
Samsara of Equilibrium

The Eternal Cycle has been disturbed. Balance has been lost. The Sword was broken, And The Shield was pierced… The Great Darkness that once carried The Burden was betrayed. Chased and Hunted by the cowards who saw them as a threat! Now, The Era of ‘Peace’ is coming to an end. Choices must be made. Because, Chaos is upon us! Now, Nathan must depart on a journey to recover what was Destroyed… To discover what was buried within History… And to Restore what was once lost…

Sethada · แฟนตาซี
52 Chs

Chapter 23

Many hours had passed, and Nathan and Sophie had fallen sleep next to each other as their bodies was still tired from today's training. In the middle of the luxurious room, there was a massive bed with a mature beauty sleeping on it. Grandpa was looking out of the window while the children were sleeping on a couch in a corner of the room.

"Nnngh…" The beauty slowly stirred awake, fluttering her eyes, she looked at ceiling, confused why she was in her room.

"You're finally awake." Hearing Grandpa's voice, she looked over to him and at that moment, all the memories of what happened came rushing back.

"Where is Nathan!? Where did he go!?" She immediately jumped in distress, loosing her calm for the second time today, but it seemed the seal was working as intended as she didn't go berserk.

"Calm down. Do you think I would leave The Prince alone?" Grandpa motioned to the sleeping kids.

"Thank the Gods… I didn't do anything irreparable…" Aunty Solina was relieved to see both of them sleeping soundly.

"I wouldn't be so sure…" Grandpa finally turned to look at her, "Your words and actions are akin to the gravest sin of The Path of Darkness, betrayal of the highest order! Miss Solina, I have never seen the young Prince so hurt before, not even when he discovered that he can't see his parents. What you did to this five year old and your daughter are very difficult to repent for…"

Aunty Solina was silent. She knew the mistakes she made. "…I know… but as long as there is a chance… I will do anything to repent. I may not be a member of your Path, but my husband is. I will follow its rules…"

Grandpa nodded his head, "You are lucky the person you are dealing with belongs to The Path of Darkness. We take our families very seriously. He still called you Aunty as he was leaving and even promised to remove that little curse in you. I didn't remove it so it is a punishment for you, but the young Prince is rather soft…" Nathan didn't know yet, but for someone of Grandpa's caliber, a little curse is a joke.

Solina felt another pang of guilt as she looked at the sleeping children lovingly, "Indeed, as their Mother, I have failed both of them…"

Sophie woke up at this moment, and accidentally bumped her head against Nathan.


"Ow! Sophie!" Nathan almost had a heart attack being awakened in such a… 'Unique' way.

"Sorry! Tehe!~" Looking at the unrepentant little girl Nathan was speechless. He looked around and saw Aunty Solina talking with Grandpa.

"Aunty…" Nathan was still a bit hesitant after all that happened. He was still a bit afraid of being rejected again.

Aunty Solina smiled gently and moved over, firmly hugging Nathan, "I'm so sorry little Nate. I know my words hurt you and nothing I say would change it, so let me repent for them in my own way…"

Nathan was relieved that her normal Aunty was back, "Aunty… don't worry! I promise to take that curse out!"

Aunty smiled with a bit of guilt and took her daughter into her embrace as well, "I'm sorry Sophie…I'm sorry you had to go through that…"

"It doesn't matter anymore! My Mommy is back! That's all that matters!" Sophie buried herself deep in her Mother's embrace to hide the little tears forming at the edge of her eyes. But how could she hide anything from a Mother? Aunty Solina gently caressed her head to help her calm down.

Grandpa waited a few moments to allow this moment to be engraved in their memories, before walking over to Nathan, "Young Prince, I have completed your request."

Nathan's eyes widened in shock, "So soon!?"

"Hoho, don't underestimate these old bones young Prince." Grandpa waved his hand and a giant 10 meter long black crystal appeared, which barely fit in the room.

Aunty Solina looked like her soul left her body, "Where did you find this!? Is it even possible for them to be this big!?"

"Hmm? What is this big crystal?" Sophie asked while touching the crystal curiously.

"A Dragon Heart! But they are normally 2 meters long at most! And those belong to extremely powerful Dragons, akin to Gods! This!?" Solina was still in shock. Today truly wasn't a peaceful day for her.

"What will you use this for anyway!?" She calmed down a bit at last.

"Well, young Prince is going to evolve into a Dragonborn and needed a Dragon Heart. I decided to get the best one I can by pulling a couple strings…" Grandpa Morwag brushed it off as if it wasn't something important.

