
Saints: Vol 1

Story filled with allot of mystery, action and romance it for the mature audience, filled with allot of mythology history and characters   Is this really the end for me?, a question I really didn't ask myself until now, I failed her, I lost, I can still remember her face even in this time of demise, those beautiful vibrant sunflower hair that reaches down to her waist, those eyes of dark blue that gave a genuine glare, a smile that worth the world.....I-I will not see them again.....I'm.....Sorry

Steve_Mcgaw_3996 · แฟนตาซี
6 Chs

Chapter 6: Demon at school (18 plus chapter)

Leo was training with Dinah, it was something amaze to watch, they were strongly focus and engaging at each other like a real blood battle, evenly in most aspect, with both of their weapons clashed together, sound of swords clanging at each other echoed causing unwanted attention from others.

"Anu what's his deal" Leo asked as he stepped back a little, Dinah came at him with a strike from above, which he suceed in blocking "What are you talking about?" She answered, Leo manage to shub her off "He haven't been awaken, and he's busting feats like a A their Hero, I don't trust him at alll"

His words stung Dinah a little but she easily scoff him off "Anu might be a pain, and a jerk, but he has a heart of gold. Right now he's training with a massive target in mind, I don't know what it is but I'm sure it's not harmful" She then smerk, using her left feet to stomp at him which he block with his sword she smerked "You sound a bit jealous of him"

Hearing her words anger Leo as his body covered with an ice blue aura "Shut up" he said coming at her.

Meanwhile....I was being trained by Captain Dragoon, having Me meditating, while he sat before me sipping on a cup of tea slowly.

"You must focus, the achieve your Awaken stage you have to learn how to mix your inner chi with the one from nature only then will you be able to be awaken"

Anu stayed meditating as he felt a mixture of warmth and coldness within his core, he tried to stay focus keeping his mind clear, but he kept on failing as he could not stop think about the incident yesterday, Captain Dragoon did not know about the witch as we thought it was best to keep out of the dark for now.

"Focus Anu" His words sound harsh, but he was just being supportive, I had to prove myself and become strong enough...

I started to clear my mimd of all thoughts negative and positive, I then felt like I was in a dark room, I was in a dark room, was thus spiritual or did I travel to a different world, opening my eyes to sound of water dripping like a semi close pipe tap.

Looking around I felt my body raising off the floor, rasing to the now star fill sky, it was like the vacuum of space but I could breathe within there, before more happen to scenery seeing a man shape light figure, it was like a million stars together carving out a mirriow of a man "Hello" the voice spoke.


Kuma was walking around looking for his bestfriend and Dinah "Where could they be" he wondered he started to think 'Since those two met they been moving a bit off, especially Anu, I wonder if there dating?' he thought his friend was dating his crush, but he shook his head out of that idea when he heard his name called turning to see Saki and beside him was Senju "Where's your friend Kuma?" Saki asked, instantly started to panic "I-I don't know" Saki grab Kuma by his shirt and push him against wall, grasping the attention of the students in the hallway.

"Don't lie you fat fuck" Saki states, but Kuma was really scared not knowing what to do but luckily Kuma was saved by Ena "Saki what are you doing?" She asked, her voice alone frighten Saki, he turn to see Ena, everyone was shock of the sight of her even the students that was spectating didn't expect to see Ena Musk in flesh at their Academy.

"Is that Ena Musk?"

"Wow she's beautiful"

"Ena Musk attends this academy?"

"Dang she's hot"

Saki instantly let go of Kuma "Lady Ena it's not what it looks like" but Ena ignore him looking over at her cousin "Really Senju? Bullying the unfortunate"

"Come on sis business is business inside and out of school" Senju looked at the still frighten Kuma "Tell Anu that when we find him he's going to pay for what he did, your ass is just lucky"

They left leaving Kuma to let out a sigh of relief "Phew..." He looked over at the beauty that still stood there, Ena was absolutely Beautiful, even the likes of Dinah couldn't match her beauty her rare deep black hair with the highlights of them silver, her eyes mint green in colour and seems gently and calm it only add to her beauty, extending it even more.

"Are you ok" She smiled at Kuma making him blush slightly.

