
Samsara of Equilibrium

The Eternal Cycle has been disturbed. Balance has been lost. The Sword was broken, And The Shield was pierced… The Great Darkness that once carried The Burden was betrayed. Chased and Hunted by the cowards who saw them as a threat! Now, The Era of ‘Peace’ is coming to an end. Choices must be made. Because, Chaos is upon us! Now, Nathan must depart on a journey to recover what was Destroyed… To discover what was buried within History… And to Restore what was once lost…

Sethada · แฟนตาซี
52 Chs

Chapter 10

Nathan and Lucy reached the platform, and instantly, the heat of the desert disappeared. The platform was made out of the same type of rock that the starting platform was made of. Its surface was silky smooth and one could see their own reflection on it. The platform was infinitely vast, and they couldn't see the end of it. Standing on the edge, Nathan felt he was standing at the border of two worlds…

Nathan grasped Lucy's hand firmly, "Stay close to me, okay?" When he saw Lucy nod her head, he finally turned around and continued moving.

They didn't get far, before two pillars of light descended on both of them. Seeing them, they both felt relief. The desert was not the most hospitable host to either of them… although they will never forget the decisions made here.

They disappeared, and reappeared in a rather small room, with white walls, and a small chandelier that illuminated the space. They were many couches and the tables, which were filled with all kinds of delicacies, around the empty room, making the atmosphere feel cozy and warm, just like a living room at a family gathering.

All their gear had also disappeared, but their necklaces remained, much to their relief.

Nathan sat down and sighed in relief, as he almost forgot how it feels to sit comfortably, "Ahh… looks like we are the ones to finish first. Let's enjoy ourselves for a while…"

"Hmm! This place is great!~" Lucy skipped over to the foods, and picked up a tray of juicy looking fruit, before cutting them into pieces and running over to Nathan.

She sat on her usual spot, his lap, and snuggled into his embrace like a kitten. She picked up a piece of fruit with a fork and turned to Nathan, wanting to spoil him rotten, "Say AAAA!~"

Nathan complied and opened his mouth and the moment he chewed on what he assumed to be peaches, he felt the water and flavors burst in his mouth, gracing his taste buds with the much needed fruity flavor.

Nathan leaned over and picked a grape cluster, "Now, my wifey's turn, say AAAA!" Lucy opened her mouth eagerly, and the moment she crushed the grape with her pearly white teeth, her body screamed in delight, doubly so, when he called her with such an endearing name, causing her heart to melt.

Nathan was also very much enjoying watching Lucy enjoy herself, while making cute little noises. Looks like they both missed real food, after they spent so long eating bread so stale, that sandpaper had more flavors.

After they fed each other until they both bloated, Nathan decided to try something, but before that, he turned to Lucy, "Let me try something." He held her palm as reassurance as she looked at him curiously.

Nathan looked at the ceiling and called out, "Esteemed Herald, may I request an audience?" He honestly didn't have much hope that he would get an answer, but he was surprised when dark fog emerged from all side, as the walls did little to stop it, before it converged in the middle of the room, and from it, the figure of The Herald emerged in front of them.

His entire figure was shrouded in dark fog that dispersed on the ground around him, and he was completely hidden under his robe. Not even his eyes could be seen. He was shorter than Nathan expected, being only a head taller than him.

"Seeing as you are the first to finish, I shall grant you one question. Speak!" Unlike before, his voice was not overwhelming, instead it was more a whisper, as though tens of people were whispering the same thing at once. It was creepy, but Nathan and Lucy seemed unfazed.

Nathan considered his words carefully to get the most information possible, while avoiding asking too much and annoying The mysterious Herald, he showed the tattoo on his wrist, "Would you be so kind to explain to us about these tattoos?"

The Herald stood silent for a moment before he described, "The so called 'tattoo' that you and your wife carry are known as Marks of Inheritance," Lucy felt giddy inside to be acknowledged as his wife by such a mighty figure, "Fret not, for they pose no danger to you by themselves, but many would give up their souls to get a glimpse at them."