"W-w-w-WHAT!? A DRAGONBORN!?" Aunty Solina felt like she aged a decade in the span of a day.

"Wow! Nate is going to become one of those Legendary Dragonborn!?" Sophie was absolutely fascinated.

Nathan looked at Grandpa, "I guess it's time I evolve. Grandpa, please isolate this room."

"As you wish, Your Highness." A transparent barrier appeared around the room, isolating it from the outside world.

Nathan opened his Status Menu and allocated his Stat Points.

[Name: Nathan Netherstar]

[Species: Wyrmling]

[Title: Crown Prince of Darkness]

[Level 5]

Energy Cultivation Technique: None

Soul Cultivation Technique: None

Divine Abilities: [Eighteen Gates of Hell](Locked)


HP: 500/500

Strength: 6

Agility: 4

Stamina: 50

Toughness: 20

[Skills: None]

[Passive Skills: Blessing of Darkness (Lv Max)]

Stat Points: None

Skill Points: 16

[Items: Moon Rock Necklace]

[Soul Bound Items: Sigil of Authority(Crown Prince), Mark of Inheritance(???)]

Nathan sat down next to the giant crystal and put his tiny hand on it.

[Requirements for the evolution to (Juvenile Dragonborn) have been met!]

[Would you like to evolve to (Juvenile Dragonborn)? Yes/No]

"Yes." At that moment the crystal shone with a blinding light and turned into liquid and wrapped around him like a cocoon. 

[Extra conditions have been met! Secret option has been selected!]

[Evolving to (Juvenile Royal Dragonborn)!]

'Huuuuuuh!?!?!?' Before Nathan could think about what was happening, he was forcefully put to sleep.


After Nathan was wrapped in the cocoon and Grandpa made sure nothing was wrong, he turned to Sophie, "Little Sophie, there is an important decision you have to make today."

"What is it Grandpa?" Sophie asked.

Grandpa looked at her seriously, "Nathan has a lot of responsibilities to fulfill in the future as The Crown Prince, even as a child. As soon as he leaves that cocoon, he will already have left you far behind."

"B-but I want to stay with Nate! What should I do Grandpa?"

Grandpa nodded and continued, "As your Mother already told you before, Nathan's path is going to be extremely dangerous and we might all die without knowing how it happened. Are you still willing to follow him?"

"Yes!" Sophie's little topaz blue eyes were shining with determination. She was secretly ready to leave with Nathan when her Mother told him to leave.

"The only way for you to keep up with him is to also join The Path of Darkness, just like your Father. The trials are harsh and unforgiving, but that also means there are opportunities to be found. Are you willing to go through hell and return?" 

Sophie turned to her Mother, "Mom, can I go?"

Aunty Solina smiled gently and kneeled down and looked directly in her daughters eyes, "Sophie… you can choose to do whatever you want, and Mommy here will always support you. It doesn't matter what anyone else has to say, stay true to your heart."

Encouraged by her Mother's words, Sophie turned to Grandpa, "I am willing!"

"Good! Inform young Prince once he is finished. I'm sure he would be extremely happy to know you will support him in the future." After Nathan exposed his identity, Grandpa stopped calling him by his name. He would have to get used to receiving respect as a Royalty.

"I have a question! Nathan is a Human right? How can he become a Dragonborn, even with this Dragon Heart?" Sophie decided to satiate her curiosity while they waited.

"Oh little girl… you simply cannot fathom the depths of Darkness. We have been preparing for a long time to select our chosen. This means that they were given the best tools to become the strongest without making them grow complacent." Grandpa explained with a bit of pride in his voice. Only he and Nathan knew that this Dragon Heart was more special than the other two realized.

"What about the other chosen?" Sophie asked and Aunty Solina seemed interested in this topic as well.

"We currently don't know where any of them are, as none of them caused a commotion similar to young Prince. All I know is that there are five chosen and our young Prince seems to be very close with one particular Princess…" Grandpa decided to give a little heads-up to his Niece.

"A Princess…" Sophie went silent, her thoughts unknown…

Meanwhile the evolution seemed to near its end as cracks were starting to form on the cocoon. Everyone stood with bated breath, not knowing what to expect.

*Crack* *Crack* *Crack*


The cocoon shattered into dust, all its energies were absorbed and not even the tiniest bit was left.

Nathan opened his obsidian black eyes and saw the notification,

[Congratulations! You have successfully evolved into (Juvenile Royal Dragonborn)!]