
Sacred Swords

Roughly a century ago, the third world war began, this war lead to countless deaths and damages to the world. Countless nations fell and the bloodshed was enough to die the world's oceans red. However, the war ended with none of the countries victory because as the last days of the war came, a new enemy arrived on the battlefield. They killed indiscriminately not leaving anything in their wake. Days after their first appearance, five countries, four islands and an ocean had disappeared from the map, a week after that seven more nations, an archipelago and two oceans had also disappeared. Two weeks after their first appearance the map had lost it's meaning. Civilizations, cultures, legacies, histories all of it was destroyed at the blink of an eye. They then gathered together, in small hives and hardly came out again. Years after such terrible events, people had started to develop strange abilities, some could fly, some could disappear and some could read minds. A new power for the humans, a new hope of establishing home and life for each other. They once more built towns and homes for each other, slowly on what was left of the world, they once more created nations. However, they appeared yet again, but the humans who had developed special abilities fought against them and they were driven away. Now, after fifty years since their appearance, the world has found peace and humans have grown in numbers yet again. Those who carry the special power now stand at the forefront of the battle with them... the ones who had become known as the Shadows which threatened to destroy the new life the had built. The ones who have been given the task of fighting them have been named; Lights. The battle for the future of humanity... begins now!

Red_Earl · ไซไฟ
11 Chs


This man... he is, Sword No. 4, The Phantom Sword; Shin. I wonder why he would want to fight me? Well it doesn't matter, I'll just get this over with quickly. "I accept." I answered and the students around us gasped.

"Is he crazy?" some whispered.

"We'll be seeing a corpse..." another would say.

He smiled and took up his Arc, the Arc is the weapon manifested from the special ability of a person. His Arc was a katana from the Eastern Nation Alliance. I better be careful, he is known for being skilled with blades. I brought out my own Arc, it was a cylinder that was black and it is about seven inches long and an inch in diameter with both ends having a blue diamond.

"I look forward to a good match ~degozaru." He said as he bowed his head and so did I.

"Same." I said and bowed my head. I held the cylinder in my hands and activated it. "Etoiles; Sagittarius Form."

I held the cylinder and it grew in length and begun to curve, a silver bowstring forming and a blue diamond and the bow's center. He charged at me with his sword in hand, I dodge and pulled the bowstring and an arrow made of light formed and I released the bowstring firing the arrow. He dodge them with precision, and those he couldn't dodge he blocked with his sword. He charged at me once more and this time I barely had a chance to dodge it. A cut on left shoulder... there's a second blade? I see... he is sneaky, the blade he is holding isn't a real blade, that's why it's light, weak and easy to swing around, that means there's a second one, unseen and can only be felt once it touches you. His shining eyes prove that he is using his ability, in that case, I'll use that then.

"Etoiles; Capricorn Form." I said as the bow now changed into a pair of glasses. I held my knife in my hands and kept my eyes out and sure enough, there is a sword, five of them to be exact. The swords all look the same but they are deadly and they all hovered behind him.

"You are quite nimble aren't you ~degozaru?" He asked as I dodge his suddenly attack as well as the swords that followed after them. But, just as my knife was about to go in for an attack the bells rang. "Shadows ~degozaru? Newbies move to your stations ~degozaru!"

I was about to head to the school gym where the other students who are newbies are going when Shin grabbed my collar and pulled me with him. By the way, all students are made to wear the smae uniform, a white dress shirt with a blue sweater vest and black pants with zipper boots for males. Females wear white blouse with a black jacket and a skirt above the knee with knee-high socks and an inch high heeled shoes.

He was dragging me along, and as I protested he let go of my collar. "What's the big idea?!" I asked with a furious voice fixing my outfit.

"You'll help in fighting the Shadows ~degozaru." He said as he unsheathed his sword yet again. "You can see it can't you? My Phantom Blade ~degozaru."

