shade under a tree near the training grounds. Nathan has had the most explosive improvement. He could last 30 minutes before it became too difficult or he lost focus. Sophie also had a massive improvement as she could last 10 minutes, a far cry from yesterday's 2 minutes, as the difficulty increased the longer you stayed on the plank.

After being absolutely bashed by Grandpa, Nathan and Sophie dragged their bodies to him with a lot of effort.

"Haaa…haaa… You're totally not going easy on us Grandpa…" Nathan was completely drained.

"Hoho~ But young Prince sure does progress fast. I am impressed that you managed to reach 40 minutes today. Same for little Sophie. It won't be long that you are done with this little training and move onto real life situations." Grandpa encouraged them. As long as they finished this training, he would be at ease to send them on real missions.

"In this training, you are improving your balancing by leaps and bounds, while honing your sword skills by defending against the energy bullets with your sword, and sharpening your instinct to react to the smallest changes without even wasting time to think, all at the same time. The training may be harsh but as long as you persist in it, you will be unmatched among your peers and even those stronger than you! Never underestimate the importance of basics!" Grandpa decided to lecture them on the importance of the training. They didn't know yet, but this training was very advanced, and even many elites and experts failed in getting far in it. The two little kids were truly geniuses, but they didn't need to know that.

"I am definitely going to reach 30 minutes tomorrow! I'm going to evolve and become as strong as Nathan and then we can beat up anyone who dares bully us, together!~" Sophie was as energetic as ever.

"Grandpa, I got a secondary Profession Pack after evolving! Which profession should I choose?" Nathan decided to consult with Grandpa on this matter.

"Hmm… what options do you have, young Prince?" Grandpa inquired.

"Let's see… there are so many options! There is [Alchemy], [Inscription], [Doctor]… oh! There is also one called [Curse Master]! There is even a [Magical Beast Tamer]! And many more!" Nathan was getting excited about starting a second profession!

"Ooh! They all sound so cool! What would you choose, Nate?" She was very curious about which one Nathan would choose as they all sound good!

"I advise to leave Alchemy for later, when you start your Energy Cultivation Path, same for Inscription. For the rest, I'd say follow your heart. This is an important decision that you must make by yourself." Grandpa didn't interfere much, only nudging him a bit so he can make his decision.

'Let's see… I don't want to be a doctor, I won't have the time for that… and Taming Beasts doesn't really sound that useful to me either… but a Curse Master! I can secretly curse my enemies and even help cure Aunty Solina faster!' Nathan had made his decision.

"I made my decision! I'll choose Curse Master!" Nathan declared after thinking about his options.

Sophie was really touched by his considerate actions. Although he did not say it, she knew at least part of the reason he made this choice was because of her Mother. What her Mother did was not easy to forgive and forget, she knew it. But Nathan didn't seem to have taken it to heart, making her all the more happy about her decision to follow him wherever he goes.

"A fine choice! Young Prince should know that curses can be of any attribute, but with your blessing and increased affinity with Dark energies, you will become an exceptional figure on this field, so long as you put in effort." Grandpa was really satisfied with this choice. A curse can be used for many things and it is not inherently malicious. Everything is decided by the wielder.

"Remember young Prince, Sophie. Nothing is truly evil in the world. It is how we view them that makes it seem evil. As long as it harms the interests of your enemy, it is the beacon of hope, but as soon as it harms your interests, it becomes the worst evil. No tool is ever evil, only its wielder! Light can burn people to death, while Darkness can be used to devour illnesses! It is the heart that matters!" Grandpa said seriously,

"Take it as lesson from this old man, and promise me to never forget it! Those who do so are the first to lose their path. They are those extremists who cause pain and agony on many lives in their insanity!" Grandpa Morwag stood up and took the kids in his arms, "I will spoil you two for today. Rest now. I'll take you to your rooms."

Nathan and Sophie made eye contact with each other, both moved by Grandpa's speech. 'It is as they say, an Elder's experience is more valuable than his weight in gold…'

After saying goodnight to Grandpa and Sophie, Nathan laid down on his bed, ready to choose his first profession!

His room was simple. Dark wooden walls and floor, a simple glowing stone was secured to the roof. Aside from that, there was only a wardrobe, a wooden desk and a very nice and comfy bed. The window was quite big as well, since Nathan liked big windows, they gave him a sense of freedom.

Nathan opened the[Secondary Profession Pack] and selected [Curse Master].

[You have selected (Curse Master). Would you like to proceed? Yes/No]

"Yes." Nathan didn't hesitate.

[You have acquired (Apprentice Curse Master).]

[The relative knowledge has been retrieved. Inserting…]

Nathan felt a rush of information enter his brain and etch itself on his soul. Now, he wouldn't ever forget a single word, and could recall everything about the subject better than a man who has studied it for 100 years!

'Melian is truly miraculous!'

[You have acquired the item: (Eye of Odin)!] 

Eye of Odin was a red spherical gem the size of a fist. It didn't have anything that would depict it as a valuable treasure.

'Oh! It has such a domineering name! Let's see what does it do…'

[Eye of Odin]

A mythical item known across many realms! Said to be the real eye of The God of Ravens!

Effect 1: Indestructible

Effect 2: Affinity with Curse's increased by 200%

Effect 3: Can see through any Curse

Effect 4: Locked

Effect 5: Locked


Nathan was shocked to his bones! He could only use three of its effects, but each one was more broken than the last! And he could see through any curse as well! His enemies would suffer greatly, should they earn his ire…

'This!!! With this, I can heal Aunty Solina! Let's see what else we have here…'

Nathan focused and looked through the knowledge he gained,

'So, one way of casting curses is to inscribe them on talisman papers… but the Curse Energy seems hard to control, and many who try this profession go insane, hence the lack of Curse Masters… since Grandpa didn't say anything, then there shouldn't be any problem for me…'

He took a look at some of the simpler Curses he could practice,

[Curse of Hunger]

[Curse of Nightmares]

[Life Draining Curse]

[Energy Absorption Talisman]

[Anti-Detection Talisman]

'A curious discovery… the professions seem to intersect with each other in many areas. One would think Talismans have no relation with a Curse Master, but an Inscription Master instead… This could be useful…' Nathan was in awe of the possibilities. If he could master Inscription as well, alongside [Eye of Odin], his Curses would become quite dreadful!

'Let's not get ahead of ourselves here, I have to practice Curses first. I may have the knowledge, but I don't have any experience.'

'Let's see… since I haven't started my Energy Cultivation yet, I could substitute my Vital Energy instead! That means Stamina!'

Nathan put the [Eye of Odin] away, as he didn't want to do anything too dramatic, and he tried to conjure a simple [Curse of Hunger].

Grayish gaseous Energy emerged from his palm and was starting to take shape-

-when suddenly Nathan lost consciousness…

…it seemed the young Prince had forgotten that he spent all his Stamina during training…