
Sage of Senju

"Destiny is like a river, where the weak find it hard to go against flow and if they stand in the way of the current they drown. I can't stop the flow of history from sinking them if they are in the open all I offer is a place to hide till the storm dies down." -- said the sage to the god. A child supposed to die in his mother's womb and a soul that was being washed of memories come together, born in the Shikkotsu forest watch as he seeks to get back his family, and how the encounters he has guide him to new possibilities.

NPCthatKILLS · แฟนตาซี
49 Chs

CHAPTER 17 - War on horizon and Summoning jutsu

After getting tired of dealing with all the troubles caused by Sen and Asahi's pranks and deciding to act on his promise to the Clan Leader Ahina Uzumaki decided to deal with this once and for all.

He quickly found the perfect method, he took Sen's training into his own hands and decided to train him so hard he doesn't have the energy left for pranks.

And thus Sen's Hell Style training started.

Senju Sen POV

After Grandpa appeared in front of me and Aunt Asahi we knew my days of freedom were over and from now on all I could do was slave away at the whims of The Demon King.

But as if that was not enough whenever I called him Demon King in my mind Grandpa would turn to look at me which made me give up this nickname and in the coming days, he was nicknamed Yama(King of Hell) by me.

He truly almost showed me what 'hell' looked like in my coming days of training.

My training began with chakra control training in the morning.

Followed by studying books about history, management, strategy, mathematics and geography.

And training chakra control once between the theoretical studies.

I was given 10-minute breaks in between study of each subject and each session lasted roughly an hour. 

When I started the routine I quickly settled in, like I had done it before and was already used to it. It was like I had done it for years.

We started training at 6 am early morning and I finished at about 2 pm, after that, I was given two hours of rest time followed by practising summoning jutsu.

Because of the little amount of chakra I could use, my chakra control sessions and summoning jutsu lessons only lasted about an hour in the beginning.

Now don't get me wrong I wasn't lacking in chakra, it was due to my young age I didn't reach my peak capacity, and even with that, my chakra was nearing jounin levels.

But I could not make use of it as most of my chakra was used by my body, to keep me alive.

It was like I had a leakage in my chakra pool.

And if I go over a certain amount of chakra depletion then my body loses strength to move and even breathing becomes difficult.

After finishing the summoning training I was given homework for the day which always took about two hours to complete after which I was left so tired that all I could do was sleep.

And the sleep lasted till the morning when my training began again.

This routine continued for a year until I finally summoned a clone of Katsuyu.

Now for those who think summoning jutsu is easy I ask the god to take pity on them, though the technique itself is not that hard there are a few strict requirements.

First is the summoning contract, to successfully perform it one must have signed a contract with a summoned animal.

Second is the memorizing of the summoning seal as when you perform the Jutsu a clear imprint of the summoning seal in the mind is needed for the seal to portray it after the hand signs.

Third is either you have are stronger chakra than your summoned beast or you need their consent to summon them.

Fourth is that every kanji of the summoning seal must be fully imbued with chakra you can do it either by flooding the entire area under the seal with chakra or if you don't have enough chakra for that, then filling each individual kanji requires amazing levels of chakra control.

I failed at everything in the fourth requirement, the only reason I succeeded was a fluke and the clone of Katsuyu I summoned gave me something I had forgotten about.

The 'Hitaishin(Flying thunder god)' jutsu.

As soon as I got the scroll I realized it was important and after thanking Lady Katsuyu I quickly dropped everything and delved into my memories to remember my plans.

I closed my eyes and started focusing on the first meeting with Grandpa and after remembering everything I quickly made my way to him.

Ashina Uzumaki POV

As I was sitting in my room looking through various sealing techniques to solve the problems with Sen's body and chakra but even after all that going through almost everything there was nothing in there that could help with Sen's condition.

The condition of his body was unprecedented.

As Ashina was busy searching the records he heard a knock on the door and asked.

"Who is it?"

"It's me Grandpa."(Sen)

"Come in."

As I saw him enter the room I asked

"What is it? Are you done with your training?"

"No, Grandpa but I have something important to talk about."(Sen)

"About what?"

"About the plan we made together with godfather."(Sen)

"Why are you so hurried?"

"The seal might make me forget something important if I delay."(Sen)

"Go on."

As he was about to speak the door was knocked on, I motioned for him to go behind the screen in the room and after confirming he was hidden, I spoke

"Come in."

An Uzumaki clan ninja entered and bowed

"Greetings to the First Elder."(Uzumaki Ninja)

"What is it?"

"The Patriarch has called for an assembly and all the elders are to attend."(Uzumaki Ninja)


"The news of Senju Hashirama's confirmed death has spread to all villages and it appears as if a great conflict is about to break out as all the Five Great villages started gathering supplies a few months ago."(Uzumaki Ninja)

"You go first I will be right there."

"Yes."(Uzumaki Ninja)

After I made sure he left I turned to Sen who had stepped out and said

"Boy, you should prepare whatever you have to say, write it down if you are worried about forgetting we will talk after I come back."

"Yes Grandfather."(Sen)

"I am sealing the doors from outside, if you want to eat something go to the back room."

And I went outside and cast a seal and a barrier on the house.

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