"These inheritances are many, scattered across the second trial, left behind by mighty figures that once shook an era. They choose people by fate, and appear before them. When a person manages to pass all three trials, they enter the path of darkness, and only then, may they use these inheritances. None, who fail the trials, may take anything from them, not even memories…"

Nathan was truly relived that these marks were not dangerous, and were even very valuable. He rubbed the back of Lucy's hand with his thumb as she sweetly smiled at him. She felt that whatever these translucent wings were, they would help her and Nate a lot in the future.

"The second trial has finished. Prepare yourselves, as you are merely a step away from the power to realize all your dreams and desires…"

"So soon!? I thought we had a few more days to enjoy ourselves…" Lucy was really disappointed that she lost her private time with Nathan. Her sad look was so cute that Nathan couldn't help but hug her gently,

"Don't worry. After we both pass the third trial, we will have all the time in the world to spend together." Nathan held her chin and gave her a sweet kiss, which seemed to cheer her up smoothly. They didn't seem to remember a certain Herald was also in the room, and strangely, The Herald didn't seem to mind their actions in the slightest.

"It is effortless to increase the speed of time for a few mortal souls, young miss. While a few hours have passed here, many days have passed in the trial."

"Now that you have both asked your questions, Let the third trial begin!"

Before either of them could react, their vision darkened, and Nathan lost consciousness. When he woke up, he immediately started looking around, searching for Lucy, but all he saw, was the dark stone walls.

'Calm down, this must be the third trial. I can go see her as soon as I'm finished here." Although he panicked at first, he quickly collected himself, not doubting for a single moment that either of them would fail to pass this trial.

Nathan was always very quick to adapt in the face of events that would frighten a normal person for a long time as they loose their mind to panic, making many mistakes, but he would take everything head on, and not lose himself to fear.

He looked around for any possible clues that would help him pass the trial. He was in a small cave that was surrounded on three sided with dark, ominous rocks, and the open side was a cliff leading down to a sea of bright, hot lava that was flowing and crashing against the walls. There was no way up, and the end of the lava sea couldn't be seen, as everything beyond a certain range was covered in a black fog, that even the lava didn't seem to dare touch it.

As Nathan was looking at the sea of lava, which the heat of it made him sweat like he was under a waterfall, a shining golden door appeared from the wall behind him, but he didn't move to open the door that was screaming, 'Open me!'. 'Why was I put in here when it is trying to imply that I have to go through the door to start the trial, while The Herald himself told us that the third trial has already started…'

'Let's wait for a bit and look around. Impatience would only spoil my chances of passing the trial.' And with that, he began checking the walls and the floor for any possible hidden passage or item, yet he found nothing but dust.

"Welcome to the third trial."

After waiting for a while, Nathan suddenly heard the voice of The Herald in his head, it felt as if the voice was that of his own thoughts, a very weird feeling.

Nathan also noticed a difference. The voice of The Herald was back to its overwhelming tone that seemed to shake his soul, completely unlike the whispering he did in the 'waiting room' they were in before.

"The golden door in front of you gives you an opportunity should you choose to open it. You shall gain untold power, infinite wealth and everlasting life! All within your hand's reach, as long as you step forward, you can have anything…" The Herald started explaining the rules of the third trial, but from his wording, Nathan noticed that there seemed to be a catch so he held his hand.

The Herald waited for those who were greedy for power and wealth to weed out themselves before continuing, "In this trial, you can choose two options from the three choices presented to you. Should you refrain from choosing anyone before you, they will be dropped into the sea of lava. Everything you see is real. Also keep in mind, should your choices not include the gate, you will die."

Nathan was busy digesting what he heard as the remnant voice of The Herald echoed throughout his mind, when the ground suddenly started shaking. Nathan turned to look at the lava, and he saw it was rising with a steady pace, slowly approaching his little cave that was near the ceiling. Tongues of flames lashed out almost hitting him.

Nathan heard the sound of chains, screeching. He lifted his head to look at the source of the sound, when he saw two massive bird cages emerge from the fog. 'My other two options…'

As the cages got closer, Nathan finally got to take a look inside them from between the bars, and when he saw the silhouette of the people within, his heart almost stopped beating and his eyes bulged from disbelief. Tears uncontrollably started streaming down his face as he once again saw the faces that he thought he would never get the chance to see ever again…

 "Father… Mother…"