"Y-yes mam"

Merlyn HQ

Merlyn was alone in her HQ, having a shower while warm water rushes down her body, she started to grope her own breast slowly but agressive, she haven't had any action in a while since her lover went away on a mission a few weeks now, but for her it felt like ages. She contiue groping her F cup size breast, moaning to the motion , her free hand would find it self down to her slightly hairy private as she starts to rub the entrance of her vagina, she rubs against her clit while she grope her breast even more pinching her own nipples, while doing so she started to finger herself sliding half her index finger moaning to the pleasure she was giving herself.....


Leo and Dinah were still sparing they were given each other a run for there money both exchanging blows while the other students still watch.

"Leo and Dinah are amazing"

"There both powerful"

"I can't believe there still going at it"

That's when they were stopped by a senior, Captain in training, Chi Mochizuki, the Fire Queen "Leo, Dinah hault your training" She commanded, always the serious type, she would rarely even talk unless needed to "a large amount of dark energy been tracked down at the Musk University, I need both of you help me on this one, This aura seem more powerful than an demoniof it could be a demon I need strong warriors with me" she explain.

Hearing that shook the two "Demon?!" Leo spoke,

"Yes this will be your first S class mission"

The two were speechless "Now are you coming I have no time to waste"

The two looked at each other before at the Senior and nod in agreement.

Musk Academy

Kuma and Ena were walking together, Kuma was showing her around as she haven't started classes yet, and Kuma thought it was best to leave classes alone for the day especially knowing that Senju is back in school, they didn't spoke alot only when Kuma show her a new area in the massive Academy, while walking the garden heading to the green house at the side of the School, they stopped hearing a massive explosion followed by loud screams of terror grabbed everyone else attention, they both looked to the direction the scream came from for another explosion acure this time you could see the black thick smoke even the ground tremble a little, no one knew what was going on, Only that the destruction was coming straight towards the two, Kuma couldn't see what was going on but Ena could see clearly as a massive creature came from above landing before them, the creature was on four leg size of two elephants with skin that seems to be decaying it had a awful scent with eyes glowing red and teeth that could rip steel apart it stood over Kuma and Ena as she looked up at it, she grabs Kuma hand and pulled him "Run!" She yelled as the two started to run, the creature roar and chase after them while it came at them explosion would acure all over by just the presence of the demonic creature.

Kuma asked "Whats going on ?!" Not knowing what is going on cannot see the creature.

Instantly the entire area started to change around them Kuma notice and mumbled "What the?" But before he could finish he heard a loud growl, looking back he saw the demon coming at them, panicking he quickly lift up Ena and began to run even faster, entering inside a now rundown academy building both hiding.

"What was that?" Kuma asked, Ena lied "I'm not sure, but whatever it is, it's not normal"

"Where are we?" Kuma question, scared out of his boots, as the creature could be heard growling, Ena looked at Kuma "Stay here I'll be back"

"Where are you going?!"

"I need to see if I can find away to contact my family"

"I'll come with you" Kuma insist but Ena told him "No! Stay it's dangerous"

She then rushed off thinking to her self 'Why is this creature here, what is this creature it's aura is much dense than a normal Demoniod, could it be an actually demon?'

She reached outside as the creature was no where to be seen, Ena stood looking around before turning slightly to see the creature huge mouth open over her about to bite her head off, she was fast enough to evade it moving out of its direction, rolling on the floor, She then stood summoning her Kami no Buki, which was an bow she pulled back the magical green string as a magical Arrow appear the colour of green, she fire at the creature causing a massive eruption but the beast was still unharm, coming from the smoke that was caused by the attack now biting after her with its disgusting mouth, she launch to the sky putting her hand out instantly a barrage of Ice spikes came from her hands succeeding in damaging the creature, landing behind the beast the ice that manage to hit the creature started to spread freezing the creature in place.

Ena breathing was heavy as she thought the battle was now over when a sound of hands clapping behind her she turn looking up following the sound, only to see a man of tall hair his eyes of red wine and wore a full black outfit with no sleeves he had horns like bull on his head.

"Not bad" He grin jumping off the building landing causing a massive wave of wind even made Ena had to cover her self from the powerful breeze.

"So your the one whom keeping the scroll safe, you seem interesting"

Hearing that frighten Ena , the demon continue spoke "Let's see how good you are against a S 3 tier demon"