"Yeah, if you're referring to those swords around you." I said as I followed him willingly to the beach area where the Shadows often make contact with land and we Lights destroy them. There is only one Shadow, it's in the water and it seems to be a giant squid-type. Those scars all over its body and that tentacle that looks like it was reattached proves that this Shadow is a Restore. When Shadows survive battles and manage to flee to nearby Hives and after time return to the battle field they are then referred to as Restores or Restore, they are dangerous seeing as they have battle experience. "Shin isn't it a Restore? We should be careful and join the students below."

"Indeed ~degozaru." He said and we went to a small tent where there were students and teachers that had gathered. A teacher then turned to Shin and asked who I was. "He is skilled ~degozaru, he could defeat the training Shadow in .3 seconds and keep up with me as well as notice my Phantom Blade ~degozaru."

"Then he shows some promise indeed." A woman with pink hair, scarlet eyes and whit skin says, her hair it was waist length and cut in a fringe on her forehead. Sword No. 2 Diva, Aria. "Come on, we'll tell you the plan."

Apparently the Shadow is indeed a Restore and so they are having difficulty fighting it. What's more it isn't just some any Restore, it was a Shadow that was among a few Shadows to have helped in the destruction of a nation and survive. This is indeed troubling, such Shadows often take a while to Retsore but since the Hive here is considered more active than others it was able to heal itself shorter than the expected Restorese time pf return. The good news is that they've made a plan. "We'll use the Helios Tactic." Aria said.

The Helios Tactic, a strategy which requires a minimum of twelve participants. By linking Arcs with each other, they create a Candella Aura, and when charged into a single Arc, the attack can destroy any Shadow no matter the class or type. There are currently ten Lights fighting, so the two of us will be participating in the Candella Aura. I agreed since I personally hate Shadows and we begun the final preparations then headed outside. The Candella Aura requires a special bullet to be used, a Helios bullet. The one who fired the bullet was Aria and I was apparently the one to deliver it to Shin who was waiting at the beach. They had begun passing the Aura from Light to Light, I had prepared myself, my Arc is in it's sword form, Caelum. The passer of the Aura was a shooter so he had to shoot it but it missed and went towards Shin and he caught it, but it's incomplete and he came back, away from the center as the other Lights attacked the Shadow. "You'll have to do the finish." Shin said as we met up with Aria.

"Okay." I answered as he let our blades meet and passed the Aura to me, the Aura was black when it was with him but when it joined with me it became a bright golden light. "I'll need an opening."

"We'll make it for you." Shin said with a smile and so I followed him. I watched as he chopped off the tentacle that came my way as I aimed for the head of the Shadow. "Go!"

I charged at the Shadow with all my might and buried my sword into it head, after that the golden light filled the Shadow and it disappeared in a black mist. After joining Shin and Aria we went to join the teachers and they were carrying box, what could be in it? Just then, the teachers showed us what they found when the black mist disappeared. "That's!" I exclaimed as I saw the necklace that was among the few things, it was only half of a heart but without a doubt it's one of a kind.

"Do you know what this is?" Aria asked. "Oh that's right, I still haven't gotten your name."

"It's Licht, and yes I know what this is." I siad taking out my necklace, I brought the two piece together and they clicked and fit together. "It's something that is given to twins back in my homeland, a special necklace that is one of a kind for each pair of twins."

"I see, then you can keep it." The teachers said and I was suprised. "It belongs to you and your twin after all, pairs should never be seperated."

"Thank you!" I said with a smile and put the necklace in my pocket. Just then, Aria pointed us to the sea and we saw a beautiful scene. We stood there, illuminated by the scarlet rays of the sun as it set on the horizon painting the sea ormage with it's light. Luca, I promise, I'll avenge our family and friends, so please watch over me, my dear brother.

Hello, I hope you'll enjoy reaidng the story I've written. I'm still new but please look forward to the next chapters.

Red_Earlcreators' thoughts